Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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AudreyOnTrack I snooped on my daughter's phone and found out her stepmother undermines me
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My daughter is 14. She and I have what I perceive to be a great relationship - she talks to me, laughs with me, tells me who she has a crush on, gets excited when we spend one on one time together, gets angry at me when I tell her "no" and every now ... View more

My daughter is 14. She and I have what I perceive to be a great relationship - she talks to me, laughs with me, tells me who she has a crush on, gets excited when we spend one on one time together, gets angry at me when I tell her "no" and every now and then comes and cuddles on the couch when we watch TV. She spends half her time with me, and half her time at her dad's house.Her father has a wife and together they have three other children. My daughter loves her stepmother, referring to her as her "other mum". That's fine. But I started to have my suspicions about how her stepmother talks about me. There were little things, like my daughter saying things to me that she clearly hadn't thought of herself. Offering opinions that clearly weren't her own.So I looked through her phone. Yes, I know that's not ok. I know it's private and that it was an invasion of privacy. It came from a place of genuine concern. I found that I was right, my daughter's stepmother openly and actively undermines me, says nasty things about me and seems to be trying to get my daughter to hate me.Things I found:1. Repeated instances of stepmother encouraging my daughter not to talk to me until I respond to messages stepmother sent me.2. Screenshots of message I sent to stepmother and she makes fun of my good grammar ("I mean, why does she feel the need to write so formally, it's just a message, it's like she's trying to show off!) I'm a professional brand writer; it's just how I write.3. Turning things I say into running jokes. For example, I had been encouraging my daughter to find a hobby to get her away from screens, and there were repeated instances of "haha, maybe that should be your hobby!".4. Many, many times where stepmother says things like, "I mean, I should just ask your mum to come have a coffee with me so we can be friends, but your mum would never come", which, for the record, she has never done.She also calls me rude. Now, to be honest, I am not the most friendly person to her, because I have had my suspicions for a long time about what has been going on. I am not overly friendly, I am polite, but never rude. I don't actually care what she says about me. But I do care that my daughter has this constant barrage of negative talk about me because it's never my daughter who instigates it, and she doesn't wholeheartedly engage in any of this. I want to put a stop to it.What do I do?

jd03 Unsure what to do at this point… :/
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So it’s my birthday today. I’m only young hut I feel like a complete mess and I’m so scared my mental health is going to keep getting worse (like it has been) until I can’t bear it any more. Anyway, I had such a great day and was so happy to finally ... View more

So it’s my birthday today. I’m only young hut I feel like a complete mess and I’m so scared my mental health is going to keep getting worse (like it has been) until I can’t bear it any more. Anyway, I had such a great day and was so happy to finally have a carefree day where I could just relax and be myself. But we went to walk our dogs and a small fight broke out, where dad simply raised his voice slightly. This was a nothing fight but for some reason it made me a little upset because I feel like I can’t even go one day without upsetting someone/making someone angry at me (not even my birthday). I never used to be this sensitive, however I think a combination of anxiety, depression and a history of getting yelled at and getting lectured makes even small things upset me now. I should also mention that my depression/depressive states often get mistaken for me being grouchy too (which leads to everyone getting mad at me). Anyway when we got home I was giving it my all to hold back my tears (because I didn’t want my family to think I was upset on my birthday). I was basically told that I have no reason to be upset over such a small thing and that I have to have more tolerance over things like this. ‘Having more tolerance’ is kind of like a trigger phase for me now. Sometimes I am intolerant to some annoying noises etc but I get told this phrase day after day and it really hurts sometimes because it makes it feel like my emotions are invalid and I’m just a sook/cry baby. I just don’t know what to do because I love dad with all my heart and I’m the luckiest person material wise, but it really scars me when he gets mad so often and I have to just hold my emotions in. I’m so lucky to have what I have and I love my parents so much but at the same time I worry that I’m being emotionally damaged by staying at home (even though I don’t have the means to move away right now), but I also don’t want dad to be isolated and lonely when he tries to look after our family so well. I just feel like I’m stuck in this impossible situation and quite isolated and I just want to know that there is someone else out there who can relate or provide some advice. I feel like all my opinions are invalid but at the same time I love my family so much and I don’t know what to do. I’m just really down and I don’t like crying in bed alone on my birthday I just don’t know if what I feel is valid sometimes or not, and I’d really like to find out how to tell. Thanks all.

