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🌱 Diary- 5 Things You Noticed in Nature Today

Community Member

Can you think of 5 things you noticed or observed in nature today, using all your senses?

I was wondering if this would be a beneficial exercise to help us focus on something else instead of painful emotions, troubled thoughts, over thinking, anxiety feelings and the darkness of that alone place.

As well as to see that there really is beauty all around us....

314 Replies 314

This morning I noticed The deli8ghtful sound of the rain

The fresh smell in the air

The sound of birds chirping

The gentle breeze in the trees

The colours in the tree bark once it was wet.

Community Member

You're on to something here.

I used to love observing nature. I had an absolutely terrible childhood but when I was young I used to be able to notice plants and nature in great detail. It used to help.

Later I experienced a lot of trauma based on bullying and abuse and I lost touch with my ability to see nature.

After reading this post I will go back and start observing again. Thank you.

Hello Questo,

I am sorry you experienced such trauma and bullying and a terrible childhood. My heart goes out to you.

I too observed nature, animals and even other people around me. I was in my own little world, as I did not mix with other people much at all. Anyway a hello to you....

5 things I noticed with my senses are:

1..... hearing the chatter of birds outside my bedroom window

2..... the taste of sweet juicy mandarins

3..... the feeling warmth of the sun coming in through the window

4.....seeing the deep colour in a cut up beetroot. Not sure of the colour maybe a very deep pink.

5....and the scent of onions cooking in a pan

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

On this cold morning...

I saw steam rising as the sun hit the frosty ground.

I smelled the intoxicating scent rising from a pot of magenta carnations.

I am hearing the loud, insistent cluck of a hen telling the world she's just laid an egg.

Tasting the comforting smoothness of hot chocolate,

Feeling the numbness and stiffness of cold fingers as I try to type this.

Ooh look Star we are twins:-).

I too drank a hot chocolate this morning. Made of almond milk, cocoa, and coconut sugar.

Shell x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Happy to clink mugs with you, Shelle-Belle...you'd make a terrific sister !

Here is to us, to being in the moment and enjoying it.



Five things I noticed in nature, with my senses today are:

1..... the feeling of cold air on my face.

2.... the taste of a sweet mandarin

3.... I heard that screaming, scretching noise of a bat in the trees

4....I felt a prickle in my foot from the grass as I ran barefoot to the car

5.... I smelt the woody scent of someone's fireplace

5 things I noticed today

1- a kookaburra sitting on a wooden fence

2- a pony running around its yard

3- a kangaroo bounding in the distance

4- a huge grey mushroom

5- the lovely lemon scent of a tree.

Shelley thanks for this thread

Ah you are welcome Quirky!

Shell xx