Relationship and family issues

Anything to do with managing relationships and family, including parenting, separation, loneliness, divorce, family and friendships.


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Chris_B PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING: 3 important tips to get the most out of this section
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Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following... View more

Hi everyone, The Relationships & Family Issues section is one of the busiest here on our forums. It's also one of the areas where we find members can get themselves into trouble! Before posting here, take a deep breath and be mindful of the following 3 tips: 1. Do you really want to share this with the world? This is a public forum. Are you thinking of posting something that could identify you to a friend or family member? Once you've posted, you can't delete what you've written and we don't take posts down from here unless they've broken one of our community rules. This is because our members spend a lot of time composing replies, and there is a much wider audience that gets a lot out of reading what has been written. It's not fair to ask the community for support, then ask to have it removed once you've read it so others can't also benefit. Use discretion when posting here - think about the level of detail you are sharing, and think also about who might know you are posting here. Also, please keep it clean: this is an all ages forum and explicit discussions about sexual problems are not permitted. Threads and posts of this nature will be removed and your account placed on a moderation hold. 2. What do you want to get out of posting here? Relationship and family issues are stressful. Members sometimes post here seeking advice about a relationship that has broken down, but find themselves getting upset when they don't agree with the response they get. This is a peer support forum, meaning we are not mental health professionals. We are people of all ages and backgrounds, with a wide range of life experiences. While we aim for our discussions to be conducted respectfully, people here will respond with the truth as they see it, from their own experiences and perspectives. We are not here to take sides. Offence is almost never intentional, but it can be sometimes taken. The advice you will see here is not intended to be a substitute for professional counselling. 3. What other support do you have? Most people posting on our forums (about any issue) use this space as a supplement to other supports. This forum is not and cannot be a substitute for offline supports, but it is often a good place to start the ball rolling and find the courage for seeking help. If you are relying solely on an internet forum to resolve your relationship or family issues, you are likely to be disappointed. Check out the Healthy Homes section of our Healthy Families website for further information and resources.

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Baran Afraid of losing unsuitable friends because of loneliness feeling
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Hi, My biggest issue is loneliness feeling in Australia and being far from my family so when I find new friends specially from the same country, I trust them easily and deny their unfaithful behaviour. After a while I find out or I open my eyes and s... View more

Hi, My biggest issue is loneliness feeling in Australia and being far from my family so when I find new friends specially from the same country, I trust them easily and deny their unfaithful behaviour. After a while I find out or I open my eyes and start to see the truth... I’m scared of losing friends 🥺help me

Nothappyuni You are not alone. Pain and anxiety from breakups.
  • replies: 4

Over a year ago now, I hastily packed a bag with some things and drove away from everything I knew- my entire world. I slept in my car, showering and what have you, at my university campus. 25 years, a partner, children, in-laws, house, possessions, ... View more

Over a year ago now, I hastily packed a bag with some things and drove away from everything I knew- my entire world. I slept in my car, showering and what have you, at my university campus. 25 years, a partner, children, in-laws, house, possessions, neighbours and friends- all disappeared in the wink of an eye. It was not an easy decision, but it was necessary for self preservation. If you are suffering in a bad relationship, if you have recently broken up, or it has been a while since the break up but you are still hurting a great deal: I say to you "reach out". You may find help and support in the most unexpected places. It has been a difficult year for many. With very fibre of me I wish you the very best into the future, know that you are not alone, know that others have walked the same path, and know that while we are all different, there are those who have had such incredible grief, and yet they have moved on and overcome or at least come to terms with their grief (In my darker moments I think of a friend I have, who lost his legs and family. I think to myself, 'though I am broken hearted and lonely, my lot is not such a bad one'). To a brighter future and a fresh new year full of promise.

