
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

kned Social anxiety treatment options
  • replies: 8

I'm really wanting to look at some ways to manage my social anxiety. Medication would be last resort. What has worked for you? Has anyone tried alternative medicine (herbs etc)? Did they work? What psychological techniques have you found useful. If a... View more

I'm really wanting to look at some ways to manage my social anxiety. Medication would be last resort. What has worked for you? Has anyone tried alternative medicine (herbs etc)? Did they work? What psychological techniques have you found useful. If anyone can share some links to websites or apps, it'd be very much appreciated. Cheers,

Wa_ranger I feel burnt out and anxious.
  • replies: 2

Hi This is my first post and to be honest I never thought I would get to the point when I needed to do this. My reason for posting is work related anxiety and no matter how much I tell myself 'I have done my best' I feel like the anxiety is winning. ... View more

Hi This is my first post and to be honest I never thought I would get to the point when I needed to do this. My reason for posting is work related anxiety and no matter how much I tell myself 'I have done my best' I feel like the anxiety is winning. I haven't gone into work today as I can't face it. I don't sleep well and if I do, I wake up regularly worrying about work. It's taken over my life, and my work life balance is all wrong. Sunday's every weekend consist of worrying about going back to work so I know I'm struggling. My main issue is feeling stuck and knowing this situation is not changing anytime soon so that fills me with dread. My work is quite specialised and there are no other jobs in my location to apply for. My office is a regional base for a multi-national company and it has gone through a downturn in the last 12 months to the point where I am the only full time person, and I have been there less than 10 months. I manage a small team who are either part time or casual staff, which also makes me anxious. I'm basically overwhelmed, new work keeps coming through, I'm behind on my current work and I have made mistakes that I know I would not normally make. Management know the situation is not ideal and they have given 'support' which I have accepted. I was made redundant in a previous job (through no fault of my own) and knowing that feeling of being out of work prevents me from resigning, although I would if I could. I am a resilient person, so up until now I have just got on with it, although I basically feel 'stuck' and completely alone. Is anybody else in a similar situation who could offer me any advice please?

MissBear26 Can't sleep
  • replies: 4

Hey, Can't seem to switch the brain off. It's not just the brain it is my whole body. So tired and as soon as i lie down it is like everything is magnified. Small sounds in the room. The light from the charger. The small itch on my leg. The stray hai... View more

Hey, Can't seem to switch the brain off. It's not just the brain it is my whole body. So tired and as soon as i lie down it is like everything is magnified. Small sounds in the room. The light from the charger. The small itch on my leg. The stray hair on my neck. Its too hot. Its too cold. I get so fustrated i want claw at my face and scream. I can't sleep next to someone cause i toss and turn till finally (after a long time) i sleep. If i do sleep next to someone all i can think of is that I can't move, to the point where i want to panic cause i so badly need to move. I get myself so worked up. Soooo i get up and try to reset. I will habe another shower. Change pjs. Brush my hair. Remake my bed. Get a cold drink and try again. This i found is the most effective way to get to sleep Tonight however just not working for me.

Clairevj19 Physical anxiety symptoms :(
  • replies: 3

Hi all i've been reading a lot of these threads and it is helpful to know I'm not the only person who feels like this. im 26yrs old and was diagnosed with anxiety about 7 years ago. All has been great but this past week has been hell. I changed medic... View more

Hi all i've been reading a lot of these threads and it is helpful to know I'm not the only person who feels like this. im 26yrs old and was diagnosed with anxiety about 7 years ago. All has been great but this past week has been hell. I changed medication as I thought it might be better for me in the long run eg having children etc. what I didn't realise is how horrible it would make me feel. I have a massive fear of having a heart attack or fainting and this last week I've had so many horrible physical symptoms eg chest pains, headaches, dizziness, shooting pains. Been to 2 different doctors who said my chest is fine and my health is fine. i spoke with my doctor and we decided it's best to go back on medication so I'm on day 3 now, waiting for it to kick in so I go back to normal. I feel good when I'm at home or at work, but as soon as I get in the car to drive it all the physical symptoms come back before I even think about it. As soon as I walk in the door at home I'm ok. does anyone have any tips on how to calm the physical symptoms? I have medication but I don't like to take it as I would rather be able to attack it myself. I know I'll be okay again soon but I just hate the way it feels!!!

