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Just Sara A Bouquet for Pearls - share your appreciation for other members
  • replies: 715

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful word... View more

Every now and then, members share a beautiful Pearl of Wisdom. How often do you think to yourself; "OMG that's great! I wish everyone could see this." Presenting someone with a bunch of flowers is a generous way of acknowledging their insightful words. I hope this thread stays active through members giving out praise regularly to people they feel deserving, and therefore keep generosity of spirit alive within the pages of BeyondBlue Forum. My bunch of Red Roses (my choice) goes to Wishful for the following sentence; 'Personally, I see no reason to be praised in me, but I'm learning that seeing through the eyes of others can be more accurate!!' I so hear you Wishful. Just beautiful... Try to keep your leading comments short to focus on 'their' words. Choose specific flowers (or a gift if you like) to present to them. Sign off respectfully and sincerely. I hope this takes off... Spreading the love...Sara

All discussions

Lyssaa Mental Health or Work first
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, I'm currently experiencing a dilemma regarding balancing mental health, uni, and work. Last year, I went through a particularly bad patch with my mental health in the second half of the year, with me being suicidal and extremely stressed... View more

Hi everyone, I'm currently experiencing a dilemma regarding balancing mental health, uni, and work. Last year, I went through a particularly bad patch with my mental health in the second half of the year, with me being suicidal and extremely stressed and anxious during this time. Additionally, I also crashed my car during this time and am in the process of trying to save up to buy a new car and afford insurance for it- I still need to save up a few thousand dollars more until I can afford this. It has only been in the last month or so that my mental health has gotten to a better point, for the first time in a while. I am about to start my third year of uni studying full-time, and I currently am experiencing a dilemma. I will have a casual job working for the uni which will be approximately 4 hours a week, and pays about $30 an hour. My current dilemma is that as well as these 4 hours per week, I can either choose to work an extra 5 hours a week with my mum and earn an extra $125 each week, or I can work at the chill retail job I currently have an extra 7-14 hours a week and earn $170-300 extra each week. Right now, I'm worried that if I choose to work the retail job along with my uni job, I'll get too overwhelmed and will find it difficult to balance work, uni, seeing my boyfriend and having time for myself, even though I'll be making extra money. However, if I choose the less overwhelming option which is to work with my mum, I'll be making less money and therefore it'll be a longer period of time before I can afford a car. I don't know what to do, and I feel like by putting my mental health first and choosing the "easier" option I'm being lazy. What advice do you guys have?

Robby60 Long Term Insomnia
  • replies: 2

I've seen a couple of other posts about insomnia but the only one that seemed somewhat similar to my circumstance was rather old so I've started a new discussion. I hope that's OK. I've had insomnia for years that has waxed and waned somewhat but nev... View more

I've seen a couple of other posts about insomnia but the only one that seemed somewhat similar to my circumstance was rather old so I've started a new discussion. I hope that's OK. I've had insomnia for years that has waxed and waned somewhat but never gone away. It started during the time I was a party to a family court case. The case continued for most of the duration of my child's childhood. They're an adult now so the various immediate threats that existed during that time are in the past but it was a bit of a 'Red Pill' experience, to use the Matrix analogy, and I am more aware of some dangers that are out there and less trusting of the world. Also recently I've become unable to play tennis (bad knee) which has rather closed off a social avenue and I am dealing with a mother with significant onset of dementia. So my circumstances are not great but they've not suddenly changed. I feel OK. I don't feel depressed or excessively anxious. Probably my concentration is a little unfocused. I get relief from insomnia by taking over the counter anti-histamine. I only need a very small dose. However as I understand it this interrupts the REM cycle and the quality of sleep is reduced. Your not supposed to take it long term. After 2 nights of no sleep at all I'll take it though. I'd rather take an anti-histamine than an anti-depressant. I've seen a couple of things mentioned in other forums, a magnesium lotion and change of bed. So I think I'll give those a go. I'd like to hear from anyone who has any relevant experience or suggestions about insomnia or what I've raised above. Thanks

car10001 how do people know its time to move into own place
  • replies: 4

hi everyone just going through stuff at moment and looking for someone to talk to, am however ok was wondering how people know when it may be time to start thinking about moving into your own place and what you can do to have that feeling of your own... View more

hi everyone just going through stuff at moment and looking for someone to talk to, am however ok was wondering how people know when it may be time to start thinking about moving into your own place and what you can do to have that feeling of your own place until you can afford to buy your own and not pay as much in rent and not really be able to do what you want (am showing clues some days but cant afford to do anything and who knows if itll ever happen) might be 60 or more before being able to afford to buy own place if there is even hope but dont want to rent and not be able to do anything to place. how does someone earn enough money to be able to run a house and have enough left to save and have a life. not in a hurry to move out permanent just want somewhere to go and have space and have work space to put your own things and also what to be able to entertain in own space too. how do you do it on a low income/pension and have enough left to have a life and save. thanks everyone for listening

corran Not doing well...
  • replies: 1

Not sure if this is the right place... but im not doing well, i need someone anyone to tell me its ok... My dad died suddenly 2 years ago and its taken almost that long to finalise the estate which was a living hell with family refusing to assist, my... View more