amirha Dilemma (regarding child safety)
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Hi everyone,I hope this is ok to ask here...I am autism and don't interact/understand people very well, so I'm not quite sure how to handle this situation.I moved to a new home about 1.5 years ago. I have neighbours a few doors up where the man of th... View more

Hi everyone,I hope this is ok to ask here...I am autism and don't interact/understand people very well, so I'm not quite sure how to handle this situation.I moved to a new home about 1.5 years ago. I have neighbours a few doors up where the man of the house (young family) screams (extremelly loudly, lots of profanities, calling them names) at the mother and children in a way that has me in tears some days (especially hearing the children sobbing and the mother begging him to stop).A few times I have felt sure he was going to seriously harm someone. I don't know them well, but the mother expresses publicly she is very happy and in the best relationship she has ever been in. The family members I have confided to about this have said it's not my business and to stay out of it.But I have been in many violent situations as a child and I’m not sure people who haven’t been in those situations understand just how terrifying (and damaging) it is for children.Well after several hours of him screaming at them this afternoon I am feeling very overwhelmed and torn about what to do.Do I report this? Is there any way I can assess if I am just over reacting?Feeling very torn and confused.

ivory2023 Alone, and hurting.
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I am 22 years old and dealing with daily life seems like a chore. This is my story. It really started with my first love, who I met a few years ago, during lockdown. I count my lucky stars that our paths crossed, because despite everything I'm about ... View more

I am 22 years old and dealing with daily life seems like a chore. This is my story. It really started with my first love, who I met a few years ago, during lockdown. I count my lucky stars that our paths crossed, because despite everything I'm about to say, he's a seriously good person. So, he had bipolar, and the thing is, I'm an empath through and through, a heart the size of mountains, and I gave too much. So I've come out on the other side of our relationship with nothing left. He ended things because we argued so much. Many things occurred during this relationship that have left me traumatised, including having to terminate a pregnancy, while he was sipping cocktails in Spain. When I struggled with the fallout, he asked me why I couldn't "just get over it". The thing is, he never hurt the way that I did, the way that I am. He's an incredibly likeable person, good looking, well connected... he makes friends everywhere he goes. So I feel like I'm left with trauma while he never had to give it a second thought. In fact, he moved on in a matter of weeks. I wonder if he ever truly loved me, or cared, or if he was just scared to be alone. Because he’s incredibly loyal, but does move from girl to girl. He has from a very young age. While dating him, I put on a lot of weight, and at one point, he said that if we weren't together, no one would want to date me. It's been almost a year since the breakup, and I hate that he was right. I've lost a lot of the weight, but thanks to his comments and the trauma, I don't feel worthy. No one really notices me. The city I live in, you're nobody if you're not skinny. And everyone knows my ex in some way or another, and likes him, so I've never felt more isolated. We used to bond over music and music events, the one thing that seriously brought me joy in life, but now I’ve been stripped of that too, because of his connections, and I've got no one to experience them with. The stuff with my ex would be bearable if I had a solid social circle, but for a reason I'm still trying to understand, I've never attracted quality friends, even though I've always showered people with kindness. This hurts just as much as the trauma from my ex. I'm starting to feel like something is severely wrong with me. I've always been told my day will come, for friends, love, etc.. but I don't think I believe that anymore. I feel like I've got no one and nothing to show for my 22 years of living. Other than, of course, severe pain and loneliness.

