Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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DavoC Is my girlfriend hiding something bigger?
  • replies: 3

Hi, I have recently seen on my girlfriend's call logs (after she left it unlocked and I was looking for a contact time of a mutual friend) and noticed she has been masking lots of calls with an 1831 in front of the mobile number and when she is alone... View more

Hi, I have recently seen on my girlfriend's call logs (after she left it unlocked and I was looking for a contact time of a mutual friend) and noticed she has been masking lots of calls with an 1831 in front of the mobile number and when she is alone, each call might be 20-40 seconds long and all outgoing calls only. Each mobile is unique and I'm confused as to why she is doing this? I tried to confront her but she said it was just missed calls she was calling back and listened to who they are.. She might call 4-6 numbers randomly when she is alone. Is this a sign of drugs or prostituting? I'm worried and fear she is involved in something more sinister. Does anybody have any ideas of what it is and how I approach her on this?

Miss_Rhi_Rhi Why do i feel so lonely....
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hi everybody, this is the first time im posting so sorry if i haven done it right. i feel so lonley and everyday is a struggle to get up, my partner loves me but it doesnt feel like he wants me he is more interested in gaming than me. my family say t... View more

hi everybody, this is the first time im posting so sorry if i haven done it right. i feel so lonley and everyday is a struggle to get up, my partner loves me but it doesnt feel like he wants me he is more interested in gaming than me. my family say they support me but they dont try to help me or talk to me. i have no friends at all only my parnter and family and it just feels like there not here. i just wish i had friends that i could hang out with and not feel so alone everyday, all i do is sit in bed and watch tv no one talks to me i have no one... when i try to make friends they think im weird and i dont know what i do to make them think that way, i know i have severe anxiety and depression but i put on a happy face everyday so how can i not have friends by now... i just want someone who will listen and want to hang out with me but i cant even do that right. i cant keep anyone in my life i loose everyone i care about... i just dont know what to do anymore to get through a day?? or just life in general??

Topher1 What to do? She said it's over.
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Hi All, This year would mark 8yrs of marriage to my beautiful wife. We have 2 gorgeous girls that just make your heart melt. We have been having a few problems but nothing I thought couldn't be resolved as I thought we loved each other. For the past ... View more

Hi All, This year would mark 8yrs of marriage to my beautiful wife. We have 2 gorgeous girls that just make your heart melt. We have been having a few problems but nothing I thought couldn't be resolved as I thought we loved each other. For the past 2yrs she has been very blunt with me, she works afternoon's and evenings so I pick the girl's up from daycare. So weekend's I want to spend time as a family and evenings with my wife, but she always choices to go out. We have only ever been out with out the kids 6times in almost 5yrs. I hardly ever get go out so when I do I may come home a little jolly. She says I drink to much, and I'm always angry. I have been seeing doctor's on and off for a few year's and a counselor last year that didn't tell me to much. Just that we need time together. Last week she told me it was over. She wanted more kids but didn't want them with me. My whole world fell apart. On the same day my doctor told me that I had an irregular heartbeat that should have been picked up year's ago when he looked at my old test results, this caused anxiety. He gave me some pills and for the first time I felt normal again. I've tried to explain this to the wife but she just doesn't want to listen. She feels that I took her for granted. I just want to be able to try again. I wrote her an apology letter, I'm not using anxiety as an excuse, but the things I use to worry about and the not sleeping, didn't do me any favours. I never knew I had anxiety I just thought it was normal. I love my family and just don't know what to do. She doesn't want to try.

Erin323 Divorced but my ex is still sucking the life out of me
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Hi. My name is Erin and I'm new here. I am 45 years old and alone. I feel as if I don't at least write these thoughts down, I'm going to burst. I have a knot in my chest the size of Jupiter. I can't concentrate and am relying on sleeping pills to sle... View more

