PTSD and trauma

A space for discussing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other trauma. Please note some content may be distressing.


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A_Tech PTSD for Medical and First Responders
  • replies: 274

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting t... View more

Hi, Well obviously this my situation. I was hoping to find others here that might have a similar background to chat with, it can be so hard to talk about this stuff with non-med people (and I mean no disrespect, it's just often graffic or upsetting to others). Im a 40 year old female that has spent the last 10years in the State Trauma Hospital as an Anaesthetic Technician. My PTSD was brought about after years of exposure to shocking traumas, deaths, and no support from management. I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar story, or just wants to chat. Cheers

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  • replies: 1

I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, but not this: when I get super stressed, i do one (randomly) loud hiccup (and only one) that scares the sh*t out of anyone around me…can anyone tell me what this may be? I keep forgetting to ask my GP…

I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, but not this: when I get super stressed, i do one (randomly) loud hiccup (and only one) that scares the sh*t out of anyone around me…can anyone tell me what this may be? I keep forgetting to ask my GP…

blackbubblegum Seeking help
  • replies: 2

Last year a family member died overseas, and literally no one asked if they could help me cope with the loss. I just went to a few counselling sessions but found it unhelpful, and my new job got in the way. My new job was fast paced and I received no... View more

Last year a family member died overseas, and literally no one asked if they could help me cope with the loss. I just went to a few counselling sessions but found it unhelpful, and my new job got in the way. My new job was fast paced and I received no support and was fired. I stayed in a house for a few months while a family member was overseas and started thinking about adult content creation as a means to earn money. Immediately I was used for my money and bullied online for wanting to get involved. Eventually I was used by an adult content creator for their own gain and afterwards they rejected me, as did all the others. Desperate for work I started a stressful new job and quit after a week, my job agent offered no moral support. Shortly afterwards I decided to try to get into escorting and it ruined my mental health. Only in the last 2 weeks I have started to talk about it and a couple of my support workers have shown no genuine concern. Even one of them gaslighting me, after they forced me to tell them everything. My job agents have no concern for my wellbeing and offer me minimum wage jobs with the least shifts.

beachaholic3 Medication
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, I experienced a traumatic memory tonight after briefly watching Ambulance Australia on the TV of something I witnessed years and years ago... I was very distressed. Having really bizarre and abnormal thoughts, fidgeting and having cold s... View more

Hi everyone, I experienced a traumatic memory tonight after briefly watching Ambulance Australia on the TV of something I witnessed years and years ago... I was very distressed. Having really bizarre and abnormal thoughts, fidgeting and having cold sweats. I contacted Lifeline and talked about the memory with one of their counsellors who agreed that it seemed to be very intense. Then I took my PRN... after a few minutes it felt like the memory was just being zapped from the inside out. The noise was becoming quieter, the image started fading out and it came in short bursts rather than like watching a movie. I guess I wanted to write this post to let everyone know for the next time that you're in distress... to have faith in your medication as it can help to calm you down and may have potentially even saved me from a hospital admission tonight. Thanks for reading

Blondee71 Multi PTSD and trauma
  • replies: 2

Didn’t ever think I’d be writing something like this: but, here we are! I’ve unfortunately endured several big issue traumas (molestation, rape, physical/mental abuse, infidelity, as well as work related PTSD from being an ambo - both on road and in ... View more

Didn’t ever think I’d be writing something like this: but, here we are! I’ve unfortunately endured several big issue traumas (molestation, rape, physical/mental abuse, infidelity, as well as work related PTSD from being an ambo - both on road and in communications).I have been formally diagnosed with the work related PTSD, but something in me believes I’m suffering from my past above mentioned crisis’s.Cutting to the chase: I am now in a fairly great relationship, i am not harmed in any way…but me, myself has become toxic. He’s never cheated on me. I am always hyper vigilant of his communications on fb, or should he talk to a female: and lash out if he does. I’m becoming controlling, and aggressive. I speak the most venomous and hurtful words - just to get a response. I’m constantly worried he will leave or cheat - despite his reassurance….and it’s killing our relationship. I blame him for everything and anything. I have spoken to my dr who thinks it maybe related to my pain I suffered from my work related injury-but it’s not. I’m viscous to my friends, refuse to take calls and have lost half of my family….My fiancé is aware of my condition, but he’s kinda at a loss as to what to do…I literally only have two emotions atm: angry or sad….today being my best day is how I’ve managed to even write this post. I want the happy, goofy, unsuspicous me back- so bad, cos life at the tmiembtnjust doesn’t seem worth the effort ….thank you if you’re still reading my little rave…

