
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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iJUSTwantTObe Toilet nightmare
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Does anybody find themselves avoiding situations due to experiencing diarrhoea , staying home incase it happens or if you can't find a toilet in time, if anybody else experiences this what are some of your coping mechanisms as I can't seem to find a ... View more

Does anybody find themselves avoiding situations due to experiencing diarrhoea , staying home incase it happens or if you can't find a toilet in time, if anybody else experiences this what are some of your coping mechanisms as I can't seem to find a cure no matter where I go which is hardly anywhere it always ends up happening

LostAshleigh When morals, lies and Anxiety collide. Help.
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Hey whoeverz reading. I started having anxiety in highschool, although I never understood what it was til this year. I would worry and feel stressed alot but I didnt recognise it as anxiety because Ididnt know what it was. This year,its gotten to the... View more

Hey whoeverz reading. I started having anxiety in highschool, although I never understood what it was til this year. I would worry and feel stressed alot but I didnt recognise it as anxiety because Ididnt know what it was. This year,its gotten to the point where I traded my morals for guilt, regret and anxiety. I have family issues and Im not quite sure who iam anymore because I've went against my morals. I was pregnant andactually kind of excited and nervous but also my anxiety was getting pretty bad. I was suffering from an identity crises, stayed away from friends and fam in fear of not being good enough or being looked down on. my family always considered me as the kid who will get somewhere in wise, i was considered smart to my parents when really I wasnt. I think I put a high expectation on myself. Which sucked cause theres always someone out there who has something negative to sayor think about you and I just want to be good enough. I feared I wouldnt be a good mother. I have no career/job, I drop out of anycourse I start over something small or in fear everyone is judging me or if im not as smart as others. It was agreed by my partner and I to have a termination. I told myself if I ever was to get pregant, to keep the child. I feel guilty. I question whether what I did was right or not. According to my counsellor I am experiencing 'grief' but am I? I always saw myself as the lady with a career until her 30's and then kids. because of having my life pictured and planned and having it go complete opposite and against my morals, makes me question if they even were my morals to begin with.. who I am... and what my morals are now. I keep lying to myself and pretending itnever happened only to feel a tear as I see people with cute babies. Its gotten to the point thatI dont want to get out of bed, i cant get to sleep in fear ill just dissapoint or be looked apon as a monster.

JMP 62 year old male who is confused, anxious and possibly depressed.
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I dont kow why I feel this way but I feel as if I have to keep proving myself. I think I have been successful in my career and I have a wife and adult daughter but I feel extraordinarily alone. I think I try to please everyone but I know I dont. My w... View more

I dont kow why I feel this way but I feel as if I have to keep proving myself. I think I have been successful in my career and I have a wife and adult daughter but I feel extraordinarily alone. I think I try to please everyone but I know I dont. My wife says my issues stem from my childhood but my parents are dead and I dont feel I have to please them any more. I think I had as normal a childhood as most but maybe more fantasy then is really healthy. I am the eldest of three. Was I trying to attract my parents attention all the time and failed? I broke my right arm twice so that must have grabbed a bit of attention! I have never been good dealing with people and I know I wold try and hide but my job has, for the past 25 years, put me in front of people as a CEO. I have felt the pressure of 'performing' but not really being myself. I want to retire in a few years time but am anxious that I will be more alone than I feel now. I have recently taken up golf and rekindled my interest in watercolour painting. I sometimes wish I was dead but I dont want to kill myself. Can anyone help me as I cant talk to anyone about this.

arise I could have done anything with my life... now I feel like I can do nothing at all.
  • replies: 4

I always felt like I had to be the best at everything... If it wasn't the best, it was a waste of time. I had no idea how much pressure I was placing on myself to be good at things without trying. Until later...On my third year of uni,my life slowly ... View more

