
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

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lilolemehf Anxiety coming in waves
  • replies: 1

Not sure where to begin... I guess with what I'm dealing with at the moment. I'm getting a type of anxiety that I've never experienced in my 20 years of dealing with it. I'm getting wave after wave of that feeling of dread in my stomach and a racing ... View more

Not sure where to begin... I guess with what I'm dealing with at the moment. I'm getting a type of anxiety that I've never experienced in my 20 years of dealing with it. I'm getting wave after wave of that feeling of dread in my stomach and a racing heart, every few hours and lasting for 1-3 hours. Nothing I do helps. I take a few deep breaths and it helps for a few seconds, but then the next wave comes. This is the second full day of it happening and I've never had anything like this before and its not getting better. It hasn't gone into full panic mode for a couple days, but feels just on the edge of it. Some other factors going on are that I'm on vacation very far from home, recovering from severe jet lag. I guess that my biggest concern is that its something physical, and I'm not exactly super close to any major medical facilities. Just really scared... Thanks, Heather

Linden Panic Attacks or OCD Solutions Please
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I have suffered attacks where my chest hurts and I get a headache. In the past lots of these have been created by jobs I hate, Religion and close friends who lost my trust. However The Trigger for these panic attacks can be as small as me having to s... View more

I have suffered attacks where my chest hurts and I get a headache. In the past lots of these have been created by jobs I hate, Religion and close friends who lost my trust. However The Trigger for these panic attacks can be as small as me having to stay back at work for 30 mins. Despite me telling myself its not true and finding things i enjoy to keep my mind off it, the symptoms stay for hours. Tonight I am having the same problem, and I just cant stop thinking, analyzing, critiquing, obsessing and panicking about it. I tried the 5 sec breathing technique, stretched, exercised and went for a swim. But its 3:45 am and I am no way near ready to sleep. My Granny developed epilepsy from her stress and blood pressure, she has been on medication for a long time now. It works for her. I need an effective method to get over this, or should I just go and get meds. Thank you

Birdy Help
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Everyday I wake up and I'm scared to get up and go to school... In my head its like a hundred little voices are telling me about what could go wrong with my day. I don't know what to do! I worry about everything and Its a battle everyday to convince ... View more

Everyday I wake up and I'm scared to get up and go to school... In my head its like a hundred little voices are telling me about what could go wrong with my day. I don't know what to do! I worry about everything and Its a battle everyday to convince myself to go to school but I don't know what to do. I haven't seen anyone because... That scares me too. I don't know what to do it feels like everything is a battle ad I don't want to fight anymore... I need help but where do I go?

anxiousguy Ive had enough
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Been suffering from anxiety for too long now. Im lying in bed all day, cant see a future and I am thinking of ending it all. Had enough of people, don't want to talk to anybody. Don't want to look anybody in the eye, don't really want to know my fami... View more

Been suffering from anxiety for too long now. Im lying in bed all day, cant see a future and I am thinking of ending it all. Had enough of people, don't want to talk to anybody. Don't want to look anybody in the eye, don't really want to know my family anymore. Just want to go live up the country in a house and away from everything. Too tired to care anymore, bitter about being born, going through the motions. Angry at the world. Just had an enough.

Mares73 Help for severe anxiety-only treated with meds? Need support
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Hi I'm 40yr old woman who hAs suffered from PTSD, depression & anxiety for yeRs-initially triggered by trauma. I've been seeing the same psych for 7 yrs & all I get is cocktail of various medications. I'm so over just been medicated & the medications... View more

Hi I'm 40yr old woman who hAs suffered from PTSD, depression & anxiety for yeRs-initially triggered by trauma. I've been seeing the same psych for 7 yrs & all I get is cocktail of various medications. I'm so over just been medicated & the medications are push & pull types. I need help with my anxiety as it's ruling my life, now unable to function on basic household things. Can anyone recommend a good therapist or psychologist in eStern suburbs Sydney who could help me leRn to manage my anxiety. I fear ill just be on medication forever with no other support. Would so appreciate advice. Need practical help, tired of just being treated with trial meds. Thank you to all x Mary

Anne_B Waking up with anxiety
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I am new and I have contacted Beyond Blue because I have been waking up in the mornings with anxiety. This has been going on for some months. I know what the cause is. I am being bullied by a hospital. I was pushed into talking about a doctor flirtin... View more

I am new and I have contacted Beyond Blue because I have been waking up in the mornings with anxiety. This has been going on for some months. I know what the cause is. I am being bullied by a hospital. I was pushed into talking about a doctor flirting. It was started as a third party complaint. I did not have the direct evidence to prove that the doctor had been flirting with me. So I have ended up with all the problems from threatening his career and reputation in front of his colleagues . I am unable to take my daughter to another hospital in West Australia because of her specialist needs. I have made an appointment to see my GP to get some help. Does anyone know what type of meds are usually given for anxiety?