-Bee When does it stop?
  • replies: 3

I was born into abuse. Not as bad as some, worse then others. I can't remember loosing my virginity, or who took it but I know I was very young. I was molested and raped by my family from before I can remember until the start of my teens. Tried to sp... View more

I was born into abuse. Not as bad as some, worse then others. I can't remember loosing my virginity, or who took it but I know I was very young. I was molested and raped by my family from before I can remember until the start of my teens. Tried to speak with my mother when I was very young, I was told boys are boys. Later to keep quiet and that it's over. Don't break the family. My dad left when I was 11. Overseas, started a new family. Left us with mum. She was an addict, neglectful and abusive. She tried to murder me. My brother, my rapist, saved me. Mum had countless boyfriends. Abusive relationships, both sides. Years of listening to screaming, physical fights, violent sex and mental breakdowns. Years of suicide threats and uncontrolled rage, jealousy, hate. Had two younger sisters I tried to shield. But ran when I was 15. My sister's both ended up being molested. One by my mother herself. Ended up in an abusive relationship with my first. 8 years later and 2 girls, I left. Had a good career and beautiful children. Chose to do better and did. Married my childhood best friend. Wanted a fairytale and ignored a lot of red flags. Started intensive trauma therapy, after a year I was given an ultimatum to let him know about my past, be apart of the therapy or end things. I worked with my therapist for months to get the courage. Wrote a letter to my mother confronting her. She was still in my life. They all were. I told him. He said I was disgusting. That he didn't sign up for my trauma. That he would share my letter on social media to show the world how f----d up I was. I didn't understand. We had a little boy and the girls were so happy and loved him deeply as a step dad, I was a wonderful partner but he thought I was dirty. Used and broken. So I moved on. I shared my story with my whole family. Put out into the open everything that had happened, what they had done and the pain and grief that it has caused me. And I was cut away. Called a liar. My mum tells people that I had my brother at my wedding, I had him near my children - my rapist - that I chose it, that I'm a terrible mother, neglectful, abusive, can't hold together a relationship. Pathetic. A wh--e. She is dying now. She was diagnosed with advanced MS, with multiple lesions on her brain. We haven't spoken in years, I'm off social media, blocked her from all my accounts but occasionally she gets a message through, just to call me something. Tell me she hates me. It was my birthday two days ago, she commemorated it by making sure I got a message calling me awful names, a f--- up, a bad mother. That she is dying and she'll hate me until the end. Never own it. Never be sorry. Decades of therapy. Medications. I do so well. Have an amazing job, am a great mother, a good person. But I have flashbacks and nightmares. I feel like a can't breathe sometimes. I feel hollow at other times. I know what it all is. But I'm just sitting here thinking, I'm tired. Life's been really hard. And I've done a really good job to get here, for the kids, they're ok. If I died now, theyd be ok. I've set them up financially, with love, with strength, with each other. I could go and these episodes... Fighting this battle again the utter worthlessness, hopelessness and soul wrenching pain will be done. Because I know now it won't go away. It will always be here. I will never find peace with this and fighting my mind, finding the strength to choose to continue and look for happiness is exhausting. I feel like I've fought hard enough now.

GemAndLogan Abusive Ex is now in jail, I feel weird about it
  • replies: 11

Hi all! It's been a little while since I've started a new post because I've been extremely lucky in that everything has been going well. However I found out on Saturday night that my ex partner is now in jail and it kind of threw me for a loop. We we... View more

