Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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BeyondBlue Hey there - read this to see what this section is all about
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Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a ... View more

Hello and welcome This is the Relationships and Family section where members can talk about what is happening in their lives and the people they live with. We know that who we live with can make a big impact on our wellbeing, both in a good way or a negative way. As always, we want to hear your story and how it impacts you and encourage everyone to support each other with kindness. There are a few things to consider when posting in this section so we can all get the most out of it: Everyone’s situation is unique. We all do our best to share what is important in our story but we can never share it all. Let’s be mindful we can’t know all of everyone’s story. Anonymous but public. These posts are available to everyone and while the moderation team will keep it anonymous, its still up for everyone to read. Have a think about what you want to share to get the best support for you. Please stay safe. This space is an amazing way to seek support from others who might understand what you are going through. We want to hear how you are going and what is happening for you. Please also consider 1800RESPECT if you don’t feel safe or 000 if you are in danger right now. You deserve to be safe. Thank you again for joining this conversation, your contributions are worthy and important to us here. Beyond Blue

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Hope_ Feeling alone
  • replies: 11

Hi I am new to this and thought I would give this a try my whole schooling life I've been isolated and left out from my friends which went on up until year 12. My whole group of friends came up with a plan and decided they wanted to ignore me. This w... View more

Hi I am new to this and thought I would give this a try my whole schooling life I've been isolated and left out from my friends which went on up until year 12. My whole group of friends came up with a plan and decided they wanted to ignore me. This went on for months up until I finished year 12. I basically lost all my friends and it was for no reason, I hadn't done anything, just because they decided and used excuses from previous spats we had from years before as an excuse. No one has ever apologised to me for how they acted and put me through and it's been 8 years since. It's a memory that I unfortunately will never forget and the emotional pain still haunts me. ive had a boyfriend for 10 years and he became my bestfriend and was always there to support me through anything. For a couple years our relationship has started to crumble slowly. It's gotten to the point that he has limited time for me at all. I've tried to talk with him about how I'm feeling and he just doesn't have the time to care or even pretend to. He makes me feel so insignificant and small and puts me down when I cry. He thinks it's crocodile tears. It makes it really hard for me because I don't have any friends to talk to, I've only ever had him to turn to for support. I'm tired of feeling alienated and alone and without him in my life I will be completely alone i cry everyday and night, I can't sleep at night and I want and drink alcohol every single night. I know it's not healthy, I don't know how to get my boyfriend to see that I'm faking my feelings and to take my emotions seriously. I want to save our relationship but I feel too tired and whatever I do will be pointless to him

tandia Husband and family issues
  • replies: 3

Hi, first post for me. My husband has suffered from sever depression for many years. He finally went on antidepressants a year ago, which helped to some degree. However, he seems to be seeping back not talking, becoming angry and frustrating. He gets... View more

Hi, first post for me. My husband has suffered from sever depression for many years. He finally went on antidepressants a year ago, which helped to some degree. However, he seems to be seeping back not talking, becoming angry and frustrating. He gets angry over something and holds onto it for a very long time and sulks. We have two children 5 and 2 yrs old which are very wild, amazing but exhausting in nature. They push our limits and sometimes my husband will be too rough when handling our son. It makes me upset and Ihave tried to coach him to speak with a less angry tone, which he has been working on and less strength used. But he is still doing on occasions when he is very stressed. We have had a stressful time recently as I had a fall at work and have mild brain injury about 8 weeks ago, so i am getting better. However, it has been stressful for my husband to cope with this, as I am normally the happy glue that sticks us together. I have suffered mild depression and anxiety from the injury, but it will pass as I get better. Over the years I have thought of leaving my husband, as it gets too much sometimes. 11 years on I am still here. But I feel like I can't go on like this forever. Is it too much to expect him to change to be a better father? A more supportive and warm husband? I have tried to get him to seek counselling, and he won't do it. I'm not sure what to do anymore. We only get one go at this life time and I don't want to waste my life being unhappy. Thank you for reading.

