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Meditation, Manifesting, Gratitude & The Law of Attraction

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone,

Not sure where to start so hope I can express myself clearly and maybe with others' input we can expand on this. I'm interested in people's thoughts/ experience with meditation, manifesting, gratitude & the law of attraction. I've recently started using the Smiling Mind app to meditate when going to sleep and sometimes when feeling a little anxious, like tonight. It is something i thought i could never do as my mind rarely stops, however, with persistence, I find I enjoy it. I guess i tend to have a negative mindset which I am determined to change.I always felt uneasy about thinking positive things as i thought i would jinx myself, and that whenever I made a positive comment or felt happy it would go wrong or something negative would happen. So i refrained from allowing myself to be too happy, I guess to 'protect' myself. Recently i have been feeling happier, stronger, expressing gratitude and taking note of when things have come to me when i needed them. Coincidence, or answers to what i put out to the Universe? I like to think the latter. A work colleague one day told me to manifest something i wanted, put it out to the universe , so I'm trying. Example, recently we needed to measure the floor space at reception so we could calculate how many people we could have in at one time. I needed a tape measure, which i did not have. At that moment our handyman walked into the office. Guess what he had? I am getting into the habit of practising positive thinking instead of thinking/expecting negatives. If something 'negative' does crop up, it can be dealt with, it's not the end of the world. I look for the positive in every negative situation. I am becoming more aware of being grateful for little things, things like getting a good car park at work, a warn cosy bed, a tidy house. I feel when i am expressing gratitude I am putting positive thoughts out into the universe and I notice more positives instead of focusing on negatives. Late last week we had internet issues at work and a colleague i found a little annoying. I've been feeling very drained, agitated, negative for a few days. This morning things were not running smoothly for me. A result of my negative mind perhaps? Little things became a big deal, my morning was crap. If i look back, it wasn't really an issue, i just did things in a different order which gave me more relax time this evening. The Law of Attraction, positive thoughts, positive experiences.

What are your thoughts?

cmf x

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I think the metaphor of the roller coaster life is so useful for me too TR. I think of it as riding the waves of intense emotion, and having a mindset of being with each moment of the wave rather than screwing up every muscle in my body until the depth or peak has passed. I want to learn to love the ride, and your idea of honouring the gifts of the depths and peaks really helpful.


I'm in a bit of trough with a sinister rip at the moment. Feeling low and in need of release and at the same time apprehensive about how I can look like I'm actually a pro-surfer for others in my life. I think they need me to be a wave ace, otherwise we'll all fall apart. (How ridiculous this sounds!) So, my task today is accept I'm in a bit of a wrenching roil of a wave and get curious about what it is offering me toward self-understanding.


And I would love to join you all by that extraordinary lake which possibly lies at the edge of Rumi's field beyond judgements of right and wrong. A place where souls can meet.

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Valued Contributor

Hi Annas1


It's hard when no 2 waves are the same. I've discovered that some just appear so. It can be like 'Oh, no, not this wave/challenge again, where my husband/brother/sister/daughter/son/driver on the road/work colleague etc trigger me the same way they have always done'. What makes it different are the waves/challenges that came before it. While they can be exhausting, the challenge that appears the same is tackled (for the first time) through pure exhaustion and that's what can make it different or more difficult. Or else new emotions can be in play when that supposedly same old challenge comes along, so it's amongst a lot of new and mixed emotions, which makes it harder. And you can feel the hardship of that wave that appears the same. We must always give our self credit for that which has never been tackled before, in its new form.


Pull up a chair by the lake, soak in the sun, enjoy the company and in the quite moments we share together consider Rumi's words of wisdom, 'The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear'. In the silence, perhaps the message that comes is 'As you you wave at the ocean of wisdom and ask it for a lesson that will promote your growth, it waves back. With each wave, it ever so gradually evolves you into a master of life (a pro surfer)'.

Community Member

I need to reflect and digest this TR. I think you are describing something important for me to grasp. Thank-you, I will return.

Community Member



You've encouraged me to reflect on the understanding that each experience/feeling is new to the moment we are living. This means there is often resonance with our past but we are not reliving the past but living in a more complex mix of feelings that have a history. So, giving myself some kindness and room to move in this present moment is wise.


My current feeling cluster/experience is a mix of new sadness welling up after a period of high stress and new social expectations/pressures arriving stirring the anxiety pot. I also have an old, well-baked on sense of shame and overwhelm in being unable to accesss/express/process my sad and assertive feelings. I've come to understand that the belief I have internalised is that I cannot have my feelings and have relationships. And thus I'm feeling physically exhausted as a result. 


