Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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happilyeverafter I am the control freak girlfriend!
  • replies: 6

Firstly, I should say that I suffer from both anxiety and depression, both of which have escalated after my marriage ended with the Father of my young children. I have become that anxious, overbearing girlfriend that I never thought I would be, and d... View more

Firstly, I should say that I suffer from both anxiety and depression, both of which have escalated after my marriage ended with the Father of my young children. I have become that anxious, overbearing girlfriend that I never thought I would be, and definately don't want to be! We have had a rough start to our relationship, with a difficult ex spouse on his side and 4 children between us, it's not expected to be easy. I just let the anxiety take over. I read into every little thing - he has a bad day, I take it personally like he doesn't want me or love me anymore. We have an argument and I feel like our relationship is over. Granted, he doesn't cope with my emotions very well, but he is trying. I have to know where he has been, I can't resist the urge to check his phone/facebook. When he's not feeling up to having sex, I take it as a sign of rejection. I really just want to be that person he loves to come home to. I know the way I am at the moment makes me not nice to be around. Every day I tell myself 'I'll just focus on me and my girls and be there for him when he needs, the rest will fall into place'. But I feel like I need that constant reassurance, and if I don't get it, it takes control over every aspect of my life until I go on a downward spiral into depression and panic attacks. What do I do? Sometimes I wake up feeling a little stronger and a bit more cheery and things are perfect, but I think my emotions are destroying our relationship. I can't even talk to him about it anymore. He just gets frustrated....

Lamp Relationship anxiety
  • replies: 4

Hi there for the past few months I have developed anxiety. I have always been a stressful person but it has got a lot worse. I have a great group for friends and recently have been divided due to a few couples splitting up. Since this has happened I'... View more

Hi there for the past few months I have developed anxiety. I have always been a stressful person but it has got a lot worse. I have a great group for friends and recently have been divided due to a few couples splitting up. Since this has happened I've started to question my own relationship. I have been with my partner for 8 years. We have always had a great relationship, I can't remember the last time we had a massive argument. We love each other and want the same things from life. For the past few weeks all I can think about is our relationship and I have pretty much talked myself into not loving him anymore and wanting to break up. i don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared if I break up with him it will be the wrong decision and it's the anxiety making me feel this way. Is anyone else going through this? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get a better picture and to stop feeling this way. thanks

Hurting_and_confused My wife has said she's done
  • replies: 7

Hi, I've come here because I have no where else to turn or talk. After 11 years of marriage, 2 weeks ago my wife has said she has no more to give and is ready to seperate. I have realised that I wasn't there emotionally for her for a while now. I hav... View more

Hi, I've come here because I have no where else to turn or talk. After 11 years of marriage, 2 weeks ago my wife has said she has no more to give and is ready to seperate. I have realised that I wasn't there emotionally for her for a while now. I have told her that I want to prove to her that she is the most important person in my world and I care about her more than anything, and that im not going to give up as our relationship is definitely worth trying to save. She definitely has some issues with her self confidence and she is in a high stress job with a heavy workload. She also doesn't socialise with anyine except her family ( mainly her mother) I have suggested counselling for our relationship and also for herself on her own, but she won't even entertain the thought. Over the past 2 weeks we have had some good times and have shared some laughs. Also we have had passionate sex 4 times in the past fortnight(a lot more than past 5 years). Despite the good times over the last 2 weeks she is still seems adamant about seperating. Any time I try and talk about the whole situation she puts a wall up and won't talk to me about it, and I feel we go backwards. What should I do and is there any hope? kind regards

Anna-Connor I don't know what's wrong, I just know something is.
  • replies: 5

I've never liked the posts I've read on Facebook about being sad, overlooked, and ignored, but for once I finally understand why people reach out to strangers for acknowledgement. Sometimes that's all you think you have. I know I have a good life, wi... View more

I've never liked the posts I've read on Facebook about being sad, overlooked, and ignored, but for once I finally understand why people reach out to strangers for acknowledgement. Sometimes that's all you think you have. I know I have a good life, with good friends and a happy family, but lately it seems all I can focus on are the bad things that happen. I know there is happiness in my life, I know there is goodness in my life, and yet I can't seem to forget every time my family ignores what I say, every time my partner says the wrong thing and breaks another promise, and every time I am left out and lied to. No one does it on purpose, but that's the worst part, I'm just that easily forgotten. That's what it seems like at least; I always tell myself that's not it, that they love me and I'm overreacting, but I think I've finally hit a point where I just can't take it anymore. The small things just pile up and up until I just burst in sadness or frustration, knowing that it's an overreaction but not being able to stop what I'm feeling. I don't know what's wrong with me, I miss being happy, I don't know what to do. I've spoken to my family, to my partner, and things change for maybe a week and then revert back to normal, I can't keep doing this, I can't keep feeling like this, I don't know what's wrong. Something happened in my life last year that turned everything around and it seems as if that was the point in time everything came crashing down, but what I'm feeling has nothing to do with that, I just want to know if there is something fundamentally wrong with me? I don't think I'm depressed, I'm not really sure what that is, to be honest, but I know it is wildly over-used, I just want to know if what I'm feeling is a bi-product of this greater issue, or if there is something properly wrong with me. I don't mean any disrespect with the use of the word "wrong", I just don't know how else to describe what I'm feeling. I'm really sorry if I've offended anyone.

