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Bad Deprssion

Community Member
Hi I'm new to this. I have clinical depression or so I think.I have had depression on and off for quite a few years, but nothing like I'm going through at the moment. I don't know whether this is a bad depression or am I going nuts. I haven't come across anyone who has had depression like this.
Is there anyone out there who might be suffering from the same.
35 Replies 35

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Nelson001,

Thank you for your post. I am really sorry to hear you are struggling so much right now. It sounds like you are in a pretty bad place. You are definitely not alone in what you are going through though.

When you have struggled in the past, was there anything that you remember that helped you? Have you considered seeing your GP or talking to someone you trust about what has been happening for you?

If and when you feel up to it, please do not hesitate to talk more. We are here to listen and support you. Take care.

Hi thanks for the reply. I have seen my JP but there is not much she can do , I'm on antidepressant pills but they are not working. I'm on what they call is a mental health plan, that comes with a mental health team, but all they could come up with was give up the grog, which I have. I have got to the point where I want to try shock treatment. I just want this horrible feeling gone.

Community Member

Hi Nelson001, welcome to the forums.

I'm sorry you're struggling a lot with bad depression. There's many types of depression. I would suggest seeing a GP and/or Psychiatrist (you'd need to see a GP anyway to get a referral for a Psychiatrist) to get a diagnosis, sometimes it helps getting an answer.

I have Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymia at the same time, so it could be something like that but I'm no medical professional of course. Just trying to say you're not alone, I'm in a very deep depression myself and I have been since I was 12, in 2011. I'm 21 now.

Take care, I'm always here if you'd like someone to chat to.

Hi b20lover thanks for the post. I'm lost at what to say. feeling like this is bullshit. I have a few problems that will come to a head within the next couple of months, so I'm hoping that once they are worked out this depression will go away. Big dream but I'm hoping. I live in Cairns and to get to see a drink is impossible. There isn't any. I am trying to finddo some Group therapy. I want to meet someone who has the same problem as me so I know it's depression that I have and that I'm not going insane

that should have read "shrink"not drink

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Nelson001,

You are definitely not alone in what you are experiencing. I'm really sorry that you haven't been able to find what you need yet. Do you know if your GP is able to refer you to group therapy or if she has any other suggestions? Is trying a different medication an option if you are not feeling the one you are currently on is making any difference? Are you open to talking to a counsellor or psychologist? Do you think this may be another option to investigate and try? Just some things to think about.

Take care.

Hi sunnyl20, I was to change medication but I had to taper off the pills that I'm on. I tried to do that but the problem with that was I went through severe depression doing it. I tried but it became too much. I want to try ECT (shock treatment), but it's finding a shrink to OK it. I'm on a mental health plan, which comes with a mental health team, who have told me before I can get anything done I have to give up all alcohol and drug which I have done. The way my head is doing the smallest of tasks becomes a big negative deal. Everything becomes hard. If only this feeling would become less server it wouldn't be so bad. This horrible feeling stays 24/7. It's there when I go to sleep and it's there when I wake up. But it's good talking to someone. much appreciated mate

Hi nelson001 not officially diagnosed with anything yet but my psychologist has told me that I have clinical depression as well as social anxiety & general anxiety as well.

Community Member

Hi Nelson 001. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I have got major depression and can say I know how you feel about wondering about going crazy.
I am feeling low at the moment but about five years ago I had a major depressive ‘episode’ I suppose you might call it. My psychiatrist asked if I wanted to go to hospital and I immediately agreed (pure relief). I was then pretty much immediately put on ECT treatments.
I am just curious have you been on many antidepressants so far or are you concerned that you need help immediately?
I am not against ECT as it certainly helped me when I needed it the most but I do also want to warn you that my treatments had a lasting effect on my life. Unfortunately they took a lot of my memory away and they have changed me as a person. I no longer have loving memories with my family to look back on and I feel like that not only has changed me as a person but also has had an impact because I can’t remember all the love and great times I had over the years with my family.
Basically just wanted to let you know to be a bit careful.
Take care, Juliet.