Lost_in_Space Relationship problems
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I believe I may be in a toxic relationship and a victim of emotional violence. Since the start of the relationship everything has been on her terms. We need to get engaged. We need to get married. You need to not have this friend, you need to not hav... View more

I believe I may be in a toxic relationship and a victim of emotional violence. Since the start of the relationship everything has been on her terms. We need to get engaged. We need to get married. You need to not have this friend, you need to not have that friend. Whenever I don’t agree it results in silent treatment for 2-3 days then straight back to normal. It is worth noting that she claims to have been in a domestic violence relationship 8 years previously to me. That was her last serious relationship. She has a 15yo from it. I have an 8yo from my past marriage. A year or so ago, not long after we married, she went through my phone and Mac and saw everything that apple had stored on me for the last 10 years. Friends, photos, messages etc. The majority of was information was in my past but she did find out I’d had conversations with ex girlfriends, generally looking for advice on her but a few flirty connotations in there too. I agreed to get rid of everything including friends and concentrate on her. Fast forward 9 months. I’ve now been married for a year. She now works for the same department I do. knows a lot of the same people I do and apparently digs for information about me. She checks my phone regularly including messages to my family and chastises me if she thinks I’ve deleted anything. She is emotionally manipulative (silent treatment when not getting her way) She creates arguments from anything. And I mean anything. Always bringing the past up in an attempt to win. (I ignore arguments now, it’s easier). I have 2 friends left. Both male. I am not allowed female friends under any circumstances. She accuses me of gaslighting and being a narcissist. On occasions I have actually written things down to make sure I know if have done something or not. If anything I believe I’m being gaslighted with little lies. She goes mad when I ask her son to do anything in the house like cleaning up. Always then relating back to mine and asking if mine is going to do it too. She puts herself down and says it’s because I don’t show her the same love I showed my past partners or I don’t love her. Work colleagues There’s probably more I need to write but I’m not thinking straight. I know I should just leave but It feels so hard after everything. Like I’m a failure.

Jan1 Problematic Ex.
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Hi Everyone, You can call me Gen. I have been with my BF for 5 yrs now but before I decided to be in a relationship with him I was a little reluctant because of the kind of ex wife he has and Mother of his child. Before I met his ex, my BF described ... View more

Hi Everyone, You can call me Gen. I have been with my BF for 5 yrs now but before I decided to be in a relationship with him I was a little reluctant because of the kind of ex wife he has and Mother of his child. Before I met his ex, my BF described her as hysterical and generally not a very pleasant person. It wasn't enough info about her for me to fully understand what he was tellin me. But not long after, I witnessed her bad behavior. She screamed at my BF's face in public for about 15-20 minutes and for whatever her reason, that is unacceptable. I firmly asked her to 'pls stop' after several times of askin her nicely and she still wouldn't. She then turned to contact my BF's Mom about the situation and made a remark that I went crazy at her. My BF's ex and I were fine at the beginning, until this incident occurred. My BF and I had agreed that we avoid her and not have her anywhere near us as I did not want that kind of behavior around me ever again, and it did work quite well. But almost 2 years later, which was only a few weeks ago, she turns up at our doorstep unannounced asking to fill out an important document . In that few minutes that she stood by the screen door waiting, she was ready to find somethin to pick on and create problems. As soon as she left, she contacted my BF via text messages telling him that I behaved in an ugly mannner by shutting the screen door on her, but which I asked in a normal way because of mosquitoes comin in. The wooden door was still left open for her. I was not rude at all but she made it sound like as if I was. She also added that I shouldn't behave that way and that I should stay out of their young son's business. I don't even know why she said that. I have no idea what led her to say that. It seemed to me that she's delusional and she's really tryin to look for trouble to cause between us all. This is now the 2nd time she created a problem and I can't stand it. I don't know what's gonna come up next and it really bothers me. There are many more that she's done but there's not enough space to fit my stories.What do I do? I don't really want to leave my relationship of 5 yrs but I also do not want to spend longer years and his ex wife causes problems/troubles unpredictably. -GEN-

Jd87 What to do about my mum ?
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Hi I am needing advice please. To give some background my mum lied about having cancer for nearly a year and we found out it wasn’t true when she was taken to hospital for not taking her medication for 6 months resulting in having a quadruple bypass.... View more