Hi. My name is Erin and I'm new here. I am 45 years old and alone. I feel as if I don't at least write these thoughts down, I'm going to burst. I have a knot in my chest the size of Jupiter. I can't concentrate and am relying on sleeping pills to sleep. My story: I came to Australia 14 years ago with work. I married an Australian and had a beautiful daughter. 7 years ago my husband and I divorced after eight years of isolation, physical and emotional abuse and many (finding out afterwards) affairs. I have since been left to live in Australia without any extended family or support, in order to keep my daughter, whom I have 72% of the time. As if TWO years of financial and emotional bankruptcy fighting in the courts for the right to keep my daughter wasn't enough, with little to zero child support, and constantly fighting to keep my head above water, my ex has now convinced my daughter that she's old enough to make the decision to move in with him full time. If I thought he as sincere, and if I thought he was a healthy individual, and if I thought he wouldn't hurt our daughter the way he's hurt me (if not now...eventually), I would say it's her choice and allow her an opportunity to trial living with him. But, sadly it's not about my daughter at all. It's about hurting me....which he goes out of his way to do all of the time!! It's actually quite torturous. He's re-married. He has all of his family around him to help and support him. He has a good job and is very well off. I don't understand why he won't leave me alone and why, as a Father, is he using our daughter as his next leverage to hurt?? My heart is broken. I'm tired. I'm alone. I want out, but not sure if I mean this figuratively or literally. Some days I just want to quit. As a matter of fact, I recently put my house on the market just to free myself in case I get an opportunity to move....which in reality I can't or I risk losing my daughter altogether....and there in lies my dilemma. Anybody who has a similar situation, male or female, please please tell me how you survive these years. Thank you.

Louise_1984 I let go of my depressed girlfriend after months of trying
  • replies: 7

Hi everyone, This is my first post but these forums have been a god-send for me! I was in a relationship with a girl (lesbian relationship) for about 9 months. It was long distance. I go overseas for work every few months which is how I met her. At f... View more

Hi everyone, This is my first post but these forums have been a god-send for me! I was in a relationship with a girl (lesbian relationship) for about 9 months. It was long distance. I go overseas for work every few months which is how I met her. At first things were amazing! She was loving, caring, affectionate, attentive and fun to be around. I fell so deeply in love with her when I spent a month over there with her and I felt she did too. She confided in me that she suffers from depression and bi-polar. I have close friends and family who suffer from depression so I am very understanding of it and promised her I would never leave no matter how hard it got. About a month after I’d been home I got a text saying she had to let me go as I deserved someone who could be everything I need. I was able to talk her through it and let her know that I’m not going anywhere cause she’s the love of my life and I’m not letting her go. Things got better and before long it was time for me to travel back there. Things were great until about 2 weeks into my trip. I met her family and they seemed to like me but she started going cold on me again and when I asked her what was going on, she started with the whole “You deserve better than me” stuff. This time I wasn’t able to talk her out of it and it just got worse and worse until she ended things completely a few days before I left to come back to AU. I thought it was over and I was beyond broken and devestated. A few days later, she called me crying saying how sorry she was and how much she messed up. I love this girl more than anyone I’ve ever loved so I of course accepted her apology even though she had put me through hell in the last 2 months. Fast forward to a few days ago, she starts going cold again and we had a fight because I was pushing her to get her passport so she could come to Australia. Her answers were always the same “I want to, im just too messed up in the head right now to think clearly and function” I had to put my foot down. I told her if she can’t love me how I love her then to let me go.. So she did. I haven’t heard from her in 3 days and I’m thinking this might be the end. I want more than anything for her to come back and realise her mistakes.. I’m not really looking for advice, more so just to vent. I know I did the right thing for me, but would like to hear other people’s experiences with partners and depression though. Did they come back eventually? Did things ever change and get better?

NotSoSunny Will I be alone for the rest of my life?
  • replies: 4

I don't want to live like this. I've been single for almost five years. I'm 36, and nobody asks me out except for old gross men. I don't have kids or pets and I think about suicide every day. People tell me I'm attractive but I don't see it. I've tri... View more

I don't want to live like this. I've been single for almost five years. I'm 36, and nobody asks me out except for old gross men. I don't have kids or pets and I think about suicide every day. People tell me I'm attractive but I don't see it. I've tried everything - group sports, the gym, healthy eating, online dating - but nothing works. I now am struggling to do anything at work because I'm so unmotivated. Does anyone have any advice? I have lost hope that I'll ever find a husband or have kids, and I have just a glimmer of hope that one day I might not have to wake up alone like I do every other day

Worried_Sick Worried Sick
  • replies: 13

Hello I'm a middle aged mother of two school aged children. I recently found content/downloands on my husbands computer by accident of school girls in private school uniform from leading private girls schools in our City. There are over 50 or 60 down... View more