Not sure if this is the right place... but im not doing well, i need someone anyone to tell me its ok... My dad died suddenly 2 years ago and its taken almost that long to finalise the estate which was a living hell with family refusing to assist, my wife was diagnosed with terminal illness 6 months later and ive spent the last 18 caring for her while trying to work in order to pay bills mortgages ect.. centrelink will give us nothing She refuses to let anyone else help or to be open about her problems, ive been forced out of the bedroom because of snoring,i sleep 6 hours a night if im lucky. I have no friends and no hobbies because i have zero time left for anything. I get yelled at and abused daily for shit that happened years ago and has nothing to do with me, ive been shut out of everything. I dont want to hurt myself or anyone else i just need a way to get her to understand that she has to change her attitude to make time for others. And i need someone to tell me its ok

jolesty Hoot Hoot
  • replies: 1

A lonely owl calling out for company. I’ve just read the Readers Digestcover to cover and ironically the front cover is devoted to sleep! I do okay often but if I step out of the usual routine nights/mornings like this can happen! Hope you’re doing o... View more

A lonely owl calling out for company. I’ve just read the Readers Digestcover to cover and ironically the front cover is devoted to sleep! I do okay often but if I step out of the usual routine nights/mornings like this can happen! Hope you’re doing ok.

Croix Night Owls (for those awake late and can't sleep)
  • replies: 563

Dear AllThe purpose of this thread is as a meeting point for those that can’t sleep and it is late (I.E. AFTER midnight.)It can be a useful space for users to share their issues with insomnia as well as coping strategies. It can also be a general spa... View more

Dear AllThe purpose of this thread is as a meeting point for those that can’t sleep and it is late (I.E. AFTER midnight.)It can be a useful space for users to share their issues with insomnia as well as coping strategies. It can also be a general space for users to converse and support one another throughout a difficult night.Please note – for those that are just bored or lonely we already have a place - the BB Café, which I recommend instead of here

quirkywords What is honesty and how does it affect your mental health?
  • replies: 226

I want to discuss what honesty means to you and your health. People say that they fake being well, or wear a mask so no one knows their pain.Is this being honest. When we do not admit our flaws and our behaviours does this make it harder to have insi... View more

I want to discuss what honesty means to you and your health. People say that they fake being well, or wear a mask so no one knows their pain.Is this being honest. When we do not admit our flaws and our behaviours does this make it harder to have insight into our illness and harder to get better? Do we need to be honest with ourselves and others in order to be well.? Honesty can be a very subjective personal word. What one people feels is being honest another may feel is not. For many years I was in denial about my illness so I would admit to myself I was ill, I was not honest. So what does honesty mean to you? So lets start a conversation. All ideas welcome. Everyone is welcome to comment, new posters, regular posters, I want everyone's ideas. Quirky

Purpleblue13 Need career/life advice and someone to talk to
  • replies: 1

Hi, I am a mom of an amazing 16 months old have an amazing husband who works full time and i am currently working 4 days a week with amazing boss and workmates. I wanted to do so many things, study, change career, upskills get a better job with good ... View more

Hi, I am a mom of an amazing 16 months old have an amazing husband who works full time and i am currently working 4 days a week with amazing boss and workmates. I wanted to do so many things, study, change career, upskills get a better job with good pay, care for my baby more, do my hobby, i love making earrings, doing my nails and gardening. I have pets cat, dog and now a fish. All i wanted to say is can someone help me point to one direction! For the past couple of months my thoughts is everywhere and I've been doing everything and still not getting anywhere. I don't know who to talk to or where to go. I'm definitely sure i need help!

  • replies: 2

Every single day all I can think about is music. I am obsessed with it because it just makes me feel so safe but recently I have been worrying because I feel like its turning into this strange addiction. I feel as though only only reason I listen to ... View more

Every single day all I can think about is music. I am obsessed with it because it just makes me feel so safe but recently I have been worrying because I feel like its turning into this strange addiction. I feel as though only only reason I listen to music is to block out the world that is crashing and burning in the background. Its not like I have anything else though. Every single day I can walk for hours just listening to my favourite. The problem comes in because whenever something happens, I go on a walk, listen to music and completely forget out the everything and I don't want to forget- I want to grow and heal. I feel as through I'm using it as a shield instead of a healthy gateway for me to have nice me time. All I think about its music - it completely chews on every single cell in my brain. I am trying to channel the love for music into a more healthier approach by learning about my favourite musicians and how music gets created but I don't have motivation. Lots of love.

quirkywords New year , new day , changing one thing
  • replies: 8

A new year , a new day is there one thing you want to change.I don’t do new year resolutions but I think about one small think I can do differently or change. There is no pressure. One thing I try to change is to accept a compliment ,instead of defle... View more

A new year , a new day is there one thing you want to change.I don’t do new year resolutions but I think about one small think I can do differently or change. There is no pressure. One thing I try to change is to accept a compliment ,instead of deflecting it. I thought it would nice for people to share something small they want to change. You can just do it each day. so what small thing do you want to change.?