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Strange symptoms. Told it's anxiety but am terrified!

Community Member
Hello, and thankyou all for reading. This is my first post here. I'm at the point of desperate to be reaching out like this. I keep being told by my GP its anxiety but my problem right now is health anxiety so being told to just relax doesn't help. It started a few months ago when I felt a cold spot on my cheek near my ear every day and it freaked me out. It lasted a month and has now been a few weeks since it's gone but in its place I have something worse. The top of my head has cold sensations like someone has put an ice pack on it. The last few days it has also turned to burning and that one can actually hurt a bit. I feel it more when I sit down and if I stand or have a shower or cry like a baby it goes away until I stop again. It really distresses me and only fuels my fear of a tumor or MS. My GP won't send me for a scan as they think nothing is wrong. But something is very wrong when you don't go to work anymore out of fear over what's happening. My GP did prescribe me anxiety medication and I was afraid to take one but I did and 4 hours later I started to feel disconnected, smelled a bushfire but nothing was burning and saw two people walk into my backyard (which I'm not sure happened or not as yet as we do have gardeners that come). But it was odd it all happened at the same time and this sent me into a panic attack and I ended up at the ER. I stopped taking it as anymore physical symptoms, even if normal to the medication, will give me attacks. Right now I am feeling the burning on my head but it's a bit to the right side tonight and along with it I've started feeling the tightness, the tension headache thing. I am terrified that it's a tumor or MS. I might stop doing that for now too. Anyway, am wondering if anyone has experienced these head sensations with anxiety? I find it hard to believe it is anxiety, but I will be the first to admit the last two years for me have been hell emotionally. I also feel like I'm starting to lose my mind, not knowing what's real or not anymore. I read that's common for anxiety but really??? Can someone actually 'lose' it? Like lose your awareness and intellect? That's what it feels like sometimes and now I just break down crying like a baby. It doesn't help that I am totally alone. No family and no friends as such that I can call at a moments notice or stay with me. I only have work acquaintances, so am battling this by myself and I feel it's only getting worse...
33 Replies 33

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

I haven't heard these physical symptoms of which you mention.

I can only suggest reading on google and if you don't find anything then stay concentrated on your anxiety.

Thete are hundreds of threads on anxiety. Read a few everyday. Good luck and here is one to get you started. Google it

Topic: Maharaji- he helped me for 25 years- beyondblue

Tony WK

Hi, I have become the google dr over this and of course everything points to MS or a tumor or a spinal leak which in turn sends me into a mild attack as they are my worst fears. I've been told to stay away from googling because of this reason but it's too late now. Thankyou anyway....anyone else had anything like this or know it can happen? Just wanting to check that I'm not the only one who has ever had this if it is anxiety and not something terminal...

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi opuses,

The short answer is yes, anxiety can cause cold sensations and burning sensations, even on the head.

Anxiety can cause a huge number of different symptoms and sensations, because anxiety is so much more than 'in the head'. There is a massive response in the body when we have anxiety. One possible reason that you could be having this sensation is because of the nerves around your face and head. When we get anxious we get tight around the shoulders and neck and the nerves that are on your neck are connected to the back of your head - this in itself would explain the sensations in your head.

The good thing about it being anxiety and not something more serious like a tumour or MS means that it's manageable and treatable. One thing that may help is trying to keep a record of when you experience these sensations; where was it, was it burning or cold, how long did it last, what were you doing, did anything make it better/worse? This can be a great way to start to identify patterns in what's happening and may help you recognise triggers.

It may also be helpful to talk to your GP about why he won't send you for a scan. Thinking nothing is wrong and not sending you for a scan are two different things; chances are your GP has drawn to the conclusion that your symptoms are not like those of MS because of xyz. Knowing why can often help relieve some of the unknowns.

Community Member

Hi Opus

When my anxiety is at it's worse, I get a burning sensation under my arms, like they're on fire, it's really painful and awful. The only things that helped me were anti-anxiety medication short-term, and seeing a psychologist and taking antidepressants long-term. I understand how you feel, I was sure I had some sort of nerve disease, but it was definitely anxiety. Has your GP suggested seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist, to help with dealing with anxiety?

