
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
  • replies: 0

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

WJD Advice needed for progressing in therapy
  • replies: 6

Hi I have fairly severe social anxiety and have been going to therapy for treatment in the last two months. I've got to the point where i'm now being strongly encouraged to put myself in the centre of attention in public places (eg. doing star jumps ... View more

Hi I have fairly severe social anxiety and have been going to therapy for treatment in the last two months. I've got to the point where i'm now being strongly encouraged to put myself in the centre of attention in public places (eg. doing star jumps in the middle of shopping centres) so I can realise that no harm comes from peoples judgement. The problem is I don't feel like i'm yet capable of achieving this. It literally feels like something i'm incapable to, do despite knowing it's my thoughts that create these emotions that prevent me from doing it. My question is, was there ever a point in therapy where you felt like you just hit a wall and couldn't progress any further? I feel like i've hit that point but I don't wont to quit as it's an issue I need to confront. What did you's do to get though these points in therapy? Up to this point I have made a small but noticeable amount of progress but it now feels like i've just been thrown strait into the deep end.

Talafa Realization
  • replies: 3

Good Morning all, I hope you are all finding some peace in your day. I was practicing my morning gratitude this morning, something i do each morning at work. I write 10 things that in that day/moment I am truely grateful for. Today I stumbled across ... View more

Good Morning all, I hope you are all finding some peace in your day. I was practicing my morning gratitude this morning, something i do each morning at work. I write 10 things that in that day/moment I am truely grateful for. Today I stumbled across a quote on face book 'dear self, don't get worked up over things i can not change. It is not worth the the anger build up or the headache. Control only what you can, let go. Love Me' This hit home for me, i am in a impossible situation at the moment with my relationship, his health is poor mentally and physically. He lives in very close proximity with his family which continues to cause issues for us. His mother has MS and is very controlling and interferes way to much. I have been trying to take on all this at once. I can't control her, I can't control how he feels day to day, I have no control over his health. All i can do is support, and if he is in a headspace that won't let me. I can't control that either. So for now, i will be me, and take care of me, enjoy my friends and family. I will not accept contempt or selfishness from him any longer i will talk to him in a kind and clear way when he behaves like that. Anyway, just a little vent and a sharing of perspective for you all. I hope maybe someone can draw some hope or understanding from it. thanks Tam

The_Sensei Taking time away from work help relieve anxiety, any positive stories
  • replies: 5

Hi Guys Just wondering if anyone has some good stories about taking time off work. I have had a bit of a tough year this year with a few personal things and a rapidly changing work environment which has really put me under the pump being a manager at... View more

Hi Guys Just wondering if anyone has some good stories about taking time off work. I have had a bit of a tough year this year with a few personal things and a rapidly changing work environment which has really put me under the pump being a manager at the company who is heavily relied upon at times. I have not taken an extended break in over 3 years. Over the past 6 months I have developed quite bad anxiety and some slight depression, so i figured enough is enough and have decided to take 6 weeks of work and go on a bit of a holiday. Just wondering if anyone has any good stories with taking time of work that has helped take away allot of there anxiety.

Benjamin Anxious about work, need to quit but I'm terrified.
  • replies: 10

I graduated with a degree in product design earlier this year, and was pretty lucky to get a design job quickly, which I thought was great but has become pretty horrible. I am the only designer at the business which has put me under a lot more stress... View more

I graduated with a degree in product design earlier this year, and was pretty lucky to get a design job quickly, which I thought was great but has become pretty horrible. I am the only designer at the business which has put me under a lot more stress than I can handle - I am having panic attacks and spend most mornings in tears at the prospect of going to work, I'm not coping and it is affecting my work (when I can manage to stay focused enough to do any) and causing me a lot of dread. My boss is not as guiding and supportive as I need at this point in my career, and spends a lot of time belittling and criticizing me and my work - it's a small company so I report directly to him and can't go to anyone else for help or support. I really want to quit, I really need to quit - The business recently got acquired by a larger firm, but everything is staying the same in the office - same boss same environment. I have been given this big spiel about how the acquisition means that this is a great space for my career and I'm at the forefront of something big, I've also been told that it will be more pressure. I am utterly miserable and distraught, I know I need to quit and soon but the acquisition has only just happened, and despite not at all liking my boss I am terrified of disappointing everyone - and I am terrified at the prospect of the 4 weeks following by resignation submission because I know that things will be a living hell here. I don't really know what to do, If I don't get out I'm worried that I will spiral to a place I won't be able to come back from - but when I do quit I'm worried that the people here will push me to that anyway.

Guest_9870 Career troubles
  • replies: 4

I feel held back by my own anxiety and confused about what career i want because theres many things i can see that would cause me anxiety. What are some good jobs for anxiety? I wanted to do teaching but ive heard thats alot of pressure now days and ... View more

I feel held back by my own anxiety and confused about what career i want because theres many things i can see that would cause me anxiety. What are some good jobs for anxiety? I wanted to do teaching but ive heard thats alot of pressure now days and no support. I considered nursing also because i have a caring personality but i get anxiety if i have to touch someone and worry i will stuff up. Any advice will be grately appreciated.

