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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi this is an interesting post.I found with Facebook to be great with reconnecting with family and old school friends.It is great to see their post and be part of their lives.One thing is i find i have nothing to chat about when you talk to them in person as they know everything about everyone as they saw it on facebook.

Now a negative thing is the groups i am in for my sporting teams and tv shows can be really full of hate and it seems to be getting worst and you are made to feel like their is something wrong with you for liking a episode of a show or a sporting person.I rarely venture into these groups now as i found them to depressing.I am in one group for a tv show that was started up because of all this hate and is for people who actually like the show and no hate is allowed in this group and it is a really enjoyable group with people from all over the world.

Both positives and negatives with facebook.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


I'm sick of fb at the moment, well mainly people who have to post every little thing they do. Don't know why but i find it annoying.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi CMF i know what you mean about people posting everything they do.It does get annoying and the ones who always seem to be enjoying their lives.Can sometimes get you down.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey matchy 69,

Yeah, i hear you. i knew someone who posted everywhere she went, or was going and what she was doing. she then got offended when someone commented that she goes out alot , haha, she was telling everyone everything and then got upset - what a joke. Her partner also likes to posy how hot her a*& (backside) is. Seriously -get a room. I have since unfollowed her but she did post less after that. My partner's sis post alot, i even know what they are having for dinner. I sometimes feel it is an attention thing - "look at me". She is doing a body building thing where you train etc then get on stage. Posts have started on fb and will continue. i used to post a lot but don't anymore, want to be more private. Anyway, it is peeving me off at the moment, don't know why. Who cares that they are having pulled chicken rolls for dinner.

Hi Paul,

Thank you for getting back to me ,

I found you information very helpful.

Look forward to talking again.

Hi Everyone! New members are always welcome to post too!

Hey Blufftuff......you are very welcome and thankyou for taking the time to post back too 🙂 It is a bonus to have you on the Beyond Blue forums as your posts are just as valued as mine or anyone elses. If you ever get stuck please do post and let us know! There is no judgement on the forums....just the best support we can provide

Hey Paws.....Thankyou for the great post!...You wisely mentioned "I deliberately keep my "friends" list down to people I know well & trust"....Excellent point....(and thankyou for all the kind support you have been providing!)

Hey Mark (Matchy69).....Great to have your life experience here and on the forums too....Nice1 🙂

Matchy69 (Mark) mentioned "I found with Facebook to be great with reconnecting with family and old
school friends.It is great to see their post and be part of their lives

Hey CMF....always a bonus to read your posts on the forums and thankyou! You mentioned " I'm sick of fb at the moment, well mainly people who have to post every little thing they do. Don't know why but i find it annoying" I understand exactly what you mean Country Music Festival.....I found FB a pain with so many people just talking negative...yet I guess I should have set my privacy controls better than I did when I was a member..Nice1 CMF x

I hope everyone has a great Friday 🙂


Hi one and all.

No offense to any users but l'm afraid fb makes me more sick than ever personally. And sadly , even in places bb we seem to be becoming more and more Americanized in Australia , God knows why , even media , but everyday people , especially the younger ones are using more and more American terms more and more each day l find.

Well , thing is , you know reading in some of their forums they often won't even go on a date and yes l hate that word too , if they can't find them on social bloody media to checkem out ffirst , fb and stuff , believe that ? how sickening is that . Well , thank God l'm not younger but considering everything else that'll probably mean they'll start acting like that here too soon.

Such a shame , the whole world is even practically all using the same lingo now too, and yeah , l just see fb and all the other crap out there just making it all even worse.

Sorry to be a downer.


Hey RX!

No worries at all!..we can say how we feel on the forums and good on you for doing so!

FB can sometimes be a pain in the rump RX.....Do you feel depressed after being on facebook?

Always a bonus to have you with us RX 🙂


Eh Paul how are ya brother.

Nah , not even on it man , neither is my gf. l did join it once about 6yrs back give or take to keep an eye on my daughter. Never used it in my life yet in an hr 30 l'd scanned over dozens of people their friends their friends their friend and everyone's lives and 2 old gf's from back in my 20s b4 l was married and their lives.

lt was absolutely mind boggling , that l could just join up and very first run , do all that and just poke into 100s of peoples lives like that. And why do people leave themselves so open to the whole world like that.

Got off it in just shear disbelief never been back. Well , think l checked on my d a few more times but that was it. And the pressure it puts the kids under , or should we say they get trapped into , just sad.

thanks for explaining about how you have experienced face book.
I think many people will agree.
I was told the under 20s don’t use Facebook now, mainly the over 50s.

to me it is a tool which can be used to harm or to help.

just my thoughts.
