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🌱 Diary- 5 Things You Noticed in Nature Today

Community Member

Can you think of 5 things you noticed or observed in nature today, using all your senses?

I was wondering if this would be a beneficial exercise to help us focus on something else instead of painful emotions, troubled thoughts, over thinking, anxiety feelings and the darkness of that alone place.

As well as to see that there really is beauty all around us....

314 Replies 314

That's beautiful reminder to enjoy the simple things in life, the things we take for granted! Enjoying nature!

thank you:-)

Hi all

Five things i noticed today

1..The ducks swimming in the creek along the reeds

2..ths clouds building up into rain

3.. he leaves waving in the wind

4..The pretty double rainbow in the sky after the rain had stopped

5..The lovely fresh smell of rain as it started to come on down for a visit

I haven't been outside yet today, but yesterday I noticed

1) The peck marks in the pears that the birds are enjoying

2) A shrivelled up apple the birds must have rejected

3) The contrast of the blue sky and white fluffy clouds

4) The smell of fresh cut grass

5) The colours of a tiny lizard basking in the sun

So today

1..Watched the sun set threw the clouds

2..Felt the dampness of tge due laying on tge grass early morning

3..Watched the leaves waving in the wind

4..Listened to the pups playing

5.. Watcged the snakes injoy the sun shine

Today I noticed

1.... the sound of the waves coming up the beach

2....the sweetness of the grapes I was munching on

3...the fluffy cat sitting under someone's car

4...the scent of ocean air

5.... And the feel of the wind in my hair

With my senses I:

1...saw some mushrooms growing in the grass in several different areas.

2...heard the sounds of birds in the trees

3...felt the heat from the sun on my head.

4... tasted the sweetness and chocolatey taste of a chocolate drink. This one had coconut sugar in it instead of refined sugar. Yummy...

5.... the warm and friendly kindness of the man in the shop. Thankyou Mr Man

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Wow hehe this is great! Thank you 🙂

i love observing nature throughout the seasons- spring and the beginning of autumn are may favourite for nature walks ("my wonder wanders").

i haven't been for a walk for a long time and have spent such little time in our little garden or around in the parks now. Time for that to change!! So, from now I'll be posting up on this a bit more: hope that's ok.

today 25th March 2017, 4am.

its starting to feel cold gain after a brief spell of hot weather this unusually wet and cool summer.

The birds and certain wildflowers are a little confused, poor things- hope they'll be ok.

right now I'm watching the first strands of light come up from the east and hit a couple of clouds above. These clouds and starting to turn pink and a light yellow....the washed out colour reminds me of a flower that used to bloom in spring in a childhood home and makes me thankful I grew up in a place with a backyard and gorgeous garden.

a tiny honeyeaters with a very loud trill call is waking up his family and friends. It makes me amazed at how loud a tiny creature an be at this hour, and even with this honeyeaters call, it's so quiet.

the ghost gums and mottlecah lay silent and shrouded in darkness. It's almost enticing. I feel like I could climb one and curl up for a sleep there. But this is no time for a sleep...it promises to be a beautiful but chilly morning- so much to see, hear, feel, do and be.

a crank willy wag tail chitters above me and swoops, waking me from the stillness and silence I had emerged myself in seconds before.

i watch in awe at the fast pace of the little bird as it dives into"its" birdbath with a big splash and in a blink, its gone...perhaps to one of the trees to shake itself off and start preening as they do so quickly. I observe how cold the air now is and think a cold bath would be too much for me, but maybe one of the best things someone could do to wake up and get on with the day.

light enters, throwing more colour into the world and with that I notice my herb garden growing and flowering prettily again. The purple of one flowering plant making me smile. Soon bees will come and buzz around this plant. I smile. I feel. I am beginning to enjoy this and am thankful.!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
i think we need to take pleasure in the simple things, be- be present, be with the beautiful "little" things and observe what's really going on around us. Step back or way from our problems and see there's beauty and pleasure put there- even a solution or help where you don't normally look.hugs and love on your journey of being, observing, feeling. Enjoy!!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Oops please excuse the typos, especially that it's after 5am not 4am lol

I'm tired, but in awe.

Can smell our orange tree blossoms.

Can feel the cold.

Can see honeyeaters waking up, ruffling their feathers in a climbing plant on our fence, preening and stretching, getting ready for a day of endlessly searching for food and chasing other honeyeaters and willy wag tails off (or being chased by them...how do they do this all day?!)

I hear their loud calls as a light breeze begins.

i read the newspaper headlines, my accounting book (exam this morning, so skimming over some work to refresh and get my mind switched onto it) and this awesome thread.

i taste the warm coffee I've just made - but am about to taste some of my chocolate mint leaves from my herb garden to put with my pan-au-chocolate (bread with chocolate): my after-cereal treat I'm shouting myself because I've come through a rough patch.

i breathe.

may you too, wherever you are

Today in nature

I saw a pelican on a jetty just a metre away from a fisherman, the bird seem fussed by other people walking up to about a metre from it for a photo.

Seagulls at the waters edge marching on the spot to dig up treats to eat

White fluffy clouds in a gorgeous blue sky

The smell of the ocean

The pretty colours in some shells