Livlucy How to help my ex while helping myself too
  • replies: 15

A month ago now my boyfriend told me that we had to break up so that he could seek help for his depression. He maintained that he wanted to protect me from how bad things really were, and I would like to believe he was telling me the truth. He said t... View more

A month ago now my boyfriend told me that we had to break up so that he could seek help for his depression. He maintained that he wanted to protect me from how bad things really were, and I would like to believe he was telling me the truth. He said that although he knew how much I cared about him, he didn't believe I should have cared about someone like him. days after the breakup I had major surgery and as a result of being stuck at home for weeks I started to overthink the whole situation, and compounded with the stress of my injury and the breakup I was an absolute mess. He came to visit me a few times and cooked me some of my favourite meals, and whilst it was really kind of him it just confused me more and made me more upset. My head was in a really bad place, and I started seeing a psych myself as a result. 2 weeks ago now I told him that I needed to distance myself for a little while. we can't completely ignore each other because we work together, but I stopped contacting him. However we caught up for coffee two days ago now and things were really nice, it felt like how things were before we were dating. He is getting help now and I'm so happy that he is doing that. As we were leaving coffee I asked whether how we should continue with the whole communication thing. He said it was my decision, but I just dont don't know whether to maintain low contact or not. Having past experience from family members who suffered from depression I know that leaving him to deal with all of this on his own may not be the smartest choice, especially since I'm on of the people he trusts the most. But in terms of a typical breakup I know distance might be beneficial for me. this isn't a typical breakup however which is why I'm unsure of where to go next. I want to be there to support him, but I also know it might be at my detriment. Ultimately I still see him being part of my future in some way, I don't mind if we are just friends or more, that doesn't matter to me right now.

BlueBlueBlue Can it be saved? Should it?
  • replies: 4

I've been with my husband for nearly 20 yrs, married for almost 12. We have 3 young kids, a house, pets, investments, mutual friends, a whole life. He's a good man. Works hard, loyal, pulls his weight around the house, is a great dad to the kids, has... View more

I've been with my husband for nearly 20 yrs, married for almost 12. We have 3 young kids, a house, pets, investments, mutual friends, a whole life. He's a good man. Works hard, loyal, pulls his weight around the house, is a great dad to the kids, has same ideas re parenting & money. But I just don't feel any romantic love for him. At all. I don't want him to touch or kiss me & I really don't want to have sex with him ever. We've had our ups & downs, but there have been more downs than ups for me in the last few years. The more I try to have a little space, the more needy he becomes. And it goes in circles. We've just been on a family holiday (with his best mates family too) & it all deteriorated over the last few days. I was hoping for time to relax/read/enjoy my own company, but he just wanted to follow me around like a shadow. After a few days, I asked him to give me some space, but he became quite petty with snide comments about what he was doing 'so you can have time to yourself'. On the 2nd last night away, he said he was tired, but I wanted to go for a walk. I declined his offer to join me, so he went to bed. Later, on my way back to the room, I got distracted watching a movie on a common area tv (only for about 1/2 hour). When I saw the time, I went back to the room & it was empty. I thought he went for a walk or to get food. So I went to bed. Maybe 15 mins later, he storms back into the room, eyes wild, demanding to know where I'd been & if I was cheating on him. He accused me of sleeping with someone else (I have NEVER cheated). I said I'd gone for a walk, then watched a bit of movie, then came back to the room. He didn't believe me, saying that he'd looked everywhere & had been to the common area & I was not there. He demanded to know exactly what had happened in a certain scene of the movie to prove I was not lying. I was insulted. And livid. He started crying and said he was sorry & asked if our marriage was in trouble. I said yes. He asked if it was over. I said maybe. To cut a long story short, he has asked for couple counselling, but I am not sure I want to go. I'm not sure it will make any difference. Will it? I really don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt the kids & break up the family & I'm selfishly not wanting to lose my comfortable life. Has anyone been at this point and made it work? I know things won't ever be the same & right now, I can't imagine being intimate with him again. Can this marriage be salvaged?

Tommy2 Breaking up with BPD
  • replies: 3

Hi, I am currently going through a very fresh break up (3 days in) that occurred around Christmas of all times with my BPD girlfriend of 3 years. Leading up to this turmoil she was showing me engagement rings she wanted, houses we should by together,... View more

Hi, I am currently going through a very fresh break up (3 days in) that occurred around Christmas of all times with my BPD girlfriend of 3 years. Leading up to this turmoil she was showing me engagement rings she wanted, houses we should by together, talking bout kids, booked a holiday 2 weeks before. And 3 weeks before, I made the biggest commitment of my life to stay in the same state for her and not return home. So as you could imagine things were going great! Flying along, rosey as. I was so contempt with how things were and from what she was telling me she was too. And would always call me her "soulmate". Then she had 1 big night out on the alcohol a week before Xmas which I knew would mean trouble. Followed by disloyal behavior which lead to a lot of hurt for me, denial by her, to self harm by her, to break up by her because she doesn't know who she is anymore and needs to find out.... What the hell happened!!? I still can't get my head around any of this other than she's caught up in some bubble, fantasy world, and has just made the biggest mistake of her life. I was the best and most loving/caring boyfriend she ever had and the only person in her life that fully understood her. Why would she do this to me? Her soulmate....the guy she wants to marry, buy a house with and have kids with...

