
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
  • replies: 0

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

greeneyes91 Anxiety Symptoms are ruining my life
  • replies: 5

Hi guys. I am new to this site, to be honest I am all out of options and I guess wanted some tips from people going through the same thing. I have been severely ill now for nearly 3 years, struggling from ibs, sinus, constant stomach bugs and colds a... View more

Hi guys. I am new to this site, to be honest I am all out of options and I guess wanted some tips from people going through the same thing. I have been severely ill now for nearly 3 years, struggling from ibs, sinus, constant stomach bugs and colds and always feeling tired. I've had every test under the sun (even had my appendix removed) to try find out what is wrong, it so hard to believe that anxiety is causing all of this. I don't honestly remember a day where I didn't feel sick or light headed. I've missed so many days from work im worried I will lose my job. Im wondering if it is worth going down the road of medication? I have tried everything- except for medication. Ive done meditation, yoga, breathing courses, cbt, counselling, relaxation massage and nothing seems to help my symptoms. I am hoping someone will read this and understand how much this is ruining my life and all of my relationships in it as I never go out anymore, I am always sick and only 24 years old. Any help would be greatly appreciated

One_Day_A_Millionaire Waste Of Space. Wasting My Dreams.
  • replies: 3

I've had enough and reached rock bottom or a dead end with nowhere else to go. Some days I feel like screaming. I feel I'm a waste of space and wasting my abilities. The thing is I'm bipolar and have anxiety that goes with it which I accept as everyo... View more

I've had enough and reached rock bottom or a dead end with nowhere else to go. Some days I feel like screaming. I feel I'm a waste of space and wasting my abilities. The thing is I'm bipolar and have anxiety that goes with it which I accept as everyone has a health related issue of some sort. I deal with it and get on with life but my dreams are very important to me. I want to do my HSC next year and then University and eventually start writing for publication even just for a magazine or something small. The thing is I can't concentrate unless on my own ( which I've tried to overcome but can't ) and I live in a small house with three adult family members and I try every thing to concentrate but nothing works while they watch Tele etc. I blew so much money in my early years and I have severe debts and can't save for years because it will be years before I get a pay that I can actually save. So there goes my chance of getting bond saved and a chance of getting my own personal space. I work full time which makes matters worse because not only does it give me hardly any time for study and that we are all home at night together which still gives me no space. I know some people will say I'm procrastinating but I just need to know how to concentrate with all the distraction. I am now 38 and my dreams will slip me by and I will die unhappy if I don't act now. How do people concentrate while reading in a doctors surgery I will never know. I want to beat the problem but don't know how. Tonight I had the lounge room to myself and started reading a good book then when Dad came home I got so frustrated and depressed because I had to stop. Then I get really irritable and annoyed because all I want is my own place but due to mistakes I made from my teenage years on with booking up so many debts I'm stuck in this rut thinking I've messed up my life big time. I get one shot at this life and my dreams will not come true and I will be buried a very sad soul if I don't work out how to beat the problem. As nearly all of us know once you make a financial mistake with a bank they won't give you a second chance. I started a small free writing course three weeks ago and as per usual I'm so far behind. To be honest I get so far behind in courses etc due to always needing my own personal space it gets me anxious and irratible. I'm so worried my dreams won't come true if I don't work out how to beat this. I'm anxious, irratible and very scared. I just want to succeed

Quivz What to do in the meantime?
  • replies: 2

I have been in therapy for severe anxiety for about a year and a half now. I have yet to perceive any improvement. I understand it may take a very long time to see any, but that raises the problem of what to do now. I am unable to maintain any sort o... View more

I have been in therapy for severe anxiety for about a year and a half now. I have yet to perceive any improvement. I understand it may take a very long time to see any, but that raises the problem of what to do now. I am unable to maintain any sort of work, but after assessment by centrelink i don't qualify for disability. Therefore i had to go on newstart (which is for job seekers), but i struggle to meet those requirements as they mostly involve activities which induce my anxiety, not to mention the ever present threat of succeeding in getting a job which i am unable to do, which will cause me to quit or get fired, which will disqualify me from newstart. And if it is a really long haul for me through treatment, how am i supposed to live. Will i just have to come to terms with being broke and dependent on others for food and shelter through the best years of my life? I've tried to find ways to make money from home, but haven't been able to make a cent. What do other people do? Is there some solution i've overlooked.