I always felt like I had to be the best at everything... If it wasn't the best, it was a waste of time. I had no idea how much pressure I was placing on myself to be good at things without trying. Until later...On my third year of uni,my life slowly started to fall apart. Something inside me snapped...I was not the best. I was not worth anything. The pressure I put on myself not allowing myself to be a beginner at anything had lead to me no longer try anything. I am 25, have no job, a uni degree that I can never work in because the thought of it makes me incredibly anxious, and I still live at home. I feel I can no longer try anything out of the desperate fear I will fail at whatever I do and not be able to handle it. I came from being a grade A student with a flair for creativity to someone who is scared to ask for a job at my local bakery out of fear I won't pick it up fast enough. I can't ask for what I want because I convince myself it is impossible to obtain. It gets so bad that when I am doing something where any kind of pressure is on, my mind completely blanks out, as if on purpose making me unable to perform the simplest task. I scramble for words, as my heart pounds. Please don't embarrass yourself. Please brain, just work. I have convinced myself that my brain no longer works, that the person I was has been lost. I don't know what happened to me, but my mind has become my worst enemy and it is ruining my life. I want to be free of this negativity, this belief that I am worthless and have nothing to offer anymore. Has anyone felt like this before? Been completely consumed by the belief you can't so something and the fear that comes if you think about trying? I would like to hear someone elses story... to know I'm not alone.

anxiousguy Introducing Myself
  • replies: 4

Hello everybody. This is my first post and I thought I would tell you about my problems with anxiety and how it is impacting my life. I am 30 years of age and now know that I am suffering chronically from anxiety; constantly worrying about everything... View more

Hello everybody. This is my first post and I thought I would tell you about my problems with anxiety and how it is impacting my life. I am 30 years of age and now know that I am suffering chronically from anxiety; constantly worrying about everything no matter how small the matter. I first sought help for anxiety back at the start of 2010. Did some cognitive behaviour therapy which I found to be quite useless. So I finished up with my psychologist but anxiety has gotten worse since 2010. I currently work 12 hours a week in a very menial job that doesn't test my anxiety and is good for my health but I want to better myself and look at a career/skills training for a better financial future however I have deteriorated to the point where I believe I cannot do anything other than my basic/menial job. I suffer from fear as part of anxiety and at the point now that I cant even walk into a bar and ask for a job of fear I cant do the job and that it will all end quickly. 10 years ago at 20 I was nothing like this. I believed I could do anything, that I could conquer the world. I gained qualifications and had 3 good fulltime jobs but these came to an end. How things have changed. I now spend my life in fear, with worrying thoughts and I am now having images of my own funeral and me being in peace. I just don't see the point in life overall however I do enjoy the finer things in life which keeps me going in the meantime. I am contemplating trying to get on a disability support pension and leaving my job to pay for psychological sessions with other treatments rather than cbt but know this can only help so much. I am just not too well, fidgeting, restless, tired, thoughts running through my mind too often and also angry I have ended up in this position(not my fault though). In the meantime I will just keep doing the best I can meditating/exercising/eating properly and trying to enjoy the finer things in life. I am looking forward to contributing to the forum as much as possible and I know from reading certain posts I can relate well to other peoples problems. Have a good day everybody.

Jo3 Feeling empty and anxious
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I am feeling a bit empty and anxious, actually sick in the pit of my stomach. I had a week off on the Gold Coast with my husband which was really nice. But now I'm home (another week off work) and I am feeling empty, depressed and anxious. I don't un... View more

I am feeling a bit empty and anxious, actually sick in the pit of my stomach. I had a week off on the Gold Coast with my husband which was really nice. But now I'm home (another week off work) and I am feeling empty, depressed and anxious. I don't understand why I'm feeling like this; I'm feeling panicky going back to work next week. I know I can't be "on holidays" forever. I just feel like I want to be somewhere else; it's a weird feeling (can't really explain). I didn't feel like this while away; it's only been today that I feel like this. It's like I can't handle all the day to day stuff - house, kids, dinners, house cleaning, bills, etc. I just don't want to know about any of it. I don't know, I'm not making sense - I wish i was away forever. Jo