Hello I'm a middle aged mother of two school aged children. I recently found content/downloands on my husbands computer by accident of school girls in private school uniform from leading private girls schools in our City. There are over 50 or 60 downloaded photos from the private sc schools. Although no Child Pornography on computer there is a lot of adult pornography links saved in bookmarks along with the downloads of school girls ranging in age from Kindergarten through to Senior years and only has private school girl photos. ie not from boys or co-ed private schools. The images have been filed in his computer with code names etc. Although innocent enough if there were a few - there are just fairly excessive given that they are tied up with Pornographic adult websites on comp as well. These girls are my childrens ages so I am sure their parents would be horrified if they knew this. We don't know the girls but they are just photos taken perhaps by the inhouse school photographer of girls in uniform on their school grounds. Around 6 or 8 private schools were targeted within our city. It has affected me so much for some reason. I did confront my husband about it and said I came across some downloads of these images but he became so frighteningly angry that I was a "snoop" and bullied me into believing that I had done something wrong by using his computer. He has since deleted all the evidence although I have proof still as I made sure of this. When he became angry I backed down and did not demand for an answer as to why he had them. In the meantime I rang a domestic violence talk line and they ended up reporting it to Child Protection Services (they had my details/phone number from a past violent incident involving one of my children with their father). The Child Protection rang me the next day and visited me to chat to me about whether or not there was a child protection issue within our house. They felt it was not appropriate to question my husband about why he had images of such despite being extremely alarming and bizarre. After a 2 hour visit in my home when my husband was at work they felt they cant approach him about it due to safety issues. I am now beside myself if my husband finds out that all these people know - he is going to hit the roof. I'm so scared I can't cope.

Beautifulsoul75 HELP stuck between a rock and a bad place
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone im new to this site, but hoping I can get some sound guidance and support im with a man you who is right now suffering severely with anxiety and depression... he is on medication and just had his dosage increased which has caused him to f... View more

Hi everyone im new to this site, but hoping I can get some sound guidance and support im with a man you who is right now suffering severely with anxiety and depression... he is on medication and just had his dosage increased which has caused him to feel worse (part of the side effects). my problem is I’m the only one he has told how he’s feeling.... and now he has pushed me away and said he needs a week or so to sort himself out ... his family have no idea what’s going on .... to be honest I’m really scared for him. When He gets this down he sticks his head in the sand and just disappears and talks to no one ... I need to know should I be telling his family what’s going on so they can try and help or not break his trust and say nothing and let him come to me when he feels better .. I’ve been i tears all day over this ... and it’s worse as I can’t see him any advice would be greatly appreciated

Kazza13 Depressed about feelings towards husband
  • replies: 7

I have been struggling with depression for 25 years but was managing through medication for most of that. Gone down again. I have been married for 25 years but get depressed about how I feel about my husband and his looks. I know I love him and could... View more

I have been struggling with depression for 25 years but was managing through medication for most of that. Gone down again. I have been married for 25 years but get depressed about how I feel about my husband and his looks. I know I love him and couldnt imagine life without him, so why do I feel like this. Does anybody out there have the same thing, I feel like I am the only one in the whole world who feels like this.

Dee161 New To Depression
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Hi Lovely ppl Well where do I start a few months ago I found out that my partner has depression. He came to me and was honest about everything we went to the doctors and he started antidepressants tablets A few weeks in everything was going great, hi... View more

Hi Lovely ppl Well where do I start a few months ago I found out that my partner has depression. He came to me and was honest about everything we went to the doctors and he started antidepressants tablets A few weeks in everything was going great, his anger towards me had seem to disappear and I felt like it was the old him, then without any word I found out that he had stopped the tablets and everything just seem to go downhill he told me he didn’t love me he didn’t want to be with myself and our daughters he was happy for me to keep the house and he would just move away. I just want to know how to deal with stuff like this I want to know if it’s really him or it’s going cold turkey on the tablets????? I’m beyond frustrated at the moment because once I found out that he had depression I was conscious of every think that I would say to him how I would act trying to be positive reassuring him that every think in the household is perfect and now after a massive few nights of just arguing he goes back to like nothing has happened like every think is perfect again . Any advice would be greatly appreciated