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Three things to be thankful for today

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Some days it is really hard to find anything to be thankful for when we feel overcome by the darkness and fog of depression. If I look hard enough, I can find something to be thankful for.

I would like to encourage others to write down three things they are thankful for, and to realise there is a sense of hope available to us all. Sometimes it is just a little hard to find!

So my three things for today are:

1: The lovely singing of birds in the morning as they welcome in the new day

2: The ability to read and write

3: A lovely hot shower.

Wishing all the "family" in BB Land a day full of noticing the nice things in life. Kind regards to you all, from Dools.

4,903 Replies 4,903

Hello All. Thank you so much. Am grateful/thankful to Everyone on the beyond blue forums who has made me feel so welcomed by their encouragement, supportive with their ongoing caring kind gentle words whilst going through a complex of MH issues. Going through a rough time at present. It's really nice to know.Take care with kind regards

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

A huge warm welcome to all the NEW MEMBERS to this thread!

It's always lovely to read everyone's thankfulness here awww. 💖💖💖💖


~ my healing, it's a wondrous adventure!

~ the healing & incredible productivity of my children! I'm in AWE of them all.

~ a beautiful NEW DAY!

Can't wait to see what unfolds.

Love EM

Community Member

Hello. I was thankful for yesterday'.

Hot soup

Kind acquaintances

Warm bed

Good afternoon and Hello Everyone. Today I'm thankful for:- 1. A nice phone call from a friend.

2. Nice hot drinks.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

today i'm grateful for :

a parking spot when i needed one

nearby supermarket to buy things easily without having to go to far

feeling a little bit better and hopeful yesterday, proof that something good is happening in my recovery

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

3 things I'm thankful for today:

~ tissues and loo paper, no rationing!

~ YouTube... loving it lately!

~ yummy dinner with the kids.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Today I am thankful for:

- my two dogs

- sunsets

- my understanding and caring boss

Today I am thankful for,

The cooler mornings and sunny days

feeling relaxed at work

the unexpected beauty you see in life.

Today's self-care:

1) I had a cup of tea which was nice and relaxing

2) I will play my video game this afternoon!

3) I am doing a hair-mask as an act of self-care!

Oops! I posted my self-care post here by accident!

I usually post on this thread and the self-care thread together because they really make me feel better!

Today I am thankful for:

1) I was able to study!

2) For today's beautiful sunny and warm weather

3) For my wonderful family and partner