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yoga saved my life

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I have been suffering depression for several years and was taking medication for 7 years stopped taking it about 18 months ago now , it helped initially but I think it made me worse in the long run , I then worked up the courage to see a therapist and talked over my worries and self esteem issues which  was so hard as a man because we dont talk about our problems , but it really helped me a lot and it was my therapist who suggestedI try yoga . And it changed everything for me I loved it immediately and have been going for about a year now , it is very calming as a big part of each class are breathing exersises and meditation , its not all tying yourself in knots , I highly recommend it , as it has changed the way I think about things and has helped my anxiety  the most.if any one is looking for an alternative to medication this is a good place to start.I am not saying to ditch your medication  that is something you should talk to your doctor about and get their advice also , but it has worked wonders for me and I hope it can help others too .


25 Replies 25

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I practice yoga at least 3-4 days a week. If my day is difficult, I turn to yoga for even 10 minutes to reset my mind. It centres and balances my life and gives me clarity. It truly changed my life mentally, physically and emotionally.

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the reminder about Yoga! I used to do some Yoga as part of an exercise group, left that region and never really looked for another place to practise it.

I do have a CD and booklet somewhere though! I will look for it and try to make the time to practise it.

For many years I had great difficulty in accepting yoga as a form of exercise and for mental relaxation due to Christian beliefs and being told it was anti Christian due to the Asian background of yoga. The minister at one stage even had a sermon on yoga being unacceptable for Christians.

Has anyone else been told these beliefs and if so how to you go about deciding wether yoga is for you or not?

I have also practised some Pilates exercises. A lot of those are very similar to yoga. I do find many benefits in yoga and in Pilates.

For those of you who are not Christians you may be wondering what on earth the fuss is about. I suppose you can relate it to a true vegetarian being offered chicken in their salad.

I'm going to go and try to find that CD!

Cheers all from Mrs. Dools

Community Member

Adorable yoga pup! Love it.

I recommend yoga too. It's a handy tool my MH toolbox.

Pet. 😊

Community Member

I wrote this at the beginning of last year, after my father died. With three kids and a busy life, I used yoga to make a space for an intentional grieving practice.

Yoga for grief

Take this new heaviness and use it
to anchor yourself.

Stretch yourself into a new shape.
Expand your awareness,
open up the chest,
lengthen and soften.

The sun you flowed up to greet casts the tree's shadow.
The warrior says, Now is the time for being.

In child's pose you can hide from everything
but the child-self.
She is huge, she is the whole world. She is the inner world.
She is small and we are small, gripping to the earth.

In corpse pose, you feel him with you,
and you are not afraid.

Community Member
That's lovely. Thank you. 😊

Community Member

Have battl d severe depression and anxiety for the majority of my life. Numerous hospital admissions and prescribed Antidepressants and ECT treatments. Visited my psychiatrist yesterday and thinking I would have additional meds instead advised to use my PRN meds as a last resort and use other coping mechanisms ie deep breathing and also advised yoga would be a great help. Something that I plan to follow up and pursue.

Community Member

Hello Mrs Dools

I think you are right. Some years ago now, on looking for a change in class venue, my yoga teacher's request to rent at one hall was refused due to a clash in beliefs. I never felt my beliefs were being compromised at any time during class. Even when I moved house and changed yoga teachers. I like yoga for the benefits it brings both physically and mentally. I do yoga exercise at home now, and have been for some years. If you are keen to have a go, please do, it's a nice treat to give yourself. Even if you only have a spare ten minutes. Your beliefs will remain in tact as have mine. In fact, may just bring you a little more closer to them. Clarity!

Pet. 😊

Community Member

Good on you. I think you'll find it helpful. Another tool for you to use. It certainly helps me.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I have been feeling very down the last couple of weeks and have let my exersize slip and really felt the difference so I forced myself to go to yoga this morning and It was like a tonic ,well that and venting on the forums so climbing back out of the hole now and feeling a lot more bouyant now ,highly reccomend it .Omm.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks for the tip ro63.

I haven't tried yoga properly but would like to. Been meaning to find a dvd to practise it at home.