Hopeful_18 My mums partner had given her an ultimatum because of me
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Hi all, Approx 6months ago I had a falling out with my mums partner. Im 28 and she has been with him for 4yrs. I never liked him. But mums happiness was important. I got to know him & tried to include him. My sister and I always said there was someth... View more

Hi all, Approx 6months ago I had a falling out with my mums partner. Im 28 and she has been with him for 4yrs. I never liked him. But mums happiness was important. I got to know him & tried to include him. My sister and I always said there was something strange about him. To keep it short this man would always make comments about my weight everytime I was around (Im size 10-12 & fit, but solid) when I wasn’t he would tell my sister (22) Im manipulative towards her & always say negative things about me. We have fought heaps from the start and he’s always with my mum when I want to see her. This fight started over something small and I made a comment that got him going, he yelled and lunge at me over the fence. He said things that no women should ever be told so I blew & went right off. In the end he told me I deserved what I get from men for the way I dress (I am body conscious so I dress pretty conservative). This man continues to tell my mum I need to apologise for something I didn’t say. I suffer from anxiety as it is and I have a very good memory so I swear what he’s saying is not true. Anyway for the last 6months my mum has begged me to apologise or even fake one so he will help her and stop acting like this. I refuse to for what he has said, for him not willing to meet half way or acknowledge his role in the fight, for the things he’s said to mum after the fight and how he manipulates her. My life these last 6 months even through covid have been so much better with out this narcissistic man because I have not been shamed, slandered and degraded by him. Tonight my brother told me the partner has given mum an ultimatum. Either I apologise before Christmas or he is kicking her out and leaving her. Since the fight I’ve seen him twice and have spoken politely with a hello how are you. I have moved on, I will not apologise out of respect for myself and other women. And I will not apologise for something I didn’t say or an apology I don’t mean. Do I cave so Mum doesn’t get dumped and let this man continue to control Mum knowing he can play her children as they will cave for her to be happy, do I cut Mum and him off or deal with him kicking mum out and knowing my own anxiety will destroy me. When this fight happened I felt horrible and now for the first time since they met I am so much happier without him around (I live on mums and my late fathers 2nd farm hence why the he’s always around and should I leave). Thanks in advance x

Guest7890 I’m the one always initiating sex from my boyfriend
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So I don’t really know what to do. I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and a bit now and when we first came together it was new and exciting, we would have sex almost every day or every couple of days which I know is unrealistic over time b... View more

So I don’t really know what to do. I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and a bit now and when we first came together it was new and exciting, we would have sex almost every day or every couple of days which I know is unrealistic over time but now, it feels like we only have it every couple of weeks and I’m always the one to initiate it. Its even more disappointing when I feel like i’m the one always trying and when he gets off, I’m still left horny and frustrated because I was unable to climax as well. The main thing I don’t like at the moment though is how much I am always wanting to get him in the mood, it feels as though he expects me to play the role and whenever he feels horny, he just waits for me to want it to initiate it. Aside from being left frustrated and like he doesn’t try for me, I also feel pretty rejected as a girl. He has said once before that hes just used to seeing me around half naked sometimes so he doesn’t quite get as excited as he used to, which really hurts my feelings because the main thing I take from that is that hes bored and doesn’t find me as sexually attractive or interesting as he used to. I feel really ugly, and a bit of a freak since I want sex so bad so often and he doesn’t seem to be interested most the times I try to get him in the mood. I want to talk it out with him but I’m worried it will turn into a fight. One thing I want to talk about is I want him to try more to make me feel good during sex, but its hard for me to imagine asking that without it being weird or turning into a fight, plus I would feel there would be extra pressure on me to climax even if I can’t and hes trying. I also feel like I can’t change how hes feeling and change his sex drive. My boyfriend has always been a really sexual guy so it hurts me to think he isn’t as interested or sexually driven to me anymore. My plan is to withdrawal a little in initiating sex so that maybe he will feel more abliged to try with me when he feels like it, I plan on watching porn to forfill my own desires in the mean time. Although I hope he changes so I don’t feel a need to do that often as I have withdrawn from watching porn ever since our relationshop started as it often makes me feel really lonely and sad afterwards. Has anyone and any girls been through this? Anyone have any advice please?

