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Bad Deprssion

Community Member
Hi I'm new to this. I have clinical depression or so I think.I have had depression on and off for quite a few years, but nothing like I'm going through at the moment. I don't know whether this is a bad depression or am I going nuts. I haven't come across anyone who has had depression like this.
Is there anyone out there who might be suffering from the same.
35 Replies 35

Community Member
Hi Juliet, Thanks for the post. WOW telling me all that is a blowout. I'm not too sure now. But it is all I have left. The feeling I'm going through is becoming too much. What do I do? It would be nice if a pill was to fix the head but I have to get off the pills I'm on to do that. but I tried that and it became too much. I tried CBT with a psychologist but it didn't seem to work My big worry (the reason I recon I became depressed) is to come to a head within the next couple of months and when that is all finished with I'm hoping that it will help heal my head a bit. If the anxiety were to be less severe than it is it would help. So at the end of the day, I'm not going mad it's just the anxiety. But it is still doing a lot of damage.. It is already having an effect on my memory

Hey Nelson, I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. I've been struggling a lot myself. I know how you feel, I can't even see a Psychologist and they all let me down anyway. I tell my GP and Psychiatrist this everytime and they don't get it and understand how I feel, and it's like they think I'm making it up but I'm not (bad experiences with Psychologists I mean). They think it's so easy to find one, it isn't. I've tried so many places.

I wish I could do some sort of group therapy myself but there is none where I live and I don't feel comfortable using Zoom

Sorry I forgot to type in my comment above that I hope you can find something that works for you and you feel comfortable with, best of luck. I'm here for you, we all are Nelson

hi Nelson,

I would echo what Juliet has said re ECT and would really weigh up pros/cons. I also have depression and anxiety for some years now. I have never been on meds let alone ECT - so do not have my own experience of it like Juliet. But I have been in hospitals and spoken with others - patients and staff and they all say what Juliet has said and that they regret it as it has changed them/memories etc etc. It sounds quite scary and I would never touch it. And believe me I suffer severe depression - in bed most days and on lifelines - but still I would never go there. It is your choice - but I would talk to a few professionals, do some research, including into other things such as meds - different classes of meds etc. And go from there. All the best.

Thanks for the reply guys. much appreciated. Hearing that someone else feels the same way as me, believe it or not makes me feel a little bit better. It lets me know that it's all part of the depression.

ECT sounds pretty scary. If it's that bad maybe I'll have to look at something else. The only other option I have is tapering off the pills that I'm on but you have to go through bad depression as you go. They want me to come down in mg and then start on another medication, but you come down at 10% a month. I started to taper off but the depression became too much.

Life can be a bitch sometimes. All my thoughts are so negative, and anything I have to do becomes a big project I don't know what to do. I just wish this feeling would leave me alone. Talking to people like you guys helps a lot. You don't feel so lonely. Thanks

Hi again golden82. Why don't you try so meds, when they work they work well and make you feel normal.

Cheers Nelson

Hi all, Is there anyone else that have had ECT at all that you could tell of their experience.

Hi Nelson, I haven't had ECT. I haven't even had CBT or any therapy like that, only meds. But I know ECT stands for Electroconvulsive Therapy

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Nelson001,

As well as following the responses here, you may also find it helpful to look through these threads to hear about others' experiences with ECT:






I hope that you find reading these helpful. Take care.

Hi, thanks for that info sunnyl20. They are very helpful. I think I will still go ahead with the ECT, my head is worth nothing the way it is at the moment. The big question is ECT bulk billed.