Azura007 How do I get over losing my best friend and love?
  • replies: 7

I was in a long term relationship. We started as best friends, and love gradually came along. We would talk, see each other everyday, laugh and cry together, never fight over things unless there was an actual reason, and never fight for more than an ... View more

I was in a long term relationship. We started as best friends, and love gradually came along. We would talk, see each other everyday, laugh and cry together, never fight over things unless there was an actual reason, and never fight for more than an hour without making up. We talked about everything and anything, sharing our thoughts, fears and dreams for the world together. I suffer with mental illness due to childhood abuse and surviving cancer. I always made sure i didnt put my burdens on her. We agreed that she would give me space when i needed it, and at first that worked. But she would get upset if i asked for space, and would appear at my door crying. I would always make things right. Apart from the occational disagreement, things were amazing, and i started organising to propose to her. That changed two weeks ago. She spoke of a friend of hers liking her, i wasnt bothered by this, we had had stages in our relationship where we would see other people with permission. I had complete trust in her, and thought nothing of this friend. That was until she told me her friend was falling for her. After explaining to her that this made me uncomfortable, she said i was being unreasonable and she wouldn't change.I told her that it wasn't good for me to stay in such a situation and would leave. She made me stay and sorted the situation out, all is perfect again,or so i though. A week passes and she begins ignoring me when she cancels plans without explaination. 12 hours hours pass she finally answers the phone. She won't tell me what i have done wrong, but says she will see me in a few hours. We argue as she tells me we are toxic for each other, that she has been spending time with the other person behind my back and had cheated on me with another person on 3 seperate occations. Never before in our years together had problems been mentioned, nor had we argued more than an entire day in our lives together. We agreed that we wanted to work it out and go to see a psychologist, and she said she wanted us to work. We kiss goodbye with plans to see eachother later and that was cancelled i was ignored and i broke it off as she was going to break it off with me. I ask if we can be friends she said maybe if she can trust me again and her last words to me were that this other person had helped her realise i am manipulative, because i told her that i didnt know if i could live without her. I am starting to blame myself for everything am i manipulative? I dont know anymore

Sad_Puppy_Dog Venting about the same sex marriage debate
  • replies: 16

This might be a left field subject and tricky to articulate but I will try. Also, I just don't know where else I can say this and predict that I can do so, maybe without a wave of judgment. I'm straight and believe in same sex marriage. I'll vote yes... View more

This might be a left field subject and tricky to articulate but I will try. Also, I just don't know where else I can say this and predict that I can do so, maybe without a wave of judgment. I'm straight and believe in same sex marriage. I'll vote yes when the chance comes. I have a few casual friends and acquaintances who are gay or bi. I have no issue with homosexuality. But the inundation of content (Usually grandiose Facebook posts) by pro SSM people seemingly EVERYWHERE is just starting to get on my nerves. Even though I have consciously cut WAY down on FB, (Largely due to prevalent toxic negativity) I still see these posts all the time and in the media ALL THE TIME. I understand the value of it and I support it. It make me feel a little bad to be negative about it. It is an issue I believe in but I'm not as passionate about it as others. I feel kind of "resentful" for lack of a better word. I'm going through the hardest Hell of my depression/anxiety. I've had 2 traumatic breakups, the 2nd I'm still not over 4-5 months since it finished (Complicated) and I've had to manage the concept of on/off suicidal thoughts in recent times too. I guess I don't have any room in my head to care about this cause even though I support it, I am kind and very, very empathetic. Since breakup no. 1, I have been consciously been working very hard at trying to grow, trying to be MORE kind, empathetic, understanding and even forgiving, even of those who are bigoted, cruel and mean spirited. Easier said than done but really working towards a more peaceful and less reactive self. Perhaps this is my classic overthinking but I wonder if I'm resentful because I'm not getting attention. I want MY problems solved! So am I self absorbed? Is it envy for all the likes (Ugh) my Facebook friends are getting? Do I see it as narcissism? I'd normally be one to cringe when someone uses the term 'virtue signaling', but I kind of find myself silently accusing some straight friends of it, that they are maybe seeking adulation by being crusaders for SSM. Maybe they actually DO genuinely care. That makes me feel dirty, going along with the "virtue signalling" concept. I don't know when the votes are all tallied up. I hope it goes through but there's just only so many cases of people droning on and on about it so aggressively and ubiquitously and declaring "Unfriend me if you vote No" before I think, "Enough already, we get the point!" And now I feel guilty for complaining about it.