Struggly Struggling with the past
  • replies: 4

I have major regrets about my past and its stopping me from living my life. When I was in my 20s I owned my own home. Then I got involved in drugs and ended up selling it for no good reason. It was a fantastic place in a great location. I then bought... View more

I have major regrets about my past and its stopping me from living my life. When I was in my 20s I owned my own home. Then I got involved in drugs and ended up selling it for no good reason. It was a fantastic place in a great location. I then bought the first house I saw because I was worried about losing my money on drugs. The real estate agent took advantage of me and I ended up with a much worse house for about the same money. That place started giving me panic attacks so I sold it in a state of anxuiety. Of course I sold it really chep. By then I'd really gone backwards. The I was so anxious about buying the next house I put an offer on one place buyt go so panicky I couldn't go through with it. It was a really nice place too. Finally an agent pushed me into buying a partly renovated house. It has turned out to be a complete disaster and money pit. That last one was 15 years ago. I am now so totally devasted at what Ive done. I regret what could of been. I know this might come across as shllow, btut its not about money but shame and humiliation. My father always told me I was useless. How can I get out of this. The ain is just unbearable.

Maryjane93 Does anyone know how to combat this?
  • replies: 3

Hi all, So the past few months I've been getting bad anxiety and nausea in the mornings. I know the nausea is triggered by the anxious feelings I get in my stomach and chest. It's making it really hard for me to get out of bed in the morning. If anyo... View more

Hi all, So the past few months I've been getting bad anxiety and nausea in the mornings. I know the nausea is triggered by the anxious feelings I get in my stomach and chest. It's making it really hard for me to get out of bed in the morning. If anyone else has gone through this and found things that help I'd love to hear from you

_FallenAngel_ Dealing with mental health, managing work and colleagues. How do you deal with it all???
  • replies: 4

It is such a struggle for me to juggle weekly doctors appointments and the anxiety it causes by the lead up to being weighed however my manager is supportive so far with me taking time off and he does try to understand how possibly he can help me. Al... View more

It is such a struggle for me to juggle weekly doctors appointments and the anxiety it causes by the lead up to being weighed however my manager is supportive so far with me taking time off and he does try to understand how possibly he can help me. All these years I tried to keep it a secret at work as I thought, rather very naively that no one would ever find out about it but it was not long before the whispering around corners turned into out-right questioning and suddenly I found myself explaining and dispelling the stigma, stereotypes and preconceived ideas that my colleagues had already established about me, and some of the most rude and stupid questions that I can remember of the top of my head include: 1.) "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DIETING FOR?" (this was ruthless and most offensive and hurt the most like a spear in chest. Sorry had to write this one in capitals. Actually they all were pretty thoughtless) 2.) "How could you not eat for so long? I could never do anything like that” 3.) "I never thought guys can have eating disorders!!" (this one should be given a prize actually. Asked by a girl!) So it all ended up as a bit of a joke really, but then I decided to have a bit of light-hearted laugh with my newly made friends about my situation than have them ignorantly gossip behind my back which no doubt they still do. I guess I gave their empty minds something to do. I didn't approach the union or management because I didn't want to make things from bad to worse. I guess once has to pick thier battles wisely in life. Whether they are stupid comments like above, team meetings or really awkward questions they all can make work so unpleasant and unhealthy place to be. And when it comes to staff night outs I still have to explain my manager firmly that I am unable to eat in restaurants and I nearly had a panic attack once when he said I have to stay back after work for drinks to meet our new REA. But I left after 5 min anyway as I abstain from drinking. My colleagues, mental health and work they all are driving me nuts. Somedays are worse than others but everyday is a struggle really and I would really like to know how other people cope at work and if their manager/supervisors are supportive and aware of it. thanks

