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yoga saved my life

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I have been suffering depression for several years and was taking medication for 7 years stopped taking it about 18 months ago now , it helped initially but I think it made me worse in the long run , I then worked up the courage to see a therapist and talked over my worries and self esteem issues which  was so hard as a man because we dont talk about our problems , but it really helped me a lot and it was my therapist who suggestedI try yoga . And it changed everything for me I loved it immediately and have been going for about a year now , it is very calming as a big part of each class are breathing exersises and meditation , its not all tying yourself in knots , I highly recommend it , as it has changed the way I think about things and has helped my anxiety  the most.if any one is looking for an alternative to medication this is a good place to start.I am not saying to ditch your medication  that is something you should talk to your doctor about and get their advice also , but it has worked wonders for me and I hope it can help others too .


25 Replies 25

Community Member

Hi ro63

I'm also male suffering with anxiety and depression and thinking seriously of speaking to a psychologist. Like you I think it would be hard initially to talk to a total stranger but I would like to think that speaking to one would be more helpful than not. Can you share more about your experience with this?

I have also considered yoga for the breathing benefits but as I'm use to more active sports I don't know how I'd go.

Thanks for sharing

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


I was admitted into a mental health facility in April and again in July.  As part of their daily program/sessions yoga was included.  I thought I would give it a go and I was really surprised at how relaxing and soothing it was for my mind, body and spirit. I now attend as an outpatient and go weekly to yoga and I so forward to Tuesdays.  I can't wait for Tuesday morning so I can do yoga. And I must do more at home as well to continue to get the benefit.

I'm not in a good head space at the moment, feeling depressed even more so lately, and I thought maybe it's because I've missed out on yoga for 2 weeks.  So I will hopefully go back on Tuesday and try to get back in the right frame of mind.

I believe yoga is really beneficial for your body, mind and spirit. Definitely worth giving it a go.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi there, In reply to talking to a therepist , i would highly recomend it as a first step,for me  me, it was very hard to start talking,but the therapists are very good at what they do ,and that is they are very understanding and know how hard it is to as a male in particular, to  start talking .for me it was like a ton of weight was lifted ,and felt instant relief , the sessions afterafter  that as time went on were harder ,because they really get to the root of the depression /anxiety which can be uncomfortable ,but really nessessery ,and once i found out the root causes it was the best thing in the world for me to come to terms with it.

i started yoga on her suggestion and have not looked back i highly recomend this also as it is easier than you think and also a very nurturing enviroment of calm and like minded people ,yoga is like medicine for the mind with exersise thrown in for free,let me know how you get on,all the very best ro63. 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi jo , hope all is well with you ,glad you started yoga ,it really helps ,for me i go 5 times a week ,and have reaped so many benefits from it  most people think yoga is all about the exersise , but in fact yoga is all about calming the mind and emotions  ,good on you for going and enjoying it ,i wish you all the very best and hope you can turn into a fellow yogi,keep up the good work ,you rock, regards ro63.


Community Member

Hi ro63

I started yoga earlier this year and consider it to be a way of treating myself. It is absolutely relaxing. I attend as part of my gym membership which means that it doesn't cost me any extra. I also love,to have a massage but they can cost quite a bit.

Thanks for sharing what works for you.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi kezza, glad it is working for you too keep up the great work,regards ro63.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone, bumping this thread as today is the International Day Of Yoga. Would anyone else like to share their experiences? Or perhaps just marvel at the flexibility of our little friend below?



How cute is that puppy dog!

This is super good timing because I just signed up for a free 30 day yoga class. I've heard great things about yoga but when I bend down I make snap crackle pop noises! So I'm hoping this will be a great way to ease into it - and hopefully writing this down will keep me accountable so I can get my butt into gear.

Also for anyone interested - I can't post the website but if you google Yoga Australia 30 day free course it pops up.

Happy World Yoga Day!

As a dedicated yogi/newly qualified teacher, I can not encourage people enough to explore the practice of yoga. A tradition of some 5000 years old, connecting mind, body & spirit, Yoga has major health benefits which I think the western world are really only starting to discover.

For me, Yoga personally has got me through some of my toughest moments of supporting and understanding a loved one with mental illness. It has taught me kindness, compassion, acceptance & above all, to be less judgemental of both myself and towards others.

Namaste xx 🙏🏻