Hi all! It's been a little while since I've started a new post because I've been extremely lucky in that everything has been going well. However I found out on Saturday night that my ex partner is now in jail and it kind of threw me for a loop. We were together 9 years and he always battled addiction and obeying the law. In the end his ice addiction changed him and he became physically and emotionally abusive towards me, even putting me in hospital twice and cheating on me. Leaving was hard because I loved the person he was before drugs but it was the best thing I ever did as the person he became was hurting me a lot. I don't love him any more and have had no contact since leaving (about 7 months ago), I have an amazing boyfriend now and have well and truly moved on from the past but I don't understand my feelings when finding out about his situation especially because everyone saw it coming, including me. I feel shocked, sad but also overwhelmed with relief that I don't have to be the one picking up the pieces for him while he was in jail. I feel devastated for the person I once knew, despite the fact that he hadn't been that person for at least 18 months due to his ice use. His sister has tried to contact me but I don't want to see his family because I want to leave him and any ties to him in the past but is that selfish of me? After I left, all I felt was anger and resentment for him and didn't care at all about what happened to him. But now that something has happened, I feel sad? And although I feel sad, I still have no desire at all to make contact with him or see him. I'm confused about my own emotions which is frustrating. I've been talking to family and friends about it but everyone seems to think I should be so happy with him being in jail after what he did to me and of course, his own actions put him there but I just don't feel happy about it. Always grateful to be able to vent here : ) Lots of love Gem

Ely_ DID - confusing thoughts about switching
  • replies: 2

Hi all,I am recognised as having DID. I am still very much in the start of the process of learning about how we work and and working on communication, connection etc. I am not pursuing an official diagnosis as there are already enough issues experien... View more

Hi all,I am recognised as having DID. I am still very much in the start of the process of learning about how we work and and working on communication, connection etc. I am not pursuing an official diagnosis as there are already enough issues experienced due to other conditions/diagnoses. Anyway the point of this post is I am wondering if any others with DID or OSDD have experienced blocking or distracting away from switches because you feel like it is 'weak' to 'give in' to a switch? Previously there has been fear and shame and things like that, but this seems to be new. We have discussed briefly in therapy, but didn't come up with any ideas. There is still lots of doubt & denial being worked through, so perhaps it is related to that? Thanks

Mc_fluffy Seeking help finding online or phone psychiatrist support services.
  • replies: 1

Hello, Seeking help to find appropriate support services in South Australia. I about 30 years ago I have endured significant violent trauma. Witnessing violent death perpetrated by strangers. All my life I've lived with a physical difference in my br... View more

Hello, Seeking help to find appropriate support services in South Australia. I about 30 years ago I have endured significant violent trauma. Witnessing violent death perpetrated by strangers. All my life I've lived with a physical difference in my brain that contributes to anger, anxiety, depression, learning difficulties and poor adaptation to change. My brain is physically reactive. As I've gotten older, my abilities to manage memories has become increasingly difficult, re-sending events and night terrors. These terrors lead to or contribute to significant seizures that are causing injuries ranging from milder ones like bruises to recently fractured vertebra. Does anyone know of a psychiatriac online or phone service in South Australia or Nationally who can work with my psychiatrist to help manage issues as they arise?

Debbiedoo I have no one to talk to
  • replies: 4

Hi, I have written a post before but these images are come more often. I was given the usual tablets for depression and anxiety and also self medicated with alcohol, I have not had a drink for 2 weeks and now I’m have flashbacks of my father abusing ... View more

Hi, I have written a post before but these images are come more often. I was given the usual tablets for depression and anxiety and also self medicated with alcohol, I have not had a drink for 2 weeks and now I’m have flashbacks of my father abusing me . Im trying to move on from these but they just keep coming.

Illbeok PTSD & hair loss
  • replies: 3

I've posted my issue a week ago and I don't know if it is appropriate to post another one here, so I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong. I feel like I'm going crazy now because my abusers (they are my family members) contacted my friend in Japan, asking h... View more

I've posted my issue a week ago and I don't know if it is appropriate to post another one here, so I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong. I feel like I'm going crazy now because my abusers (they are my family members) contacted my friend in Japan, asking her to talk to them. I know what they are going to tell her, they are going to tell my friend that I am crazy and have mental health problem and don't believe me, I know my friend understands (because she saw some of the things that they did to me) and but she says she is scared now. I contacted the authority in Japan but they say I should hire a lawyer. My PTSD symptoms have skyrocketed ever since, I've already lost so much hair due to all this and am going bold... my wig is too hot and feel like it's making it worse... my hair loss making my social anxiety worse too. I don't have any friends here in Australia, I contacted Grow meeting but no answer... so lonely and just crying.