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- Re: Anyone had to spend days alone without anyone ...
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Anyone had to spend days alone without anyone to talk to?
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Hi all, apart from here and a brief visit to church last night (to make it feel Christmassy and to just be with people) I've had day after day for weeks now with nobody at all to talk to. This time of year especially it's really depressing. Old friends that live far away are gradually losing contact with me - I ring them but they don't ring me. I understand they're busy with their live elsewhere but still it's hard when you're lonely. I'm going to a Christmas Eve service at the local church tomorrow night to at least be with people for a little while... but otherwise all day I'm alone, just me and the dog. Sometimes I strike up a conversation on BB but then the other person disappears and that's the end of that...
How are people meant to cope with prolonged periods of social isolation? I read, I watch DVDs, normally I'd go for long walks with the dog but thick smoke from bushfires and intense hot weather have stopped that. I go to a café alone sometimes. Any ideas/help?
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💖😹Hi Hanna! I have found this thread, & other threads listed in, Hanna, Your Profile! If you spot someone's name as a link indicating they have posted to a thread, click on that & you can go to their profile page, & find a list of threads. & basic stuff, nothing personal, there. I've come straigt into here doing that.
Since I see (Hello!) Matchy & Paws here, I think I can find them elsewhere, too!.😺
Maybe tomorrow, though...
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Hi Hannah Pawsy Grandy and everyone ☺
Just a quicky lovey to hopefully be able to be more in touch and able to eventually get to the last post.
Yikes pretty hairy atm eh.
Hope your lovely Sams ok now sounded nasty the paw nail ouchems the dear mite.
Hoping you're holding ok hun ☺
Take care lovey 🕊
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Hi Paws, & everyone.
I've had a couple chances to see if my typing ws really being saved & to work out how to make it appear when I've made a mistake & have had to start again.
I returned to the page where I had just lost my writing, then began another reply. A notice appeared above th textbox, adivising that content had been auto-saved & I could 'load' it or not. Within that text the word 'load' I realised was a link that didin't look like a link, but my pointer changed from an arrow to a pointing finger. (How I would know that if I was totally blind, I don't know. I t didn't say, 'click here to load...') The final word, what was it? I can't rememeber already, dumped what was auto-saved, & could no longer be retrieved. It looked like a real link, coloured differently to the rest of the tet in that notice.
It is so harrd.
& I think it only auto-saves while we are actively typing. I'm thinking once a minute.
My text-to-speech doesn't announce it precisely the minite is noted.
I want to look for what Sophie_M is saying, if noticing our conversation. I think there will need to be a central location for our feedback.
I saw Smallwolf had posted a New Discussion asking people to post tips for 'how to' on this new site.... oh where??? was that now? Just look for the little wolf in the mist picture, click the name, & find his post listed there. 😺
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Hi Deebi I answered you somewhere else but I can't remember which thread it was... It's all a bit confusing...
Thank you, my little beloved doggies is much better today, with a sore mouth and sore feet he's been pretty miserable!
I had a quick look in the Cafe but hardly anyone seems to be there...
I hope Grandy is OK..
Is it cold where you are Deebi? It's nearly zero degrees here but no snow which is disappointing!
My emojies have moved to the bottom weirdly.... 😯🐕🐾🐺💖
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Hello Hanna,
How is Mr Sam doing now? Is he up to going for walks again?
It's been bitterly cold here... despite the winter sunshine breaking through in the mornings the air temperature is still artic... I saw on another thread you have been getting the same freezing night temperatures we have... I hope you have had some sun to go with them.
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Hi Paws
He was very weak for the first couple of days but he's picking up fast now, thank you for asking. He's on soft food for two weeks so cannoned food and I'm steaming veggies for him, he loves those. We actually had some sunshine yesterday afternoon and that helped both of us! There's been almost no sunshine for weeks here.
I think that new friend of mine is avoidant, the one who only goes to the dog park. She used to text me so much I found it almost exhausting, now she barely even replies or texts at all. Turns out she grew up near me in the city, went to a neighbouring school, we know all the same places, but she still won't meet for a coffee and only goes to the dog park which I can't take Sam to currently, he is not up to that yet. People sure are strange. I had a nice lunch out with my other friend who is a nurse.
I'm reading an autobiography by Penelope Lively at the moment, she's an English author I like very much, she grew up in Egypt so it's interesting.
My new electric blanket from kmart is brilliant! I gave up paying for expensive ones long ago, target or kmart are brilliant!
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Hi Paws
I can't seem to find anyone on the forums, it was nice to see you here! Sam's on limited exercise only, mostly resting, but we're out this morning as the sun is shining and I'm trying to find groceries - yesterday there was almost no fruit, no tissues no eggs no loo paper!
Sam had a birthday yesterday, he turned 11 on the 11th!He was pretty off colour yesterday so no celebrations.