ScarlettR Can a person who is mentally ill and low motivated be able to care for another animal?
  • replies: 7

At the age of 29, I have had never had to care for another human or animal 24/7. My live-in relatives are all healthy and capable of looking after themselves. I have had 3 cats growing up but never took an active role in caring for them, with the exc... View more

At the age of 29, I have had never had to care for another human or animal 24/7. My live-in relatives are all healthy and capable of looking after themselves. I have had 3 cats growing up but never took an active role in caring for them, with the exception of two 1-week periods where my mum was in hospital and I was caring for the cats. I am worried that, if I ever move out and decide to own a pet, will I have the mental strength to look after an animal for its entire lifetime. I do love animals and fight passionately against animal cruelty. However, I have severe fatigue and low motivation associated with my mental illness, which I worry would interfere with a daily routine of caring for an animal. I used to play games on Facebook where I own an fictional pet and care for it everyday. I did get into a routine of visiting the site and feeding, washing and playing with it. Then after a year, I got bored and left the game. I know it's just a game and no actual animal was involved. I think sometimes my mind is unpredictable. So long story short: I have never cared for another living being 24/7 for more than 1 week in my life. I love animals and care for their well being. Just feel overwhelmed by the fact that I'd have to care for an animal for at least 20 years.

alovelygirl Lost in Love
  • replies: 6

Hello and thanks in advance to whoever would like to listen. I am a 21 year old female who is currently facing the anxieties that come with graduating university, entering the real world, and finding love. I have always placed a lot of pressure on my... View more

Hello and thanks in advance to whoever would like to listen. I am a 21 year old female who is currently facing the anxieties that come with graduating university, entering the real world, and finding love. I have always placed a lot of pressure on myself to be a high achiever. I was always fairly quiet throughout childhood, so I suppose academic excellence was my way of standing out and gaining respect from others. As time went on, the pressure built and built to the point where I felt as though my self worth was dependent on my achievements, which caused me to develop a lot of anxiety. Recently I have really been struggling in the relationship department as well, and I've been left feeling anxious and alone. A little overview about me. I have a wonderful family and a close knit group of friends who are very supportive, though I've gone from being the optimistic, positive friend to the one who feels dependent on them too much. I like to vent and talk, but I don't want to keep burdening them with my emotions. I was recently in a 1.5 year relationship with a guy who had a chronic illness. He quickly became my best friend, the person I did everything with, though in the first few months of dating his health declined and he was told he did not have much longer to live. I spent the entirety of our relationship being his support. I did absolutely everything I could to make his life better and yes it was my choice, but it ended up becoming an enormous weight on my own mental health. In August last year, he received a double lung transplant and I was there by his side throughout the whole process. I watched him take his first steps with new lungs, I was there to answer the phone at 3am when his pain was too much and he needed someone to talk to, I travelled up to 5 hours per day to visit his hospital accommodation throughout the year. In the end, after he had recovered physically, it all become too much as he developed serious mental health problems that were being inflicted upon me. We ended things earlier this year. Shortly after I met someone new. Very unexpected. Although just as I opened my heart and thought to myself 'you would be silly to not give this a chance', he turned cold after 4 months. He is genuinely scared of being hurt again as he was in his last relationship. But now, just as I fell for him, he can't reciprocate the same love that I am willing to give. And I am left feeling empty, unappreciated and always second best. Just needed to vent. X

gemmi mental game is not strong
  • replies: 3

This is really hard for me, I always talk about how important mental health is and I thought I had mine sorted out and was winning with copying, However, the last few weeks I realise I am losing my mental health and try as I may my boyfriend just isn... View more

This is really hard for me, I always talk about how important mental health is and I thought I had mine sorted out and was winning with copying, However, the last few weeks I realise I am losing my mental health and try as I may my boyfriend just isn't the one I can talk to about it. So here goes. Last year I fell pregnant unexpectedly just after me and bf got back together. I was stoked. Him not so much. What came after was a week of full blown depression, anxiety and a feeling of no control. He didnt want it fair enough but the pressure he put on me to have an abortion was intense. I actually feel like this pressure and pain forced a miscarry. I lost it, I was devastated and I didn't talk about it. He said maybe we can try next year. So being the girl that I am I held onto that 1 year promise. It wasnt a promise it was just his way of helping me deal. But it actually made me count weeks, months, waiting for that. 1 year later he isn'd ready still and I have become desperate. I get a late period, I get a niggle in my stomach and I run out and buy a pregnancy test. All which come back negative sending me into a deeper hole of sadness then I think, maybe next month. I constantly bring this up with him, and he says he can not give me a time frame. But that is all I really need. Just an idea so I can work towards that dream. But he says it would be lying to himself if he gave me one. I long for a baby. But I also long for a baby with him. He is my sole mate and I don't want to do it without him. I do push these thoughts away, they are destruction. How do I be happy for my newly pregnant friends with out feeling jealous. thanks

