Hello I have recently been diagnosed with PTSD and BPD, stemming from
childhood abuse and neglect as well as being sexually assaulted twice by
a "friend" as a young teen. I have a serious problem with coming back to
reality when i get in, what i like...
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Hello I have recently been diagnosed with PTSD and BPD, stemming from
childhood abuse and neglect as well as being sexually assaulted twice by
a "friend" as a young teen. I have a serious problem with coming back to
reality when i get in, what i like to call fight or flight. I generally
end up having a massive anxiety attack or sometimes, if I cant get
control of that. Ill harm myself. Throughout my early 20's, at night
clubs particularly, if a random guy would even just stare at me too
long, I would without fail, become aggressive. I would instantly become
fearful and thats when the fight or flight would come in, how ever, when
it comes to men, its generally fight. The most frustrating part about
all of this is i KNOW and can FEEL an episode arising and I KNOW that
kind of behaviour is completely wrong, but back then, I couldnt control
myself. I wanted these men to stop and leave me alone and just lacked
the patience completely if they didnt listen straight away. I would just
lose it, a handful of times I have turned around and used violence
towards a guy for being grabby toward me, or if a guy sat down next to
me i asked him to please move away, if he didnt listen that instant, the
anger would just completely take over me. I did this for years. even
today, i find myself grasping some what of control as I am a mum now of
a three year old and i dont want to be this angry person anymore, But
unfortunately recently and over the past few years I have been hurting
myself through self harm, binge eating, bulemia, over exercising. I dont
have parents.. sorry.. I do have parents but I havent spoken to neither
of them since i was 33 weeks pregnant, because that was the day my
mother assaulted me at my baby shower. She also assaulted my friends and
other family members who were trying to protect my unborn child. My
relationship with my parents was broken from a young age, but was
destroyed when I asked for their support when I'd been raped. According
to them I was a slut and probably drank too much.. I was 16 years old. I
carry a lot of anger and resentment and even writing this has made me so
angry. I am still on the waiting list to see a therapist but I just
thought id try here.. maybe itll help. thank you so much for reading.