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Facebook...The Good or the Bad...Your Say!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Without a doubt Facebook is one of the best social media sites. I have been on FB for a long time and found it invaluable yet very stressful at times whilst having anxiety and/or depression or even just checking it every day.

Your views on FB, its impact on your mental health, well being, whether good or not so good are more than welcome.

Thankyou for reading my thread topic!

my kind thoughts


332 Replies 332

Hi Everyone and thankyou for contributing on this thread topic..New members are more than Welcome too 🙂

Hey Moon....You bring up a good point about FB and how we feel after 'checking' it. Its only my humble opinion that some people may find this site a trigger with any mental issues they may have...The site is not moderated and can cause more harm than good for people with an anxiety or depressive problem. Of course the bulk of people have the strength to cope with FB as they dont have a serious anxiety or a low self esteem issue and good on them.

Hey SmallWolf (Tim) ...Thanks heaps for your post! ....I know you are coming from the positive angle which is very helpful....Many people with anxiety/depression/bipolar may find continually checking FB and reading how well others are doing may not find FB conducive to their mental health.....even with the privacy controls enabled. LeeA has brought up a good point where people are in a very dark place and they post about how 'wonderful' they are feeling. Its fine on FB yet not helpful when some of us are in that dark place.

Hey PamelaR......Great to see you on the FB thread and thanks heaps for being 'on the air' with us 🙂 I know several people and even family that place 'jolly' posts on FB when they are refusing counseling (and sometimes meds too) for serious mental health problems...

I have been a member of FB for years and for me it was fun yet when having 'tired mind' it can bring us down..big time . I know many people find FB an excellent tool to stay in touch with family and friends which makes it an invaluable way to stay 'in touch'

Thankyou heaps everyone for having your say 🙂

my kind thoughts


PS...If readers have the time....check out Moon's proactive mindset on..(copy & paste...sorry)


Community Champion
Community Champion


Small correction. Sorry. That was not the intention of my post. Many posts from "friends" on FB only show the positives. I have one friend that also talks about his medical issues, but some say the exaggerates. So every other post is from on holidays, what they have achieved, where they are, what they are doing, or highlights something we might not have. As such, FB is not a true reflection of what people go through daily, and if we read those posts we might think they (or everyone else) have it sooo good. As such, it can present a skewed view of reality. That is what I was attempting to say.

Hi Tim

No worries at all....I know you were responding to Moon as per her post 🙂

Your input is highly valued as always. I actually have been thinking about joining FB again as there are a couple of mental health threads that I feel like I could help with yet I dont have the energy

Thanks Tim for sharing your life experience (and your counsel) as always

my kind thoughts


I guess I'll reply to my own post because this isnt directed at anyone.. the one thing I do find after deactivating and reactivating Facebook in the past (now it's completely deleted) that people sortve forget about you or stop caring so much, like you no longer exist because your not on their radar popping up in their newsfeed anymore.. I've texted people while ive had my Facebook deactivated and they dont have too much to say but then when i reactivated it and I was regularly posting things they felt they could relate to me more and would reply to my messages in full. Everyones head is caught up in it so badly that to me deleting Facebook is like waking up to the matrix.. and you can breath again and see people for who they really are and only be concerned for those around you again. But then again the downfall is the loss of support when youe feeling down and isolated. But then I just think, well it was probably Facebook causing it anyway! Yep I've put alot of thought into this lol

Community Member
RoseToez. Completely agree. Actually, now that I don’t have Facebook I have to find other things to do to fill that time that I used to spend on there. It’s alarming how much time I did spend on it.

Hello Rose, Lee,Moon, Tim and everyone 🙂

Hey Rose...Thankyou for being with us on the forums and for your earlier post too....I replied to you on the 6th and yes Facebook may not be the whole problem as when we have a 'tired mind' FB can be confronting as its unmoderated and can issues....Thankyou heaps for your support Rose Toez!

Hey Lee......Thankyou for being a part of the forums. You mentioned how much extra time you have by not using FB and good on you! I am the same as I find it draining even with the security functions enabled. Besides its security issues FB is still an excellent tool for people that dont have a tired mind

my best always


Community Member


Very useful. Little wonder it is a leader and a Big Tech.

I find it is a great way to keep in touch with friends. I do not see my friends that much, so this is an awesome way.

Moderation and abstemiousness is the key.

With regards,


Hi Everyone....New Members are always welcome to post too 🙂

Hey AlbertY....Thank-you for being a part of the forums and posting your point of view too! Being involved with any social media site does have its benefits as you mentioned above

In moderation is excellent advice and thankyou!

my kind thoughts


It's been 5 months since anyone posted here....I just have a question re Facebook....

What is the difference between posting something on "My Timeline."..."Add To My Story" and add to my "News Feed" ???

I am sure someone here will know and explain to me...with grateful thanks...Moon xx

Hello Moon,

Until I read your post I didn't know these options existed, I've only seen "my timeline"

I can't even guess