hope2015 where to start from??
  • replies: 9

seriously have no idea where to begin. i have had anxiety for majority of my life, and it has gradually gotten worse. ive gone from being able to control it, (and actually leave the house like a normal person) to now most days not wanting to leave th... View more

seriously have no idea where to begin. i have had anxiety for majority of my life, and it has gradually gotten worse. ive gone from being able to control it, (and actually leave the house like a normal person) to now most days not wanting to leave the house, and if i do need to leave the house i will have anxiety. I believe that my husband doesnt help the situation. i have a 8 month old bub, i have noticed more so that since having bub ive been home and not wanting to leave the house unless i need to go an see the gp for either bub or myself. I have since seen my gp who i had a pretty good chat with and dr has prescribed medication for me. i have 2 types, both of which have side effects and upon reading the side effects of both i gave myself an anxiety attack. i feel trapped sometimes. DH attempts to be supportive but also puts me down when arguing which doesnt help me on my end, if he is with me while im having a panic attack he does this frustration Huff and puff at me and anxiety goes through the roof... I dont know what to do, i have seen a psychologist in the past. ive tried breathing techniques, meditation gives me anxiety. (when i get anxiety- my heart feels like its going to jump out of my chest, i cant think straight, i get sweaty, shortness of breath, the occasional vomit, but i always have a bowel movement can be up to 8times a day *sorry for the TMI*) i know i need help, just dont know where to start. i feel overwhelmed. this post probably doesnt make sense.

Stillflying Intentional panic attacks?
  • replies: 4

I haven't been able to find anyone who seems to share this "issue" that I have so I thought I'd ask here. I had some work related stress and anxiety which lead to panic attacks at work. Through seeing my GP and a temporary regime of medication and a ... View more

I haven't been able to find anyone who seems to share this "issue" that I have so I thought I'd ask here. I had some work related stress and anxiety which lead to panic attacks at work. Through seeing my GP and a temporary regime of medication and a psychologist, I was able to not only learn to deal with the panic attacks, but recognize what small ticks could trigger them and in time the panic attacks stopped. Now a year later I find myself at a weird point where panic attacks sort of bubble on the surface, I recognize them and intentionally "pop" them for what I could only describe as some sort of endorphins rush. I don't have to do that but I can't seem to stop myself intentionally do it. Its not distressing me but I cant help but feel it's a bad habit and going to keep the panic attacks sort of bubbling on the edge there. Has anyone had any experience with this?

AnxiousOCD Anxiety, worry and fear about the past
  • replies: 3

Hi Everyone, I haven't posted on one of these sights before but I'm struggling with my anxiety at the moment. It's tough because I know my triggers and I know the pattern I go through to trick myself into believing I've don't me something wrong but I... View more

Hi Everyone, I haven't posted on one of these sights before but I'm struggling with my anxiety at the moment. It's tough because I know my triggers and I know the pattern I go through to trick myself into believing I've don't me something wrong but I just can't seem to shake it. I have had anxiety on and off for about 3 years and I have always been an anxious person. I am on medication and have seen a psychologist but having recently just moved I no longer see my psychologist and I believed I was ready to continue on without therapy. My triggers for anxiety are missing my boyfriend (he goes offshore for work) and drinking too much alcohol. For the past 3 years I have been in a long distance relationship and only now have I moved so we can be together. He is away at the moment and for the first 2 weeks I was fine and happy and had my anxiety under control but after a night out with friends I triggered my anxiety and have been stuck in repetitive thoughts for the past week. I always revisit the past when I get anxious and try to figure out where and when I could've done something wrong, I worry myself sick that I could've cheated on my boyfriend or lied about something and I go round in circles until I seek reassurance which only gives short term relief and creates a long term problem of not trusting myself. Why do I always fall for this trick? Over time i have started to question myself about past events that never bothered me before and I can see that each time I give in to these thoughts means the next time will only be more irrational. I don't think my medication helps with any of this either, at first I thought it did but since my anxiety fully returned this year (after a peaceful year last year) i don't see how the medication has helped as my fears only seem to be getting worse.

ErinGrace OCD
  • replies: 7

Hi. I have terrible anxiety about my kids getting sick with any sort of gastro. I worry that I will get it. I can't look after them when they're sick. I have to ask a relative to come over or my husband has to stay home. I hide in the bedroom, or hav... View more

Hi. I have terrible anxiety about my kids getting sick with any sort of gastro. I worry that I will get it. I can't look after them when they're sick. I have to ask a relative to come over or my husband has to stay home. I hide in the bedroom, or have to leave the house. I get physical symptoms - heart palpitations and diarrhoea. Even when they're feeling better, I can't hug or kiss them. I desperately want to clean the whole house, but I'm unable to touch anything. I wash my hands constantly. I want to wash my clothes if they even touch me. I count the days until I reach a time when I think it's unlikely I (or any of the kids who are still well) will get sick anymore. I worry when the kids go to school that they'll come home sick. I hate it when they go to play centres or to parties because I'm scared they'll get sick. I think about it every single day. I go to sleep worrying that they'll be sick in the night (even when they're perfectly well) and wake up thinking about it. It's utterly debilitating and I don't know how to stop it. I don't enjoy anything because I'm so worried. It feels like no one can possibly understand how debilitating it is. I can't imagine that it can ever get better. I'm so tired. I can't concentrate on anything. Thanks for listening.