Wow ok, that's comforting to know. I know for a fact that if it is anxiety, I will deal with it knowing it can't hurt me. I took some meds on Thursday at my GP's request but the side effects were too much for me to deal with given any symptom no matter how innocent is freaking me out. I'd rather deal with anxiety myself without brain meds. Yes I started seeing a psych yesterday which I instantly clicked with and am very comfortable with so I'll be seeing him often to begin with. Again but, I need proof that there isn't anything in my head first before I can totally accept the anxiety theory, but I'll get there slowly 🙂

Hello, I'm so grateful people actually reply so thank you all so much for that. Yes I am actually quite an intelligent person and know that anxiety can cause anything but I myself find it so hard to believe, when I'm feeling these feelings, that my head is creating them. It's almost impossible to believe. As far as the nerves yes I agree, the only thing there that concerns me is what's causing my nerves to fire up?? And that's when I start scaring myself. I also know that nerves related to the face and head come from the brain not the neck, that's what I've read anyway, so it kind of throws the neck theory out the water, unless it's muscular which could then be the neck. I do have a very hard, tight muscle or tendon on one side but it's been there for ages so it could be tight muscles but not nerves from the neck I don't think. I have started keeping a diary as to when they occur to see in front of me, a pattern perhaps. Last night for example they only came on when I hit the pillow but I fell asleep and tonight it's mainly started when I got home and sat on the couch. I know that when I'm completely distracted they're not there until I start to wonder why they're not there, they come on haha. As far as my GP, he said he's reluctant because he firmly believes it's nothing and it would be wasting my time and money, and their time. But I pushed and got the referral for a brain MRI. Funny I actually feel better just having it, so I'll give myself another week, because I figured, if I do have something, it won't kill me tonight so I'll see how I go tomorrow and I can go to the ER anytime now and get it done if I want. The last few days it's kinda started to change to being more of a tightening feeling which is tension and I'm fine with that. If it's changing so quickly yeah, I can agree it's anxiety. I do feel I'm very very slowly getting there so here's hoping:)

Hi opuses,

Thank you for posting and your reply back. I'm so glad that this info was helpful to you!

Anxiety is such a tricky beast in that there's a stigma over it that it's no big deal and 'just in our heads'. The reality is even though it might be in our head (brain) it actually affects 70% our our systems including musculoskeletal (muscles), respiratory (breathing), nervous system, cardiovascular (heart rate), reproductive system (periods and desire) and gastrointestinal (stomach issues). So it can kind of manifest itself in lots of different ways and this is why peoples experiences with anxiety will always be a little different.

The idea behind anxiety is that it's our 'flight or fight response', which supposedly comes from our ancestors quick need to react in scary situations. The problem now and the problem with anxiety is that the parts of our brain that react to anxiety are overexcited, so it can seem to come on suddenly and without a 'trigger'.

I'm glad that you've started keeping a diary and hope that soon you can notice little patterns and things. Maybe too it might be helpful to notice what happens at the very beginning; are you happy/content one second and in so much pain the next? Does it build; where does the anxiety start - how does it feel in the lead up to the burning/tension/cold sensations? Trying to be mindful in these situations is hard but can be so helpful.

Maybe hitting the pillow isn't a 'trigger' but instead your exhausted at the end of the day so your guards are down and anxiety is more likely to come on. I know this has happened with me a few times so it might be your experience too.

Anyway - hope this is helpful to you! I know anxiety can be a hard thing to wrap our heads around but I do believe that knowing about it makes it easier to manage. Also hope that getting the brain MRI can put you at ease. Best of luck with the psych and of course, feel free to let us know how it goes or to post again 🙂

Hello again, interesting about the 'end of day exhaustion' thing. I am constantly trying to see what, if anything I do physically brings it on and I can't really, except for when it happens by itself recently when I hit the pillow. I have noticed that it changes. The cold/burning is starting to go and instead has been replaced by tightening feelings. They may be tension like feelings and they happen anywhere from my cheeks to the top of my head where the cold/burning used to be. The last few days I've only felt the 'burning' very slightly at the very top when I hit the pillow but only if Iie on my sides. If I lie straight it doesn't happen. It's very strange. Have tried to see if it's my neck but again can't get a proper pattern. If I massage my neck when I feel it though it goes away until I stop. Whilst I'm writing this I can feel what is best described as crawling sensations and they come and go at will, some stay in the same spot, some seem to 'crawl' then deisappear. If I do distract myself completely it's not there at all. The last few days it's only happened when I am on my way home from work and when I jump in bed. I've read about Fybro, or sensitive scalps and also a lot on anxiety. I feel so much better since getting my MRI request though almost like I have a little power again. I'm not sure I'll use it any time soon but I know I have it for whenever I like. Could it be neck related? Like the muscles? I'm good with it being something small, I'mjus scared it could be MS, a tumor or something like that.

Community Member

Hi.and maybe i can help. If i get very severe anxiety i get hallucinations. I see weird things and hear things as well.ive always had it. But otherwise its not there. .as for the hot and cold sensations. I have had some of those with axiety. But if it worries you.i would get another opinion for an eeg .and a scan. But i wouldnt get too many scans done cause that can be harmful. Another opinion wouldnt hurt. Sometimes not knowing brings on more anxiety symptoms. So eliminating the stress by getting a scan done can be of benifit. Cheers...Max.