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Hi everyone, I'm back.

Community Member
Hi everyone, mb20lover here. I wasn't sure where to post this.

It's been a while since I was on the forums, so I just wanted to make a post saying that I'm back. However, I'll try my best to limit my time, comments, etc on here.

I won't bother tagging anyone, and I'll try to keep this as my only open thread that I have created.

I've missed everyone I've spoken to on here, and I hope to talk to some new people. I have been using my offline supports - my Psychiatrist, GP, Parent support of course, and a Social Worker. I'm in the process of finding a Psychologist but I'm having no luck.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and say hello, and also I hope I haven't upset anyone on the forums or anything like that because nothing was intentional, so I deeply apologise.

An update on me, I recently turned 21, can't do much with COVID though, it's a hard year for everyone unfortunately.

I also have a milestone, an achievement, I've been seeing my Psychiatrist for a year which is the longest I've stayed with a therapist. And I also finally have a GP I feel comfortable with. I'm on different meds that seem to be working a little but I still of course have my moments, but these meds I've been on the longest for out of any of the ones I've tried.

Other than that, please don't feel pressured to comment anyone, although it would be nice to connect with some people, old or new, but like I said that's okay. I just wanted to check in.

If you've read this and made it this far, thank you. Stay safe and take care everyone, as much as possible with the unfortunate COVID circumstances.

Thinking of all the Beyond Blue Mods & Users. I've missed everyone.

- mb20lover.
742 Replies 742

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tayla good to see you back.I been thinking of you and hoping you were ok.I will talk more later.

Tale care,

Your friend,


Hello Mark, thank you.

I've been thinking of you also and I hope you're OK too. Thank you for thinking of me, that means a lot. I've missed chatting with you and others here.

I like your profile picture, looks like a nice spot. Take care also.

- Tayla.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tayla, I had my surgery in July but has not been real succssful and they going to have more surgery in a couple of weeks or so.I haven't got an exact date for it yet.They want to take some biopsies and check for cancer as well.

Happy 21st for you to.I know under the restrictions it wasn't what you would have been thinking when you turn 21.You can remember it was the year of the corona virus.

It is good you are still seeing your psychiatrist and found a good GP.My GP finally came back to work after maternity leave which got extended because of Covid19.I haven't seen her yet but my son has but it is nice to know she's back.

It looked like we were going to get a thunder storm but it disappeared.It has been so hot here and we have a mice plague at the moment.Another thing to go on top of the drought and bushfires and covid19.

Tale care,

Your friend,


Hey again Mark.

I'm sorry to hear about your surgery, I hope you're recovering and that it's not cancer, and they can figure something out with the next surgery or something.

Thank you for the late birthday wishes, I won't say the date but it was at the very start of the month, so November.

That's good that your son has seen the GP, hopefully you can see her at some point if you wish to aswell. It's nice that I've finally found a good GP, it's at the same clinic, just been seeing a new one, and I've seen him for a few months. Him & my Psychiatrist are on a 1st name basis with the letters I see, lol. And they had a phone call regarding me and what to do.

I'm seeing them both monthly, whenever I can get in really as they both book out quickly. Still having trouble getting a Psychologist, I find places that seem good, then they're not taking any. Then another one I saw on Telehealth was rude & I was offended by what she said, so I'm not seeing her anymore. Still having no luck with that and social activities, even before COVID. Which is one reason I wanted to come back here.

Sometimes I cancel my GP appointments because I feel like I'm wasting his time just by venting anyway, I'm not going there for a physical issue. I feel like I waste my Psychiatrist's time too.

- Tayla.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tayla, that' not good you struggling to find a good psychologist. They All ways seem so hard to get into and that' in normal times but now in covid world it has got worst and to find one you are happy with to.

I didn't really like the other doctors at the practise.I only saw them if I had to so I am glad mine is back.She is really good.

I hope your day is going ok.

Take care,

Your friend,


Hey Mark.

I agree with the struggle of finding Psychologists. I did have 1 good one that I saw in 2014, 2015, but he closed down his practice and I have no way of contacting him. I did contact the place he works at now (he had his own practice) numerous times but was always ignored.

Yeah there was this one GP I used to see at the same clinic, but I had to stop seeing her when I turned 21 anyway, same with all her patients, however she does see Mums. She wouldn't prescribe me my meds even with letters from my Psychiatrist, so I gave up.

Hope your day is good too.

- Tayla.

Hi mb20lover it’s good to see that your back and I really hope you find a good psychologist soon 🤞. The psychologist I’m seeing is not the one my gp recommended as when I called to book a appointment she was not taking on new clients. So I actually found the one I’m now seeing from here on the beyond blue website and she’s great and I’ve had my 4th appointment with her plus got the 5th & 6th appointment booked in as well.

Hello Tayla

I don't think I have written on your previous threads. Welcome back and a belated happy birthday for your 21st. Not a good time to have milestone events. I know a couple who married with only immediate family present. My granddaughter went to her school formal last night but was a risk they may have cancelled it due to COVID. Fortunately it went ahead. So it is sad you could not have a celebration for your birthday.

Having a GP you trust and who you feel you can work with is great. I have one of those GP. I just do not know what I would do if she retired. I think you are doing more than just venting with your GP. How do you feel after meeting with him? We all need to vent at times and that's OK but I feel sure he also talks about your mental health. Again with your psychiatrist. I really believe that if you were simply wasting time with them they would say so.

Hope to see you post more here.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tayla I hope your doing ok today.Hows trying to find a psychologist going?My daughter was seeing one that I thought was good but my daughter decided not to see her anymore which really was a bad decision and the reason she was seeing her was because she doen't want to see people or go to school.I am afraid she will end up like me all alone and just stuck at home.

Your friend,
