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Long -term difference?

Community Member

Hello everyone, 


Not sure if this is the right forum to be posting this on. Just wanting to hear from people who have struggled with mental health or know people that have struggled with mental health long-term. I would like to know if once they seek help was there a positive change in them and their relationships with people. Just looking for a little bit of hope that when my loved one does finally decide to seek help that eventually they will be happy and the environment will be calmer. I understand that there will always be moments that aren't positive but I'm currently feeling very hopeless and the idea that our relationship will mend is seeming very impossible. Just looking for guidance and peoples experience that will give me hope that there is chance our relationships will better or if I just need to accept that this may be the new norm. 

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi sparkling what great post. 
I have lived with a mental health label for over 50 years. The first 16 Ivwas in denial and refused medication. Now I take medication. Up I still have iOS and downs but feel confident. Not sure if this answers your question.m

hi quirkywords,

Thank you for your reply! Yes this response is exactly what I’m looking for! I have a family member who is in the denial stage and refuses help! We all are just feeling a bit hopeless as we can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel! So hearing that you are feeling confident is very positive! I understand that there will always be ups and downs. But just needed confirmation that once help is seeked, then we can hopefully look forward to a more optimistic future 


every person is different and just being ready to seek help can take years as it did with me plus I was lucky that medication helped me some people find it hard to get the treatment that helps them.

listenjng a being support to a family member and ,lots of patience. I know I felt my life was out of control and family wanted to control not help me. 
it is tiring watching a familny member struggle.