Dreamer_ Early menopause possibly linked to IVF
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In December 2019 I married my partner of 10 years. Although we met when we were 3 at playgroup. We didn’t start dating until our early 30’s. When I was 34 after being together for a couple of years we decided to try for a baby. My GP said that I shou... View more

In December 2019 I married my partner of 10 years. Although we met when we were 3 at playgroup. We didn’t start dating until our early 30’s. When I was 34 after being together for a couple of years we decided to try for a baby. My GP said that I should do a test to check my egg count. And the results were low. She referred us to a fertility clinic. We tried ovulation induction at one clinic but found the appointments hard to get to and very pricey. 6 Months later we got referred to another clinic. They charged us for every failed cycle, we did a few with them. I did not find them helpful at all. We tried naturally for a couple of years with no luck so got a referral to yet another clinic and did 6 cycles through them. We eventually got to egg retrieval time but sadly they could only get (1) egg. So they used all the money and hope we had in the world on this one little egg with my partners sperm. Got a phone call at work a couple of days later to say that it didn’t work. The fertility specialist then suggested our next step would be donor egg. The thought of this makes me feel so hopeless and useless that my own body cannot produce/conceive. I feel like an absolute failure. we decided to get married after my husband proposed to me on my 40th Birthday. Last year 2019 was the year of joy! I took time away from trying to fall pregnant and actually enjoyed our life leading up to the wedding. I had two periods in November 2019 which was weird. I was due while we were on our Honeymoon straight after the wedding. But never got it. I decided to get some blood tests done because I was feeling so unwell with hot flushes and exhaustion. My test results came back and my GP told me that I’m now in early menopause, not peri menopause which is common for my age. But actual menopause. Which doesn’t normally occur until ladies are in their late 40’s to 50’s. I am currently feeling broken and empty inside. I can’t really talk to my husband as he doesn’t know what to say or do. My mum and mother in law although they mean well don’t really know how to support me. They both had children. As do most of my friends. My friends try to understand but how can they really? Also I don’t want people’s advice I just want my baby. And I’m not yet ready to give up this fight. I truely believe that all the hormones pumped into my body has caused me to go into early menopause. This is just going by personal experience.

Laura1987 Not sure if I should stay in my marriage
  • replies: 9

My toddler was having a meltdown and I asked my husband to help. He got angry with me and then started kicking the kids toys so I got the kids and left. He sent me text messages and told me he won’t help me, don’t ask him too and he told me he doesn’... View more

My toddler was having a meltdown and I asked my husband to help. He got angry with me and then started kicking the kids toys so I got the kids and left. He sent me text messages and told me he won’t help me, don’t ask him too and he told me he doesn’t want to speak to me and can’t stand to be near me. We have been together 13 years and are due to relocate soon. I’ve no idea what I’m doing now! Should I just leave?

MummaF I'm about to lose everything
  • replies: 13

Im a mum of 2 beautiful girls 8 & 5 - been with my partner for 14 years. I have depression which was diagnosed just over a year ago and on medication for this. My partner has told me it's over due to some recent behaviours I have been displaying and ... View more

Im a mum of 2 beautiful girls 8 & 5 - been with my partner for 14 years. I have depression which was diagnosed just over a year ago and on medication for this. My partner has told me it's over due to some recent behaviours I have been displaying and been struggling with for maybe 2 years. I'm not passed as an alcoholic, I am not dependant on alcohol but I am a terrible binge drinker. My drinking over time had esculated in a sitting to the extreme that I am making horrible decisions. I am drinking alot in one sitting and taking it way to far. A while ago I started to party hard staying out all night etc and he dealt with it for a long time. I have male friends that at times the conversation has been inappropriate and just recently my partner has read some messages on my phone that has lead to this decision. While yes I had written something that was intended as a joke and I tried to explain the context of it but he isn't accepting it and questioning everything on my phone. My behaviours have taken it's toll on our relationship and recently I have resulted to some recreational drug use. I initially have lied to him about this and now he knows. I am on medication and the last year been seeing a psychologist which over time I think I checked out of. I'm losing control and trying to get my way back - already talked to my doctor about changing my medication, re booked my psychologist for an emergency appointment. I have also been looking at seeking a treatment stay somewhere but finding it difficult to find one here in adelaide. I need help and I can't lose my relationship. He says it's too late but i told him I won't give up without a fight. He is such an amazing father and has been incredible to me and it kills me to continue to self distruct when all I want is my family to stay together. I am willing to do anything to save my family. Please help!!

