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🌱 Diary- 5 Things You Noticed in Nature Today

Community Member

Can you think of 5 things you noticed or observed in nature today, using all your senses?

I was wondering if this would be a beneficial exercise to help us focus on something else instead of painful emotions, troubled thoughts, over thinking, anxiety feelings and the darkness of that alone place.

As well as to see that there really is beauty all around us....

314 Replies 314

5 things for today, using all my 5 senses:

  1. The sound of a screeching black cockatoo flying overhead
  2. The citrusy smell of freshly picked oranges I was given today
  3. The sight of a heavy mist in the valley this morning
  4. The woody feel of the thick stems from a shrub I trimmed in the garden just now
  5. The refreshing 'taste' of clear cool water after having worked up a thirst in the garden


This afternoon I went for a walk along a country road, I noticed

The sound of the drizzling rain on my umbrella

The cute white noses of the otherwise dirty brown sheep as they turned to look at me

The fresh sprigs of grass bursting out of the soil.

"steam" coming out of my mouth due to the cold

The contrasting colours between a crop growing in one paddock and ploughed soil in the next.

You guys are amazing at storytelling,

Im thinking it must be very mindful to concentrate to create such beautiful words.

I have a lot of winter weeds growing in the grass.

There are a lot of flowers on the gumtrees,strange for this time of year.

Water is dirty in the dam.

The orchard is looking green from all the rain.

All my frogs have disappeared.


Sorry I just noticed the five sense thing ,I will give it ago next time.

You did great "Later" with your list. You noticed quite a few things. I too have seen the winter weeds growing in our grass.

Ok Shell,here goes,I will try.

I could hear the waves today

I could smell the grass as I mowed

I saw the gumtree flowering

I felt my puppy bite my arm

I could taste the sweet condensed milk in my coffee

yip pee ,by god I think I did it 🤗


I will give it a go.

I could hear the beach today

I could smell the grass as I mowed

I could see the gumtrees flowering

I could feel my puppy bite my arm

I could taste the delicious condensed milk in my coffee

Yip pee I think I did it.


You sure did, you did excellent!


shell xx

Today I can see snow on the mountains...beautiful

I can feel the cold in my fingers as I type this

I can smell my first morning coffee

and taste it and it's warmth.

and I can hear birds singing.

Shelley anne....what an amazing idea. I am new to this forum but absolutely love this ideas you have shared. I will try to join in with you later today. Thanks heaps, much appreciated.