
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Lookingforpeace Describe your anxiety
  • replies: 28

It took me a long time to realise I had anxiety because my anxiety doesn't necessarily manifest itself in panic attacks. I would describe my anxiety more like an intense dread. how would you describe yours?

It took me a long time to realise I had anxiety because my anxiety doesn't necessarily manifest itself in panic attacks. I would describe my anxiety more like an intense dread. how would you describe yours?

Shrinkingviolet I can't sleep
  • replies: 6

I am stressed. I am panicked. And I am angry at myself for being like this. I feel so stupid right now. I am laying in bed worrying about having to go out to dinner with friends tomorrow night. I am going over all of the things in my head that might ... View more

I am stressed. I am panicked. And I am angry at myself for being like this. I feel so stupid right now. I am laying in bed worrying about having to go out to dinner with friends tomorrow night. I am going over all of the things in my head that might go wrong tomorrow. Like; What if I turn up and I'm too dressy? What if I turn up and I'm not dressy enough? Should I ask everyone what they are wearing? I don't want them to know that my outfit choice is worrying me. What if I bump in to someone that I haven't seen in a while and they ask me what I have been doing with myself? Do I tell them honestly and say that I have just been battling through every day to stop the darkness of depression swallow me up whole? Or do I spare them the awkwardness and lie? What if I bump in to people I haven't seen in a while and I have to see the shock on their faces when they see how much weight I have gained? What if my friends try to take photos with me for their social media accounts? What if I disappoint my friends and I am boring and flat and they just want to get away from me? I am so mentally and physically exhausted but I can't stop myself from spiralling. How do I get these thoughts out of my head and allow myself to relax and sleep?

Charlie27 Does anyone else wonder about dying?
  • replies: 3

Hi does anyone else worry bout dying I can't seem to shake the feeling of being lost wondering if today is my last day I worry bout wat will happen to family and pets if I'm no longer here I'm scared about dying I'm scared about everything I've recen... View more

Hi does anyone else worry bout dying I can't seem to shake the feeling of being lost wondering if today is my last day I worry bout wat will happen to family and pets if I'm no longer here I'm scared about dying I'm scared about everything I've recently had people die unexpectedly one heart attack while driving another through diabetes and a close friend to cancer beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

Louise15 Feeling overwhelmed and hopeless
  • replies: 2

Hi This is my first post on BB. I have been doing some research on this site over the last few days; and have realised that I have social anxiety as well as depression. The social anxiety/ phobia has been happening since my teens, and I never recogni... View more

Hi This is my first post on BB. I have been doing some research on this site over the last few days; and have realised that I have social anxiety as well as depression. The social anxiety/ phobia has been happening since my teens, and I never recognised the symptoms until reading the information on this site. It's like a light bulb has literally gone on! I avoid social situations whenever I can, I never go to parties and I have had lots of moments where my face becomes hot, very red and sweaty. I thought at the time it was happening frequently that it was due to rosacea (a skin condition). I can remember in high school and Uni, when I have had to stand up in front of the class and give a speech, I would end up with a migraine, due to the stress of being the centre of attention. If I'm forced to socialise, I either sit quietly, hoping no one will single me out, or I have wine (enough to not care). My hb gets annoyed with me when I don't want to socialise, which just makes the feelings I have worse. I initially had PND, and I have been taking antidepressants for about 14 years, I have managed to wean my medication down, with the hope of not having to take it at all. I'm feeling very flat, and really just can't see a 'light' at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for reading

GSP Can't stop the anxiety
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I've landed a job interstate and am going through the process of finding a rental, organizing a removalist, and doing small renovations to our existing house in order to rent it out. I am not getting much sleep at night because I constantly have this... View more

I've landed a job interstate and am going through the process of finding a rental, organizing a removalist, and doing small renovations to our existing house in order to rent it out. I am not getting much sleep at night because I constantly have this sick feeling that everything isn't going to work out for whatever reason, and I'll be left feeling helpless. My husband has had to leave his job and will look for work straight away when we move interstate. The new job itself doesn't really worry me (not consciously anyway), just the physical move itself I think. I have lived in this state my whole life and moving into the unknown scares the s**t out of me, especially since I don't have full control over the outcome....yes I'm a control freak. Has anyone else gone through this? I'd love to hear your experiences. I feel like I'm suffocating.

Feeling_Helpless Anxiety and Exercise
  • replies: 3

Hi all just wondering if anyone experieces or has experience severe anxiety after exercise. I try to get at least half an hour of moderate exercise a day but after i am done i get chest pain, palpitations, dizziness, upper back pain, weakness in aems... View more

Hi all just wondering if anyone experieces or has experience severe anxiety after exercise. I try to get at least half an hour of moderate exercise a day but after i am done i get chest pain, palpitations, dizziness, upper back pain, weakness in aems an legs and burning/heavy feeling all over. Which then lasts all day. I am a mum of 2yr old and 3yrs old so i do have a lot on my plate but i am generally quite healthy in meal choices and just had a blood test and everything is fine..