Guest_7403 Ex wife upsetting me - trying to move forward
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My wife left me 6 weeks ago because my cptsd was out of control and I wasn't making any efforts to get better. I went to a private mental hospital for two weeks in an attempt to start my recovery. Whilst in there she reached out and said maybe she'd ... View more

My wife left me 6 weeks ago because my cptsd was out of control and I wasn't making any efforts to get better. I went to a private mental hospital for two weeks in an attempt to start my recovery. Whilst in there she reached out and said maybe she'd like to try, she went back and forth the entire time and basically disrupted my hospital stay, upsetting me daily. When I got home, she came over from her mums and hugged and kissed me, she did this for three days straight. I messaged her on day 4 and said I felt really good and thought we had a real shot at this, she replied and told me that the romantic kissing meant nothing and she only did it to make me feel better. I was upset and very hurt by her actions, as it meant more to me then nothing. I awoke the next day to a message telling me she loves me but she doesn't want to try, doesn't want to continue and to respect her decision and not contact her. So i haven't as I just want to heal and move on with my life and accept my marriage is over. She works at my work and when I return from my work cover itll be hard to see her. But today I get a knock at the door, and it's the police doing a welfare check on me saying that my wife has called and is concerned for my safety because I haven't messaged her and I haven't responded to my work place. This is a lie, I spoke to management last week about my health and future plans. I recieved a msg from my boss saying he's here to talk if I need anything just before the police arrived. It's upset me, as I have respected her wishes, have done nothing wrong. And now she's discussing my mental state with my bosses and making me out to be unstable which is untrue. I just want this nightmare to end and move forward with my love. This just makes going back harder.

ckris I’ve told my husband that I think I want to what?
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So I laid everything bare last night and was completely truthful and honest with myself and my husband. After what seems like years of bickering and fighting, a hostile household and no affection between us, numerous accounts of belittling behaviour ... View more

So I laid everything bare last night and was completely truthful and honest with myself and my husband. After what seems like years of bickering and fighting, a hostile household and no affection between us, numerous accounts of belittling behaviour from my husband, I feel like our marriage might be too little too late for repairing. So I have told my husband that I am considering what our future would be like if we were just co-parents focussing on our kids and not letting our relationship get in the way. We have two kids, 4 and 1 so I’m completely terrified and clueless about navigating the steps ahead. My absolute most important thing is that the kids remain as settled as they can be, know that they have two very loving parents and I want to try my hardest to make sure my husband and I can make a successful plan to parent our kids. Any advice from anyone in this kind of situation would be greatly appreciated.

DavMB I’m not sure what I’m feeling
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I’ve been married to my wife for 9 years. We’ve gone through many things together. For me she is a good wife, she is certainly not perfect but she is loving and treats me with respect. I know this is wrong but if I could, I would like to be with some... View more

I’ve been married to my wife for 9 years. We’ve gone through many things together. For me she is a good wife, she is certainly not perfect but she is loving and treats me with respect. I know this is wrong but if I could, I would like to be with somebody else. She struggles with depression and anxiety. I have anxiety issues as well and we both go to therapy (separately). She has an anxiety crisis almost every single night, she wants to eat, watch movies, she hates going to bed. For example last night she made a Pina colada for herself (I couldn’t because I had a surgery last week and can’t take alcohol because of the antibiotics) watched a movie on Netflix, and then started watching videos on YouTube. I asked her to turn off the TV (it was midnight) but she said she wanted to watch some videos. Those crisis happen every night. She will want to buy food from Uber eats, or watch a movie and the thing is, I don’t know how to help. I am an early bird so for me going to bed early is important. Maybe I’m tired that even when she’s having therapy, I don’t see a change in that area. Maybe I’m giving myself permission to fantasise with another person because I want to avoid the daily drama. I wonder if other couples go through similar issues. Yesterday, she told me that I am usually distant, cold, indifferent with her. I don’t get close, not even touch her. She’s is right, I feel bad because I’m supposed to love her but I’m not in love anymore. She's a nice person to live with but I feel I’m not the person she needs. I don't want to lose her, but I’m not the husband I used to be. I used to be romantic and here I’m not sure if that is normal because we’ve been married for so long or if it’s because a part of me wants to avoid her as much as possible. Thanks