Do you have any trouble finding grocery items there?
We are sitting in the sunshine having a coffee now before going to the supermarket. Great to hear from you! 🙂🐾🐩☀️🐶
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Hello Hanna,
Happy Woof Day Sam🍗🍗🎁🎉...
I hope he starts to feel better soon... poor little tyke... getting some sun should be good for him.
Ohh nooo... 😳 please tell me it was just the supermarket in your town... I have to go into big town this week to the chemist & I need to do a shop at Woolies... I will not be a happy camper if the shelves are bare... 🙄
It seems so quiet on bb... of course that might be just me struggling with the new system... but I do think most of us are finding it harder... there are so many the little helpful things that I took for granted with the old format that I'm missing with this version...
From where I'm sitting I can look out my lounge window & at the moment it is twilight & the sky is clear... there is an almost full moon I can see through the bare branches of the tree nearest the house... it looks lovely...
I hope you enjoyed your sunshine
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Hi Paws,
Wow it's a relief to see you here - I've looked at the few threads I do follow, and day after day I can't find anyone there... I keep thinking like you, that it's just me having issues with the new forums, but when I look at the Cafe it's so quiet too...
Thank you for the kind wishes for little Sam, he gets very tired but he is eating well - some milder weather and sunshine would be helpful, but it turned cold and wet today here after the morning sunshine. Re shopping, here the shelves werebare of some things... tissues, eggs, toilet paper is hard to find here, the other day Woolies had no eggs at all... I had to go to the IgA to get mandarins and apples, Woolies had almost nothing.. it's frustrating, it's taken two days for me to get just my usual shop. Good lucl!
I've been writing a long letter to an old friend from coastal town who moved to New Zealand to be near her brother and sister in law as she got older - she's in the north island - I'm interested to hear from her about Jacinta Ardern and how she finds living there - she said the cost of living is much higher than here,. We have all scattered as we got a bit older.
My friend here who only goes to the dog park.. who lives up this street - she used to text constantly and now has stopped dead - I texted how was she, and said I hoped we could catch up in person sometime - and she didn't reply and went completely silent - I think I might have frightened her off? I didn't mean to, I meant it pleasantly - she cancelled a coffee meet up weeks ago, the morning we were meant to meet up - said her cold had freshened - she only texts, will not meet up except the dog park, and with Sam sick I don't get there now, so I suggested meeting up - but hope.
Do you think this might be several social anxiety of some kind? I'm not sure how to deal with it - I like to meet up with friends, not just text, and she is two minutes walk away - could I ask her if she has an anxiety problem and is there some way I can help so she might be comfortable meeting up, do you think? Any ideas/thoughts are welcome... she talks fine at the dog park... ?????
Good luck with your grocery shopping Paws.... hugs. 🙂
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Hi Hanna & Paws, Woofa & Sam too.😺
I am slowly getting around to locating & posting to what I consider to be my most important Discussions. (I'm only sorry I have to prioritise in some way at all, because otherwise I would drown in trying to talk to too many people),so I'm glad to return to your Discussion today.
Without actually taking more time to put a timer on everything I do, I am certain it is taking me longer to locate, post & locate each Discussion now. & when things don't work quite right, or when I take too long to finish writing my reply I get sort of, locked out, but my picture still shows, & when I click it up there, & see 'Profile', 'Settings' & 'Sign Out', I think I must be still signed in so why am I getting the Authentication Fail message, & cannot get my post posted? I end up logging out & in again, & get pushed into the homepage again, so I have to go back into where I was before. That's one of the most frustrating things for me.
Oh, this weather foes on to long, this year... bad enough for me, with my hands & feet so often feeling freezing, & then my head, especially nose & ears. I'd like little nose caps, & little ear warmers like tiny shower caps for around the lobe. Someone with fine knitting or crocheting skills would be useful to me right now.
I've looked online, tried Woolis Online & saw how limited the range was a couple weeks ago. I thought Coles was struggling to get what I ordered to me, having some problem each time I shopped with them, but it seems Woolies is struggling more.
I'm really missing my Kangaroo meat, which I could get none of at all, yesterday.
The list I bought yesterday seemed so expensive, even after deducting the occasionally expensive shampoo I get to help keep psoriasis from getting bad on my scalp. I didn't get the oranges, because I can't tell how big - maybe I ought not be so fussy? I wish I could send some things to you, when you can' get them there Woolies really ought to be as considerate to the needs of customers beyond the main city centres.
I heard New Zealand's inflation rate is double ours. I've thought, if I do want to move anywhere in the world, it might be New Zealand... but now I'm not so sure how much I'd struggle if I did.
Have you found Grandy's thread? (oh, memories, I forget my memories!)
💖💖💖💖(you & Sam; Paws & Woofa)