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yoga saved my life

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I have been suffering depression for several years and was taking medication for 7 years stopped taking it about 18 months ago now , it helped initially but I think it made me worse in the long run , I then worked up the courage to see a therapist and talked over my worries and self esteem issues which  was so hard as a man because we dont talk about our problems , but it really helped me a lot and it was my therapist who suggestedI try yoga . And it changed everything for me I loved it immediately and have been going for about a year now , it is very calming as a big part of each class are breathing exersises and meditation , its not all tying yourself in knots , I highly recommend it , as it has changed the way I think about things and has helped my anxiety  the most.if any one is looking for an alternative to medication this is a good place to start.I am not saying to ditch your medication  that is something you should talk to your doctor about and get their advice also , but it has worked wonders for me and I hope it can help others too .


25 Replies 25

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi CMF, i find it hard to practice at home,as it is too easy to put it off till later for me doing it in aclass is better for the calm mind as you do pick up on all the positive energy in the room ,

Best wishes Ross.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks for the pointers Ross.

Well i have been putting it off as i have not started yet. I did do some beginning of the year from you tube but not sure i was doing it right. I agree a class is a good way plus gives the opportunity to meet like minded people.

Hope you're having a good weekend.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi ro63

I have been doing yoga for over 12 months now and it is part of how I manage my anxiety. I am not great at it but for me it is all about the breathing and sense of calm that I get from the class. It feels like a lot of people are in the same room for the same reasons.

Blue Jane

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Blue jane, I too do it more for the mental side,although it is wonderful for flexability too,I try and do at least 3 classes a week ,where i go its quite traditional and we have a 15-20 meditation in every class which is sometimes the best bit and I find that makes the most difference to keeping my anxt under control and when i miss even a week I really feel the diference so for me at least, I need to keep it up regularly which is usually pretty easy because as Cmf (Hi) metioned it is full of like minded people ,to me yoga is like medicine with free excersise.I like one yoga quote " you should sit in meditatation for 20 minutes a day, unless your too busy then you should sit for an hour" Too true,enjoy Ross.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi All,

As I live in the bush, I am not even sure where my nearest yoga class would be. I have thought it would be great to join a group.

I do have a Yoga DVD somewhere. The problem I had with that was trying to follow the positions while supposedly looking down and not being able to see the T.V. screen.

Glancing up to see the screen would sometimes have me toppling over! Ha. Ha. Maybe I copuld try running a You Tube clip on my lap top and have it on the floor next to me.

A class would be wonderful!

Cheers all from Mrs. D

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

'The problem I had with that was trying to follow the positions while supposedly looking down and not being able to see the T.V. screen.' This is my problem to but then again going to a class was the same, trying to watch the teacher etc.

I bought a yoga book with a cd in kmart today for $5. I'm going to give it a try at home and familiarise myself with the positions, then maybe join a class. I get confused with when to breathe in/out.
