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When it's not healthy to compare the pair!

Community Member

I believe I cope reasonably well with my anxiety. I have compiled a fabulous mental health tool box over time, full of all sorts of stuff to help me keep balanced and pull it out on any sign of the wobbles. There is one thing that sneaks up on me though, and quickly, and unexpectedly, which can bring me down with a thud .... comparing. I don't spend too much time via media celebrity watching for this reason, have never been big on it, wasn't close enough to home to warrant my attention but a snippet of it, or just seeing others sometimes is a trigger. Once on the 'comparing' track I start with the self loathing eg I'm not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough.... and worse....my husband can do better than me! I know.... (head lowered here).... how much he truly loves me, and would be horrified if I shared this thought with him. Sorry....that's why I'm sharing it with you! This intrusive thinking is downright annoying and unhealthy. This is one bump in my otherwise smooth journey at the moment. I'm seeing a psych soon and this will be one of my opening lines....but just wondering if anyone else has thoughts on 'comparing oneself to others'?

Pet 😊

102 Replies 102

Community Member

Hi there Pet, thanks for checking in. Its been a few days since I saw you around, so I was a little concerned. But you had warned us that you probably wouldnt log on the other day anyway.

That is unfortunate about your psych cancelling todays appointment. Especially when you go through the process of 'psyching' yourself up over the preceding days only to be told that its all off. Have you managed to reschedule?

I understand your desire to lay low for a bit, but dont isolate yourself too much now will you?

I see you have changed your profile pic again, with the new one being every bit as cute as your previous one.

Hope your appointment with a new GP goes well tomorrow, and I will be interested to hear your thoughts after.

Love to you Pet.

Sherie xx

Hello Petra

How are you going? No chat for a few days from either of us. Have we run out of words? Never!

When is your next appointment with the psych? Hope it's soon. Wouldn't want you to get cold feet. I started to write this post and then had to run out and get my washing in because it started to rain. Damn cheek. Saved the day and even put the washing away. I must be a reformed character.

One of my granddaughters phoned me Thursday to invite me to dinner tonight (Saturday). Miss Six was very earnest about her invitation but I think she expected me to know why I was being invited. It is dad's birthday and apparently we are going to the local Chinese, her choice. I asked who else was going and discovered it was mom and dad plus me and ex and Miss Six. Not impressed about spending the evening with the ex, but this happens every time there is a family party so I ought to be used to it.

I will perform my gracious act and smile a lot. Ah well, we can't have everything in life it seems. Apparently it is book week at school next week and Miss Six needs a costume to wear to school. Alice in Wonderland is her choice I gather. Daughter #1 asked if I could make the costume by then. Not a chance. Phoned daughter #2 about something else and said her niece needed a costume. That's OK, she has one her daughter used. So I went to collect it yesterday after being poked and prodded by the physio, keeping an appointment with the oncologist and doing a couple of hours at my volunteer job. Now I feel virtuous and hope the feeling will last until the end of the night.

Not a good start to the day. All the previous weekend's stuff came back to haunt me. I think I need to work on a memory wiping machine. If I can't remember the crap it won't upset me. I'm not good at looking at things like this without the urge to run away. For me it's the better part of valour.

Now I am listening to Bryan Adams - Waking up the Neighbours. Lots of noisy music which I find helps but has sent my grandson out for a walk. What's wrong with this modern generation? I play classics and he turns up his nose. ABBA doesn't ring his bell and I have no idea how he feels about John Denver. Good job it's my house otherwise I might be forbidden to play my music.


Hey there Pet. Thinking of you. Hope you're getting the down time you need, and that your little menagerie is making you smile, and topping up your bank of stories. 🙂


Community Member

Hi Pet. I know you were planning to lay low for a while. That was 3 days ago, and I dont think I've seen you around since then. So I thought I'd drop in quickly to say hi.

I hope that your appointment with the new GP went well on Friday. Also you didnt say if your postponed psych appointment was rescheduled or not. Perhaps that is coming up this week?

Anyway I have been thinking of you, and hoping all is well.

Kindest regards.

Sherie xx

(*poke*) Hey Pet. It's been a while. Hope you're doing okay. Haven't forgotten about you, and your beautiful little duck.


Hi Pet,

I just wanted to check in and see how you are. I am not sure if you are around but here I am anyway, thinking of you.

Last I heard you were off to see a new GP and continuing with your Psych. Did the new GP work out ok.

You were also feeling a bit flat and needed some time out. Just so you know, we can also help fill your bucket up if you just want to post here. There's no pressure for you to be there for everyone else. We can just look after you if needed. Just so you know.

Thinking of you,

Give little ducky a cuddle for me.

Carol xx

Community Member
Hi sweets, I did a runner didn’t I but please never worry about me. I’m all good. My aches and pains are minimal. My thinking is good. I’m in a good place. I feel guilty in a way that I do so. I send my love to you all. It’s THAT time of year do I hope you are all cruising through. Pet. xxxx

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Pet

Really nice to see you back on the forums...no matter how often you choose to post!

My kindest as always

Paul x

Community Member
Ta. It’s nice to visit and see you all (so to speak). Hope all is good for you and yours. xx

Community Member
Hi Sherie, are you still around. I powered down for a bit. I appreciate your kind words and love. All is well. I hope the same for you and yours. 💕 Pet.