CKHT86X I feel like it's already over
  • replies: 3

My boyfriend and I haven't been together for a really long time (maybe 3-4 months), but I know we both really care about each other. However, recently things have drastically changed. He suffers from mood swings and I think he may have fallen into a ... View more

My boyfriend and I haven't been together for a really long time (maybe 3-4 months), but I know we both really care about each other. However, recently things have drastically changed. He suffers from mood swings and I think he may have fallen into a state of depression. Last time this happened he texted me and broke up with me. It feels like that might happen again now. I haven't seen him in weeks, he barely texts me, just leaves me on read. The only time I hear his voice is when I get sent straight to his voicemail. He knows that he's being a bad boyfriend, and he thinks that he's not good enough for me (he is), he just doesn't do anything to change. All he does is say that he wants to go away to find himself or something and that he needs space. I can understand that, and I can give him the breathing room he wants but I honestly just feel so neglected in the relationship. I've lost the motivation to do anything. I can barely stand to get out of bed in the mornings. It's exhausting, trying to stay and support him. Last time, when he broke up with me, I know it was the fact that I actually stuck around that eventually brought him back to me, so I'm trying not to leave him but in times like this I feel like leaving him is what's best for me.

Wiseowl How can she see what she is doing?
  • replies: 1

My daughter's partner died suddenly of a drug related heart attack, she found him, his mate moved in to 'comfort' her and took over, when she told him she needed space he reacted violently, now has a VRO on him, is always around lurking, she has foun... View more

My daughter's partner died suddenly of a drug related heart attack, she found him, his mate moved in to 'comfort' her and took over, when she told him she needed space he reacted violently, now has a VRO on him, is always around lurking, she has found a girl friend (an ex of his) to protect her but meanwhile her daughter is with her grandies who love her until mum wants her back, then it starts all over again. Says she is not on drugs but was found high as a kite and regularly smokes weed. She is easily manipulated, was a family orientated person now appears self centred and solely focused on herself to the detriment of her daughter at only 19 months. What or how does one do something to reawaken the lost part of her that was family centred, decent and caring. My main concern is my granddaughters wellbeing which is being turned upside down by being left with us then taken back after ten to fourteen days, kept for seven then returned. I would like to have her until her mother realises she needs to get a grip of herself and realise who is the most important, the one she professes to love and miss or herself.

MindfulStep Learning to know what to expect from friends when you don't have a family network or not married
  • replies: 1

It has been difficult with friendships and recovering from trauma informed mental illness - the trauma does create complex physical and mental behaviour which impacts work, living arrangements and relationships - which is difficult for outsiders to u... View more

It has been difficult with friendships and recovering from trauma informed mental illness - the trauma does create complex physical and mental behaviour which impacts work, living arrangements and relationships - which is difficult for outsiders to understand. In August this year I moved out of my safe apartment in my beautiful neighbourhood in Brisbane - I could afford it on a disability pension, but I wanted to work and not be dependent on welfare, and I couldn't find work in Brisbane - or had got in a disability mindset. I also wanted to be close to my best friend who I've known since 2011. I rang her and emailed her as she has been on my journey since 2011 and we worked on a mental health research project, and she works as a researcher in trauma and DV - I trust her. She was very encouraging and excited that I come to Sydney, suggesting I live near her, though we mindfully discussed the realities with my illness. I told her that I wanted to be part of her life and didn't want to miss any of it, which she was happy about. When I got back to Sydney, she and her boyfriend made the effort to see me, but then sadly her boyfriends mother died - I did my best by going to her work and dropping care packages but our relationship has not been the same since and I have only seen her twice (always with her boyfriend). I am nolonger invited to social events - I invited them to my birthday dinner, and they both invited to a party they were going to after - but her boyfriend told me that night myself and other friend were not dressed right for it, so I was basically uninvited. I hit a crisis point when my job fired me a week prior to my probation period being over, and not one friend called me when I told them. I became isolated and distraught, on my psychologists advice, I told my friend and two other close mates I was thinking of putting myself in ER for emergency care one friend read my message and ignored me (despite me helping him out recently) and the other waited two days to call me. My best friend just rang me and first thing she said - 'this keeps happening - what is the pattern' - she told me off. I've never been to ER before. She meant - why cant I keep a job and how a I going to fix it. After her call I took myself to hospital. She told me later she failed to provide me loving support as she is private, she assumed my message was not important as I sent it to other friends, and I was matter of fact (not crisis). she said I would survive.