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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hey Paw Prints

It is nice to know there are other intelligent people who, like me, do not fully understand the complexities of FB...whereas some can navigate their way around without a care in the world.

It was a bit unsettling to discover that FB sometimes "assumes" things about me and what I want to do....(a robot?? "assuming" things about me? ) Yes it does! Once it "assumed" I wanted to tag someone in a photo...so that person got it as well.

No, I didn't particularly want to send the photo to them (a nice girl , but not close friend)......I asked her about it and she said casually (she's a teenager by the way)....that because she was in the background of the photo...FB "assumed" I wanted her to see a copy of it....."Oh Yes Facebook probably recognised me in the photo ...it often assumes things about us, didn't you know?" she said..... .scary stuff!


To answer your question

What is the difference between posting something on "My Timeline."..."Add To My Story" and add to my "News Feed" ???

I understand newsfeed is temporary but timeline is forever. So if you say hide from timeline it just goes on newsfeed and is not forever.

Posts that you've published to the News Feed while hiding from your own Timeline still show up in search. They get listed along with the rest of your Facebook activity on the Your Posts page that is visible only to you.

Does that make any sense?


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all

Thx for the clarification Quirky as i too didn't really know. I don't post much on FB anymore.

Cmf x

Hi Quirky....re Add to My Story....if I want as many friends as possible to see it, should I post it on there, or on my timeline....last time I put on Add to my Story quite a few friends responded on there......but when I only place it straight on my timeline, only a few seem to even see it!....and when I put in on Add to My Story...does it automatically go onto my timeline also?

Sorry to bother you folks...but there is so much to still learn and know about technology...it is moving so fast..they keep shifting the goalpost in many areas....

(hope you are feeling better CMF...you seem to have a lot on your plate just now...hang in there!!)

Hi everyone! New members are always welcome to post their thoughts too 🙂

This thread has been inactive after I took a few months off mid last year...and thankyou Moon.. Quirky..Tim....PawPrints and CMF for your help and support!

I wrote this thread back in 2017. Has anyone been using Facebook to talk to family..friends or loved ones during the bushfires we are experiencing?

my kindest


Hi blondguy,

I am a member ( been on for 1 week)

I was wondering if you had the time to help me get the most out of using the forum and also how to add my own posts.

Hope you are able to help


Hello Blufftuff and thankyou for posting!

The forums can take some time to navigate, Under 'All Posts' you can choose the section where you feel comfortable posting....Anxiety....Depression or the many other sections available to you

It took me a while to find my way around when I joined 4 years ago! I have provided a copy & paste link below


Once you have this page on line you can choose which subject you wish to create a thread!

Great to have you as part of the forum family 🙂



I find lately that facebook has helped me as a way of expressing my thoughts and emotions while reaching a large number of people I know.

People have contacted me after decades on Facebook.

It this difficult time Facebook has helped me.


Hi Quirky and everyone!

Hey Quirky.....I 'kick started' this old thread in a positive way asking people about their experiences with FB after the wildfires we have been through

Its very helpful to know that you have found FB as a valuable tool to keep in touch with the people you know especially in these difficult times

Nice1 and thankyou Quirky!

my kindest always


Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi All,

I find FB a mostly positive experience for me I have been on it for about 6 years now. My "fb friends" are limited to family members I am close to, people I have been friends with for over 30 years & a few friends I have made through fb. I have joined some fb groups which are for topics I am interested in & they have all proven to be supportive friendly groups of people. I also follow pages for charities/support organisations I support.

My "friends" mostly post their family news, good & not so good, silly memes & posts about things they think will interest others. None of them try & curate a "perfect life", in fact they are more likely to post about their "oops" moments. I have moved away from them all so find it a lovely way to see things going on in their lives. I do still catch up on the phone & a few times a year in person.

I deliberately keep my "friends" list down to people I know well & trust, I have also been willing to unfriend/unfollow any person/group that I found not to be good for me. I think this has helped me keep my experience a positive one.