Hi I am needing advice please. To give some background my mum lied about having cancer for nearly a year and we found out it wasn’t true when she was taken to hospital for not taking her medication for 6 months resulting in having a quadruple bypass. That was about 10 years ago, before then till now she’s always relied my sisters d myself to bail her out of her financial troubles. Since meeting my now husband we have been still helping but when I got pregnant with daughter I told her I can’t keep giving her money as I am going to have a child and we’re almost about to move into our house once it’s built. She decided not to talk to me for months and didn’t even come see her granddaughter till a month and half after she was born. After I had my daughter two months she said she was going to kill herself, she has been saying this for awhile when we would talk about her finances and ways to help her for her future. We did a welfare check on her via the police but it didn’t help. Since moving into our house we have been still helping her when we can my sister and myself. Now we’ve gotten to the point we can no longer do it as things are so high in price and we’ve told her to look for a smaller place as she doesn’t need a big place for one person. Last week she sent a lot of abusive messages to my sister and said twice she doesn’t want us to contact her anymore or come see her. I did another welfare check on her via the police as I was sick and live two hours away. After the police left she sent another abusive message to my sister saying it’s the nail in the coffin. This all because we said we can’t help her anymore. I know she needs help but I only work part time and the way she messaged saying all the stuff I don’t want her around my daughter as the messages were so abusive and there was so much swearing for no reason. My husbands birthday was yesterday and usually she mesages or calls him and nothing this year. I posted something on fb and she commented on there saying I love you. I’m surprised she even commented. I don’t know what to do as this has been a cycle for so long and I’m over it and trying to speak to her about it doesn’t go well at all because it’s not her way. I don’t want my daughter to see me in this either as this sis toxic.

smltown-girl Least favourite child
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Hi, im 21, still living with my parents due to no other houses available in my area.recently, more then ever, its been hitting me that I genuinely feel like im under appreciated in my family and just a pure failure of a human. My sister is 18 and she... View more

Hi, im 21, still living with my parents due to no other houses available in my area.recently, more then ever, its been hitting me that I genuinely feel like im under appreciated in my family and just a pure failure of a human. My sister is 18 and she's my mums best friend, especially since she's got a boyfriend. im single. her boyfriend stayed at our house for 3 nights in a row and she planned a weekend away with him and his friends, while we were home alone so our parents could go to a family gathering. we both have a younger sister and instead of communicating with me that she planned this trip away and asking if it was okay that I stay home and look after our sister, she just planned it and told me nothing right up until they were about to leave. As adults we are supposed to be helping around the house and she just doesn't. I cook, and clean, vacuum, stack and unstack the dishwasher up to 4 times a day etc. I cooked dinner for the whole house including her boyfriend and she didn't even help with that or pack up afterwards. when I try to tell my mum that I think its really unfair that she has 0 responsibilities and gets to leave the house whenever she wants and come back whenever she wants, she tells me that that's her choice and not to worry about it. but at the same time will complain that the house is always untidy and nothing gets done when im the only one that helps, which makes me feel even more guilty and makes me feel the need to do more. not only the family stuff but im trying to run my own business which isn't super successful yet and im barely scraping by and making a profit after rent and bills, on top of the fact I have a lack of friends. I just feel so tired and empty and feel like disappearing would just make my life so much easier. I would never go to the extent of harming myself or suicide but sometimes it just seems like the easier option. I can't talk to my family because they just argue with me or completely disregard my feelings, and my friends are happy in their own lives so don't really care about mine. I'm not trying to get pity, just would really appreciate some words of acknowledgement or support, rather than an argument, any comments are appreciated, thank you for reading!

sashamentalhealth Family & Boundaries
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Hi everyone, Just wanted to give a friendly reminder that its completely okay to set boundaries with family members who have hurt you in the past or those who do not respect you as a person and the boundaries you give them. I know society places a gr... View more

Hi everyone, Just wanted to give a friendly reminder that its completely okay to set boundaries with family members who have hurt you in the past or those who do not respect you as a person and the boundaries you give them. I know society places a great emphasis on "blood is blood", but this doesn't mean that you're not allowed to set distance between yourself and anyone who is not good for your mental wellbeing.