Wandmaker Do I have anxiety?
  • replies: 1

I have been reading lot;s of the forum posts and finally feel like I can register and post this question. I don't feel like an anxious person. I just feel tired, so very tired. I toss and turn till the wee hours of the morning, thinking about every l... View more

I have been reading lot;s of the forum posts and finally feel like I can register and post this question. I don't feel like an anxious person. I just feel tired, so very tired. I toss and turn till the wee hours of the morning, thinking about every little thing, which becomes every big thing. The thing is none of it is real. I lay there trying to lull myself off and my mind wanders to a nice beach, our next coast holiday, which turns into a ludicrous shark attack scene, and all other possible things that could go wrong and I panic. Then I get up and have a drink of water, toilet and try again and it happens again, new thing, new ludicrous scene, new unfounded panic over something that hasn’t happened, and isn’t likely to happen. Until eventually I fall asleep. Apart from being tired daily life doesn't make me feel anxious is anyway. Is this what anxiety is or do I just have an over active imagination? And how do I shut it off? Do I actually need help and who do I talk to about it? I know I need sleep...

His_Goose Introduction of me - Anxiety ridden
  • replies: 1

Hello all, I've never used an online forum before, so am a little unsure of its outcome. I'm 24, a Youth worker, married and of lately my anxiety has become worse. My Dr weened me off one medication over 7 days and has gradually put me on another. Pr... View more

Hello all, I've never used an online forum before, so am a little unsure of its outcome. I'm 24, a Youth worker, married and of lately my anxiety has become worse. My Dr weened me off one medication over 7 days and has gradually put me on another. Presumably going up again on November 11th. I understand this transition may exacerbate my symptoms. But I am missing so much work as a result, I am our sole income earner so am scared I'm stressing my husband who has bipolar type 1. While they are incredibly understanding I'm scared of losing my job which I love. I'm scared of leaving for work.. for any obligation really. But not for things which I am not obliged. It is so contradictory I wonder if I'm just lazy & don't know it. I feel numb, I'm always irritable, my heart is always racing, I feel worthless and hate myself. So I try to hide away from the world. I try CBT techniques. Nothing works. I see a private psychologist on 17/11. A previous counselor said I didn't need help as I had learned all available self help tools during my psychology degree. I dont know what to do, I feel lIke I have success at my finger tips but I'm drowning within my own mind. I'm scared of letting everyone down. So I just continue to hide.

battlingbigdog my screwed up life
  • replies: 5

I'm just starting to come to terms with a lot of mistakes ive made in my life. Ivebeen avoiding anything in my life for as long as I can remember. I feel like a little kid still. Worried about getting in trouble and offending people. I recently quit ... View more

I'm just starting to come to terms with a lot of mistakes ive made in my life. Ivebeen avoiding anything in my life for as long as I can remember. I feel like a little kid still. Worried about getting in trouble and offending people. I recently quit my job as a youth worker after 5 years when I got to the point that everything was crashing down around me. I'd avoided the dentist because I was afraid of the reaction I would get to having neglected myself so much to the point where my teeth rotted out of my head. I hadn't done tax return in 4 years. I was over weight and withdrew from any social situation I could. I'd put on a brave face for a bucks night or somewhere I could get pissed but that was it. I was smoking weed to escape and developed a pokie addiction. I look at what I've done over the last few years of my life and don't see a single good thi?g I've done for my self. When I left my job I Got over 5000 bucks in unused leave and thought right. Time to get my life in order. I've been three weeks off the weed. I've had a heap of fillings done and have spoken to a Dr about my mental health. But then my car breaks down. I finally bite the bullet about my tax and end up with a $6000 bill. I start exercising and end up with fluid on the knee and Can hardly walk. And now I need to find a job but I look at my self and think who would employ a bloke like me. I've been told my whole life how smart I am and how I can do anything I want. School was easy. But I feel like I've never been independent. And once I left that environment I'd known for so long I fell apart. I've become withdrawn. And this Has been getting worse and worse for ten years. But When I've spoken to friends and family they tell me that's not how u come across. U seem so confident. I've had good jobs and never been fired but I feel like I'm not good enough for this or that now. I keep getting jobs suggested to me by friends and I'm shocked to think that they could think I'd be able to do it. I'm nearly broke after spending the majority of my payout on my teeth and bond for a new place as I'm moving town to get away from some of my less then positive social circle. I don't really know what I'm posting this for except to get it out. I guess I'm just scared of what happens next. And reading back it's pretty obvious avoiding things isn't helping. I can see that the avoidance has caused most of my problems but it's been my default move my whole life and I just wanna hear that it can change.