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Anyone had to spend days alone without anyone to talk to?

Community Member

Hi all, apart from here and a brief visit to church last night (to make it feel Christmassy and to just be with people) I've had day after day for weeks now with nobody at all to talk to. This time of year especially it's really depressing. Old friends that live far away are gradually losing contact with me - I ring them but they don't ring me. I understand they're busy with their live elsewhere but still it's hard when you're lonely. I'm going to a Christmas Eve service at the local church tomorrow night to at least be with people for a little while... but otherwise all day I'm alone, just me and the dog. Sometimes I strike up a conversation on BB but then the other person disappears and that's the end of that...

How are people meant to cope with prolonged periods of social isolation? I read, I watch DVDs, normally I'd go for long walks with the dog but thick smoke from bushfires and intense hot weather have stopped that. I go to a café alone sometimes. Any ideas/help?

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Community Member

Thank you Dools the vet nurse on the phone thinks its a urinary tract infection and she sounded calm, I always panic about Sam as he's so precious. I am dropping him off and sort out payment later, he has an appointment at 11. 30.

Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Hanna,

Oh lass you must be so worried... I'm keeping everything crossed that it is just an uti & can be cleared up with some antibiotics...

sending Sam gentle pats & some supportive hugs for you


Hi paws

Thank you so much! We are home we saw the nice vet who did the surgery on Sam's teeth he's one of the senior vets there.

He doesn't know - he did X-ray and urinalysis which were OK so he thinks infection and has given Sam an injection of long lasting antibiotic and said soft food with water mixed in to get fluids into him and the frequency which is about every 20 minutes will go on all tonight and tomorrow, so not much sleep for Sam or me again tonight.

We were both up all night last night and we are both exhausted. It's about 6 degrees here and raining and we are having a rest.

He doesn't know how Sam caught it. I could only pay half today as it was a couple of hundred dollars. It's so hard on top of the lawn mowing cost...

So a dreary day, I can't do much as I need to care for Sam. Poor little boy!

I can't get warm and I'm shaky but I think it's worry and lack of sleep.

Thank you for coming by! It's so frightening when our beloved pets get sick!

How are you and Woofa? Any news of your friend who is sick?

Hugs 💕🍃

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Hanna...

Im so sorry that little Sam is sick...Wishing, Hoping and praying that Sam will pull through this...

Sending big hugs to your special little ball of fur and hoping he's back on his paws soon...


Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Hanna,

I'm glad to hear the little chap is home with you... lass feeling cold & shaky is understandable given the all the worry... a grey day is probably a blessing as it will make snuggling up with Sam on your bed more appealing...

rest up


Community Member

Thank you Grandy and Paws!

We saw the senior vet who did the surgery on Sam's teeth, he's lovely and very thorough.

Sam had a big sleep and I'm trying to encourage him to drink and so far he seems to have improved a bit on the antibiotic.

We both had no sleep at all last night as he had to go outside about every 20 minutes all night!

Did you go to the store today Grandy?

Paws, any news of your relative in the city?

Sending rather weary hugs from us here! Little Sam getting sick is always so scary! Thank you both for your support!



Poor Sam. Sending big hugs. Hope things are on the improve.

Katy x

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Hanna, Paws, Katy and everyone....🤗..

I am so happy that Sam has been seen to and on meditation that will help him...I agree Hanna, our fur babies are so very precious and when they get sick...we worry so much about them...

When Ebony was sick a few years back with a bacteria blood infection..and was put on a couple of meds...she didn’t want to drink...I have a syringe that I used so I could at least keep her hydrated...I gave her water using the syringe and it worked a treat....,Maybe if you think Little Sam isn’t drinking enough water...maybe ask your vet or your chemist for an empty syringe to use...

Wishing you both a beautiful sleep with lots of good dreams..

Luv, care and hugs..


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Hanna,

Hopefully Sam is improving, do you have a chance to catch up on some sleep during the day? It is hard trying to get pets to drink more. I like Grandy's idea about the syringe.

We had a cat that needed medication, even two vets were unable to get her to take her tablet! She would froth at the mouth after trying to rip the vet to shreds and having vomited.

Hope Sam will be okay. It really is upsetting when our precious animals are not well. Take care.

Community Member

Thank Grandy we both had a good sleep last night and Sam seems tired but a bit improved.

The vet gave him the injection because Sam won't swallow tablets. I can't use a syringe either, Sam's impossible, he clamps his teeth tight shut and you can't prise them open - and he's quite likely to bite!

He's had a little walk which is good. Thank you for your help and concern! 🥀🌼