Sarah89 Help! New anxiety?
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I've always been, I guess highly strung sort of person, but this last week it has occurred to me I have anxiety and am having panic attacks. My mental state was amazing earlier in the year, the best in a long time. Then I came back from a holiday and... View more

I've always been, I guess highly strung sort of person, but this last week it has occurred to me I have anxiety and am having panic attacks. My mental state was amazing earlier in the year, the best in a long time. Then I came back from a holiday and ever since I keep feeling nauseated. Originally I thought I was sick, but I'm pretty sure its anxiety and I have no idea what I am anxious about. When I get an attack, I start by feeling nauseated, then within about 10 mins I feel hot and cold and shaky and my heart beats really hard and fast. These symptoms last maybe an hour, but then I still feel nauseated and like an indigestion chest pain for hours and hours after. It's awful and I think I am making it worse for myself because every time I feel nauseated I worry I am going to feel worse and then I do end up having one of these attacks. Because of it I am having trouble eating and focusing on other things including things to take my mind off it. I'm just laying around in bed with no energy, worrying about it. And before these attacks I didn't feel overly worried about anything, now just any thought of anything in the future pops into my head and I get a flutter of panic because I'm worried I will be too anxious to do whatever I need to do in life, eg, work, socialise, etc. Does it sound to other people like I am having anxiety attacks? If so why is this suddenly happening when I didn't even feel that worried about anything in the first place? Also does anyone have an tips for nausea caused by anxiety? That is my worst symptom which holds me back from doing anything with my day.

CMF Phobia about the dentist
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I am prone to anxiety. I have always been scared of the dentist. I put off going until I'm in a desperate situation. When my kids were younger and I took them for their first visits I found the courage to go myself- if they can do it so an I. I was s... View more

I am prone to anxiety. I have always been scared of the dentist. I put off going until I'm in a desperate situation. When my kids were younger and I took them for their first visits I found the courage to go myself- if they can do it so an I. I was so proud of myself, I did it. I haven't been back for years and now find myself in a situation where I need to go. I have booked the appointment, it's in a week and a half, earliest I could get. I am freaking out. It's a check up and cLean but I have a problem with my gum. I'm scared. Scared I may lose a tooth, scared how bad it will be. I keep telling myself whatever happens can be dealt with, stop pre empting things that may happen etc but I'm scared, full on anxiety. Why did I leave it so long to go, what if I lose a tooth, what will they do to me? I'm so stupid for it going for do long. I'm so scared now. I tell my self people go all the time and have things done. Why am I so scared? I kNow facing fear is a way to overcome it but I'm freaking out, don't wNt to wake up sick every morning which I knew would happen. Anyone else experienced this? How did you cope?

Skaters Severe paranoia.
  • replies: 1

Hello everyone! I am 27 years old and have previously never suffered from a mental illness. In the last 18months my mental health has deteriorated rapidly with a diagnosis of Anxiety andOCD. A few months ago I was involuntarily admitted to a hospital... View more

Hello everyone! I am 27 years old and have previously never suffered from a mental illness. In the last 18months my mental health has deteriorated rapidly with a diagnosis of Anxiety andOCD. A few months ago I was involuntarily admitted to a hospital with severe clinical depression- I was unable to talk or attend to any activities of daily living I was there for 6 weeks and changed medications. In the past week or two /i have begun feeling extremely paranoid about every aspect of my life and this world and have also been getting intrusive negative thoughts that feed into the paranoia. I am wondering if this is a normal aspect of depression that will come and go at times of increased stress or is this turning into something more?I am asking on here first as I want to wait as long as possible before telling my mental health team as I am afraid they will section me again ( Or is that paranoia??)

EverdeenKatniss Personal Training = Personal Hell
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Hi, i am an overweight girl in her twenties, to go to the gym was a great, not to mention terrifying experience. To speak up and ask for a personal trainer was even harder, I was shy and embarrassed. I suffer from a major depressive disorder and anxi... View more

Hi, i am an overweight girl in her twenties, to go to the gym was a great, not to mention terrifying experience. To speak up and ask for a personal trainer was even harder, I was shy and embarrassed. I suffer from a major depressive disorder and anxiety issues. My trainer was unreliable and flakey, he cancelled often and never gave me what I paid for. I have chased him for three and a half weeks in seek of appointments, which he never replied. After finally getting hold of him and sending a frank, appropriate message seeking availability. Out of nowhere he replied stating this was purely professional and he believed he had given me the wrong idea and he would understand if I got another trainer. I was embarrassed and horrified because in honesty I never was suggestive or inns proprietor not to mention interested in him. The problem I face with my anxiety is when I am upset I obsess, I can't stop thinking about an issue (like one mentioned above) I am sad and sullen, I am basically haunted by the emotions I am faced with. My family want me to stay at the gym, I am so hurt and embarrassed. I am unsure how to cope with the feelings I have, as to anyone else what I am upset about is not a big deal. I am struggling with the defeat and embarrassment I am feeling. I decided to join this site to seek advice and support as I feel alone and mortified. I am obsessing over this, my anxiety is suffocating me. Thank You, J