Daisy129 Feeling Lost...
  • replies: 16

I'm relatively new here and finding this a little terrifying but maybe it will help to share I have been dealing with anxiety (GAD and social anxiety) and depression for my whole life but wasn't diagnosed til my 20's I am now in my 40s and have had p... View more

I'm relatively new here and finding this a little terrifying but maybe it will help to share I have been dealing with anxiety (GAD and social anxiety) and depression for my whole life but wasn't diagnosed til my 20's I am now in my 40s and have had phases of life in which I have been able to be happy and productive Right now though I am feeling quite lost, I have little children and am a single mum I am good at putting on a brave face and dealing with the challenges of being a mum when the kids are here but when they go to their dads I just get this horrible lost feeling The house is in such a muddle and I feel like I should use the time they are away to catch up on chores and clean but I just end up standing around the house looking at the mess and feeling overwhelmed I tend to just eat food and watch movies instead, and then feel guilty for not doing anything I keep trying to motivate myself to get out and go for a walk or do some exercise to get myself moving but I just cannot shift the feeling enough to get myself going....

Lalunia82 Anxiety and insomnia are causing me physical pain
  • replies: 7

Hi, I am new here on this forum. When I am writing this post, my whole body is shaking. For nearly 2 weeks I suffer from anxiety, insomnia and constant panic attacks. In the past week, I was lucky to have 10 hours sleep. No medications help, I was pr... View more

Hi, I am new here on this forum. When I am writing this post, my whole body is shaking. For nearly 2 weeks I suffer from anxiety, insomnia and constant panic attacks. In the past week, I was lucky to have 10 hours sleep. No medications help, I was prescribed tablets which don't work on me. Each day was worst than the other as I fell into vicious circle: the more anxious, it harder it is to fall asleep. The less I sleep, the more anxious I become. 2 days ago I went to my GP again and received more medication for sleep. This only helped me to sleep from 10 pm to 1 am. I wake up at night and my body starts shaking, my stomach is hurting (i have diarrhoea), my heart is about to explode. I try slow breathing technique to calm myself down but nothing helps. This week I was completely unable to work and took 1 week off. I am very diligent employee, working as management accountant in big international company and this never happen to me. I am so scared, I will lose my job, my fiance and my world will collapse. I have no family here, they are all in Europe. The good thing is i have very loving and supporting fiance but I am afraid I will lose him too if this continues. I have seen 3 diffrent GPs and they all give me diffrent advice. Once, my regular GP prescribed me these strong sleeping tablets but other GPs said they are addictive and I should not take them. But how should I function with no sleep at all and with the panic attacks taking control over my body? I am so tired during a day, I can hardly walk, so I am unable to do any physical activities. When I dont work, I try not to stay home as I feel depressed ( i have moved recently with my in lows coz we bought the off the plan apartment and trying to save money for stamp duty and rest of the deposit). I go to the city, to the beach and try to load myslef with the positive energy. It is harder though, as I cant get no sleep, so I feel I can faint any time. When the evening comes, I worry even more that again I wont get no sleep. I need help, and dont know what else to do. I have not private medical cover. I have my first session with psychologist tomorrow (again this the costs of these visits worry me alot) and see if this will help me with anything. Maybe i need psychiatrist instead? I need help as if this continues I cant see my life looking like this anymore. I can loose my beloved fiance, my deposit on house and my job. Please anyone help me!

Lene working for the dole with anxiety and depressing
  • replies: 5

Need help! I'm 29 years old and I'm on the dole and will have to work for the dole in salvos, for 25 hrs a week I did it last year but because of my severe anxiety and depression I was constantly getting sick notes from the doctor and doing like 2 da... View more

Need help! I'm 29 years old and I'm on the dole and will have to work for the dole in salvos, for 25 hrs a week I did it last year but because of my severe anxiety and depression I was constantly getting sick notes from the doctor and doing like 2 days a week as I wanted to try, I still want to try but very worried about doing that many hours as the last boss I had got annoyed with all the sick notes made me feel even worse, so I was wondering if there is anyone that knows how I can do less hours? What should I do?