EmmaMay Could I have Depression, as well as anxiety?
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I have recently been diagnosed with Anxiety. I worry about things I can not control, like the end of the world, and smaller things such as going to school. I get so nervous being around people, I can never relax. I feel that I have to act in a certai... View more

I have recently been diagnosed with Anxiety. I worry about things I can not control, like the end of the world, and smaller things such as going to school. I get so nervous being around people, I can never relax. I feel that I have to act in a certain way and never reveal myself to others. Which makes it difficult to make friendships. I have had several panic attacks. I feel sad, physically and emotionally drained, and hopeless. I often feel like I am useless and have suicidal thoughts.Are these also symptoms of Anxiety? Or are these signs of depression?

Nakka anxiety and cleaning?
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So im woundering if others go through this too. I cannot handle if my house is cluttered or has the smallest amount of mess it sets me off and i have to tidy asap or walk away(yet think about it constantly). And eer omg my bench! I cannot handle one ... View more

So im woundering if others go through this too. I cannot handle if my house is cluttered or has the smallest amount of mess it sets me off and i have to tidy asap or walk away(yet think about it constantly). And eer omg my bench! I cannot handle one crumb, one stain, one unrinsed dish nothing! I feel like IIam constantly cleaning my bench or checking tthat it is clean. It's funny because I am nnot a particularly tidy person and far from a clean freak. But it feels good doing this cleaning. Knowing its tidy. IIt's like therapy.

karan feeling useless , nervous(coward feeling), social phobia, low swlf esteem
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Can't stay postive i am 24/m cos I had panic attack 10 months ago and feeling nervous and sacred all the time because I dont want another panic attack I hate the feeling of pani attack thats make me worry 24/7 which leads to anxiety and depression I ... View more

Can't stay postive i am 24/m cos I had panic attack 10 months ago and feeling nervous and sacred all the time because I dont want another panic attack I hate the feeling of pani attack thats make me worry 24/7 which leads to anxiety and depression I am just been diagnosed with anxiety and depression feelng bit ashamed cos its related to mental health feeling low about myself I was at clif b4 10 months at work but haven't really work from 10 months , atm cant go out cos I am sacred if I hv panic attack and even a small things trigger the anxiety sacred to stay alone but only with my gf

Strauchy Panic Disorder - Help Wanted.
  • replies: 7

Hi. I am a long term sufferer of panic disorder but have never been diagnosed and never sought direct help before. My panic disorder started about 10 years ago but I've had good years and bad ones during that time. The last 24 months have not been pa... View more

Hi. I am a long term sufferer of panic disorder but have never been diagnosed and never sought direct help before. My panic disorder started about 10 years ago but I've had good years and bad ones during that time. The last 24 months have not been particularly good. I have a high normal blood pressure around 140/85 which absolutely skyrockets during a panic attack to 170/110. This does not help my anxiety at all. I have been to a few GP's concerned about this and they have said I do not rquire medication. I was diagnosed with cardiac arrythmia and my blood tests showed a slight thyroid issue however nothing that apparently needed treatment. I also suffer from heart palpitations maybe a few times a week which I can describe feeling as like a sudden emptying of my chest. These generally trigger a panic attack. I drink too much. I drink both because I like it and as a coping mechanism to alleviate anxiety. However after a heavy drinking session my anxiety is always at its worst. I am often on the verge going to the ER absolutely certain that something serious is wrong with my heart. That THIS time I might die. My anxiety is effecting my personal and my work life. My personal life as I am often too anxiety ridden to do anything. And my work because I am missing days, or just feeling too anxious at work to really concentrate on my job. I have missed days from work and I am certain my reputation there has suffered from it. I would love if everybody understood anxiety, but I work in a blue collar, male dominated industry and even I wouldn't understand why somebody was just afraid of nothing if I didn't suffer from it. I have not told anybody at work as I don't beleive it would help. However worrying about my work performance only adds to my anxiety. Can anybody suggest what I should do about this? I have seen many GP's who seem to toss me out of thier office after 10 mins saying there is nothing wrong. Are there any GP's who are really good with panic disorder sufferers?