Beetle Panic attack without panic? or is it something else?
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HI I am newly diagnosed with anxiety. I believe I worry a lot.Today I came home very very tired, nauseated and dizzy. I then stood up and my feet and hands started to tingle and my fingers got stiff. I lay down and it stayed like this for 10 min,.I f... View more

HI I am newly diagnosed with anxiety. I believe I worry a lot.Today I came home very very tired, nauseated and dizzy. I then stood up and my feet and hands started to tingle and my fingers got stiff. I lay down and it stayed like this for 10 min,.I felt very unwell. I willed myself to eat something and after that it got better,I was not afraid of anything, didn't feel panic and was at home after a long day placement. So i wonder what this was all about? Could anything else cause those symtoms or was this a panic attack wihout panic???? Thanks for your help Beetle

Teacher9 General anxiety over changes in my life
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Hi everyone, I have had a lot of changes in my life lately. I moved out of home for the first time, i got married not long after, and will be living by myself as my husband works in qld 21 days of the month and comes back for a month. I previously li... View more

Hi everyone, I have had a lot of changes in my life lately. I moved out of home for the first time, i got married not long after, and will be living by myself as my husband works in qld 21 days of the month and comes back for a month. I previously lived at home because i felt more comfortable in my surrounds, had my own space even though i was surrounded by family and had that security while partner was working away. Now we are married, things just seem so different and think i'm over thinking my situation. In a ideal situation i would only be going home to a house by myself after working through the day, but i am only a casual teacher and might get 2-3 days a week (another cause of general anxiety in my life), this makes days feel longer and more isolated. Hubby only left for work today and i went to my parents house afterwards feeling sad and felt that sense of security again. I used to always feel overwhelmed and anxious for a few days after my partner leaves. I am staying at my parents tonight because when i feel anxious/sad i like to be around people...even if i'm locked in another room, i still like the feeling of knowing people are nearby. I wish my husband had a normal job but the money is so good, he is doing it for our future. He said he will stop if it got too much, but I want him to do it for us. I don't want to feel a burden on my parents, rocking up back home only a few weeks after i left lol, even though they know the situation and said to stay here if i'm not comfortable at home. Its not fear of being in a house by myself, its just change of routine and isolation.I know of women who's in same position with their men working away but they have children to keep them occupied. I can't even have a dog in a rental property! Any tips or anyone in similar situation?

Moana Getting Anxiety about having Anxiety
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Hi Im 34 yrs old and have a decade of cannibas use behind me, after using for long period of times I developed serve aniexty to the point I had to take a benzodiazepine to be able to function,usually I would come right after a couple of weeks and be ... View more

Hi Im 34 yrs old and have a decade of cannibas use behind me, after using for long period of times I developed serve aniexty to the point I had to take a benzodiazepine to be able to function,usually I would come right after a couple of weeks and be fine again untill I started using cannibas again,. Now out of fear of the aniexty returning I feel I have developed aniexty over getting aniexty, dose anyone eles have this? It's been going on for two weeks now, one day I'm fine the next I feel slightly anxious and it just snows balls into bad Aniexty within hours out of fear of getting Aniexty!! It's crazy!

DamienW71 Distorted reality.
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Anxiety is constantly with me. I'm a gentle suburban dad & husband with an amazing, supportive wife & two beautiful kids. I have very secure employment locally and lots of good friends & family. About two and a half years ago we went through a big fi... View more

Anxiety is constantly with me. I'm a gentle suburban dad & husband with an amazing, supportive wife & two beautiful kids. I have very secure employment locally and lots of good friends & family. About two and a half years ago we went through a big financial crisis & we nearly lost our house. This seems to have had a big impact on my emotional state ever since. We managed to get through the crisis & are now in a good financial state. I know view daily life and the world I see around me with trepidation. I have many anxious, sometimes depressive thoughts. I fear confrontation in day to day life, even just going to the shops. Much of what I see, read or hear on the news contributes largely to my current state of mind. I see a counterculture of US gang-styled bravado amongst much of the youth in the area I live and the suburb in which I'm raising my kids, and that has a big impact on me. I'm told that what I have is a distorted sense of reality. Can anyone relate to this? Would love to hear from people with similar thoughts as mine.