I'm trying to be kind and light with myself as I wend my way through each new day and maintain interpersonal boundaries, recognise my well of sadness, and give myself opportunities for releasing some of this deep feeling. I must be patient and loving with myself.


Full of feeling, that's me.

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Valued Contributor

Hi Annas1


It can be so hard to sit with certain emotions. I wonder whether this has to do with us typically being taught that the tougher emotions indicate we're broken or faulty in some way. So, besides suffering through the pain we're experiencing, there's the idea that we're 'broken'.


Took me decades to finally realise that if I rely on my feelings they can tell me a lot. They can tell me the truth in a lot of cases. Depression tells me there's something depressing going on and that's the truth. Social anxiety tells me there are fears I need to face and social skills I need to develop, which include emotional management strategies. Frustration tells me I can be dealing with something or someone frustrating. Rage tells me there's something enraging going on. If I'm feeling sufferance through my belief systems, that tells me I'm working through the wrong belief systems. I don't think we're designed to suffer through good ones, that's for sure. The sufferance tells me my belief systems may have to change. All sounds simple but this kind of stuff can be an absolute mongrel to work through. An enormous amount of hard work in some cases.


I have to say that this 'feeling your way through life' thing can offer a few surprising wake up calls. While I acknowledge the chemistry side of how we tick, I much prefer a natural take on things some of the time (unless there's a depressing iron or B12 deficiency in play that needs identifying, for example). The chemistry side of things can be handy at times. I can remember some time back thinking 'Why am I so depressed? Why do I feel so sad?'. I was facing a mentally and physically exhausting time in my life with a lot going on. Took me ages to finally work out that I'm someone who grieves over a lack of energy. I absolutely love plenty of energy, I thrive on it. It excites me and brings me an incredible sense of joy. So, when I lack it, I grieve over the lack or the loss. If plenty of energy is the feeling of life running through you, the feeling of a lack of life running through us can become deeply depressing at times, especially the longer it goes on for. 'How do I get my life force back?' becomes the question. Unfortunately, doesn't always comes with an easy answer. Energy, life force, chi, prana or chemistry...whatever we want to call it, there's no denying you can feel when it's not there in abundance.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Something weird happened today. Tonight I am having a card reading. I am struggling to fully move on after ending things for good with him. I'm hoping the reading will bring me clarity.  Anyway today at work I picked up a task & the client was my exes friend. The friend that reconnected us. I'm interested to see what my reading reveals. 

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All the best with the reading. I hope it helps light the way ahead so that things are much clearer to see 🙂❤️

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi therising, 

Reading was good. I do still wonder if it picks up the real him though as I often feel I don't know who he really is. 

It was good though 🙏

It's awesome to hear about your journey into meditation, manifesting, gratitude, and the law of attraction—it's a transformative path for sure. I've been exploring these concepts too, and it's amazing how they can reshape our outlook on life.


I totally get what you mean about meditation. It can be tough at first, especially with a busy mind, but I've found that consistency pays off. Using the Smiling Mind app sounds like a great approach, especially before sleep or during anxious moments. It's wonderful that you're starting to enjoy those quiet moments.


As for the law of attraction and manifesting, I've had similar experiences where I've doubted positive thinking, fearing it might attract the opposite. But lately, I've been more open to it and noticing small synchronicities that make me believe in the power of putting positive energy out there. It's like when you needed a tape measure and the handyman showed up—those moments feel like the universe is responding to your intentions.


Gratitude has been a game-changer for me too. I've started appreciating the little things more, like a good parking spot or a cozy evening at home. It's incredible how focusing on gratitude can shift your perspective and attract more positivity into your life.


Now, about the number 222—it's interesting you brought that up. Some believe it signifies balance and harmony, reminding us to keep faith and trust in the universe. I haven't noticed specific numbers, but I have experienced moments where it feels like the universe is sending subtle messages or nudges in the right direction.


Combining mediation, law of attraction and 222 angel number started after seeing 2:22 on my watch and reading an article


Overall, your journey resonates with me, especially how you're navigating challenges with a positive mindset and finding silver linings even in tough situations. It's inspiring to see your growth and determination to change your mindset.

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Valued Contributor

Glad the reading went well.


Perhaps the reading picked up certain facets of him but didn't necessarily cover every facet. When I think about a reading I had a few years back, the reader spoke about my husband, describing him as being a grounding element in my life based on him having a down to earth nature. Of course, it's important to have grounding elements in our life. Over time, I came to recognise that not only was my husband a grounding person but he also holds certain facets that take me below ground. Part of his nature can be depressing, which is why I've struggled at times in my marriage. I can feel the depressing elements of my marriage.


With people being multifaceted in nature, it can be hard to pinpoint their overall nature. Also, while they may reveal certain parts of themself to certain people, some parts they may never reveal to us.