Cassa Stuffed up as a mother
  • replies: 6

Hi guys, my mental health goes back many years. I have a diagnosis PTSD, depression and anxiety. Also I had severe post natal depression with my last child who is now in his 30's. I manage my mental health with the support of GP, psychiatrist, medica... View more

Hi guys, my mental health goes back many years. I have a diagnosis PTSD, depression and anxiety. Also I had severe post natal depression with my last child who is now in his 30's. I manage my mental health with the support of GP, psychiatrist, medications, meditation, yoga, mindfulness. Since my childhood I have dealt with sexual abuse, seeing my father and father killed in a MVA. My ex having an affair in later stages of my last pregnancy which resulted in PND and in those days it was very hard access treatment. So was a mess for about 3 years until I decided to try to get myself together by doing a social work degree, 2 teenage children and a toddler on top of being a single mum. I had a complex relationship with my ex at times who continued his affair and wanted to reconcile. When my 2 older children moved on with their life and I completed my uni degree I found work in another town without any money and no support from my ex I was not in a position I had no choice but to leave my now 6 year old son with his father and step mother. My son visited me once a weekend every month and all the school holidays. I noticed that when he reached teens he was always angry with me. But was also with his step mother, when he turned about 15 his father asked that he move in with me and my new husband and step daughters. He was not happy about the move and was very difficult to live with, he was critical of just about everything, withdrew to his room and just wanted to spend his days playing computer games. I tried everything to encourage him to go to school and eventually find a job and I was met with a very angry son, which left me in tears and depressed. When he was 19 he met a young lady who was in the family way so he eventually moved out with his girlfriend. They had another child and he still continued his obsession with computer games until she forced him to get a job. After 16 years his wife finally had enough of him not wanting to contribute to the family and asked him to move out as she had found another man. So I stepped up and offered him to come home. He was very distressed so I attempted to provide support to get his life on track, and I was met with hostility and just wanting to go to work, intermittent and stay up all night playing on his computer games. After 7 mths when I was feeling mentally exhausted we end up having an argument he has moved into shared accommodation. Resulting in a relapse with my mental health

Deelee Ending of a 4 year relationship
  • replies: 10

Hi my name is Donna and I have just hit the 50 years, which I thought I would of had it together by now I suffer anxiety and depression and a few other physical problems also I was in a 4 year relationship with a gentleman and mainly his 10 year old ... View more

Hi my name is Donna and I have just hit the 50 years, which I thought I would of had it together by now I suffer anxiety and depression and a few other physical problems also I was in a 4 year relationship with a gentleman and mainly his 10 year old daughter when cyclone Debbie hit our small town we both lived separately but his residents got completely trashed by flood waters so I brought him and his 10 year old daughter and also his pregnant older daughter to stay with me for 3 months why there house was being fixed , it was a bit tense at times but we all manage , I went out of my way to help clean gather and rebuild what we could , which also grew extremely close to his youngest daughter in that time , when they finally got to move back to there house , after helping set everything up , applying for funds gaining washing machines beds and what ever eles was available all communication suddenly stopped its been 3 months and I get the occasional phone call from the 10 year old but what hurts most is she called the other day to tell me dad has been seeing another women for some time so basically I have been heart broken and also stomped on this man I thought was my best friend and soul mate yet while he was living under my roof he was creating a relationship with some one eles how does one get over that , I am waking every day with a broken heart and to think I was used as a convenience for a shelter in a storm so to speek it is a smalll town and seeing any of them would shatter me now I know time heels all wounds but I thought at 50 I was a better judge of character not feeling to positive about the future and I have never trusted many people and this makes me even more cautious

bluewater Why do we let it get there!
  • replies: 6

I had a one night stand to begin with and then fell in love! Im stupid sadly I knew this couldn't work out and I became reckless and now I'm being ignored! Sadly at the time I craved attention and this person was what I wanted but had own issues and ... View more

I had a one night stand to begin with and then fell in love! Im stupid sadly I knew this couldn't work out and I became reckless and now I'm being ignored! Sadly at the time I craved attention and this person was what I wanted but had own issues and the feelings were one sided Gosh ive been through so much how do i just let this go. I've become the clingy person I dont even like. Texting. . I just want to stop! I've been told to use my block feature etc & think twice... none of this helps & I've lost way more important people in my life! This sucks