Booklover17 Overwhelmed
  • replies: 19

Hello everyone, This is my first time posting here. I have recently been told by my psychologist that I have anxiety. I am trying to work through it but it is so hard. I just feel very overwhelmed about having anxiety and just everything right now. D... View more

Hello everyone, This is my first time posting here. I have recently been told by my psychologist that I have anxiety. I am trying to work through it but it is so hard. I just feel very overwhelmed about having anxiety and just everything right now. Does anyone have any tips to help me not be so overwhelmed? Thank you.

Anne1303 Struggling
  • replies: 2

Hi, first time post on here although I have followed along for awhile. I have suffered from anxiety for quite a few years, going into medication to help after the loss of a baby a few years ago. Since then I have struggled on and off.i slowly weaned ... View more

Hi, first time post on here although I have followed along for awhile. I have suffered from anxiety for quite a few years, going into medication to help after the loss of a baby a few years ago. Since then I have struggled on and off.i slowly weaned off the medication 6 months ago. A few months ago I started a new job, since then my anxiety has increased dramatically. The other ladies in my office are very close, and I feel like I am the outsider which really bothers me. I find myself constantly over analysing every little thing that happens every day and everything that was said or done in the office, I just can't stop it. I can't sleep from worrying about every little thing that has happened during the day, everythingvthat was said etc even though nothing in specific bad had happened. I panic when they don't answer texts thinking worst case scenarios that they don't want to be friends with me - I know it is crazy but I just can't seem to turn off these all concerning thoughts , it is driving me crazy to the point where it is affecting my home life as well, I just want it to stop!

LaurenJM Frustrated
  • replies: 2

So im posting here in the hopes that acknowleding these feelings is a step towards feeling better. I hate that i feel anxious an nervous, but not liking the feeling isnt enough to make it go away. The feeling of no control over your own brain is one ... View more

So im posting here in the hopes that acknowleding these feelings is a step towards feeling better. I hate that i feel anxious an nervous, but not liking the feeling isnt enough to make it go away. The feeling of no control over your own brain is one that doesn't sit well and just starts that vicious cycle of self criticism and doubt. I find it hard to articulate how and why im feeling anxious, so i then start to thi nk of all these problems i 'could' have, and mayb one of them is why i feel this way, when really im not sure what the root cause of all this is. Venting helps but i feel like such a sook and dont want to burden others with worry. Knowing so many others feel this way does help in an almost 'horrible' way, cause i wouldnt wish this on someone else. I find writing helps and sometimes just trying to sit an breathe and reassure myself, but id love to hear how other people get themselves out of that rut. I wish you all a hood nights sleep xo

kaykay92 Constant extreme chest tightness and pain
  • replies: 1

Hello all and thank you for reading, I'm 24 years old and have had issues with anxiety for years. Within the fast few months I feel it's gotten a lot worse and I have been experiencing panic attacks and bad physical symptoms overall. One of the sympt... View more

Hello all and thank you for reading, I'm 24 years old and have had issues with anxiety for years. Within the fast few months I feel it's gotten a lot worse and I have been experiencing panic attacks and bad physical symptoms overall. One of the symptoms that gives me the most trouble is my chest. I get really bad tightness, racing heart and even shooting pain (over both my right and left side) My doctor gave me a scare about 6 weeks ago. She claimed my ECG's over a weeks time were "changing" and therefore abnormal and encouraged me to go to the ER if I experienced similar pain, which of course only made me experience it more... I went to a new doctor who I related better to. She compared the same ECG's and said she saw absolutely nothing wrong and encouraged me to relax but ever since that first doctor, I feel the tightness and pain getting worse and find myself getting worked up about it no matter what I do. Does anyone else experience these sensations on a daily basis and not only when anxious, but completely randomly? I don't want to keep running to the doctors every time it comes up for me. Thanks so much for any replies!

Talafa First time posting : relapsed
  • replies: 8

Good Morning all, I have recently reached out for help with my anxiety after a altercation with my mother in law brought me stress and anxiety levels to the top of the gp grading. My issues stem from a tricky childhood and a abusive relationship. I f... View more

Good Morning all, I have recently reached out for help with my anxiety after a altercation with my mother in law brought me stress and anxiety levels to the top of the gp grading. My issues stem from a tricky childhood and a abusive relationship. I fear abandonment and confrontation. My partner also has crohns disease and was also diagnosed with depression recently. After I went to the gp looking for help I started to pick up I am on light meds and started a mindfulness and self care journey this has worked really well. My partner has fallen into a bit of a low in the last few days and this has spun me out. He has lost his spark and play and joy. I am confused and hurt whilst understanding his struggles. I miss my man and am terrified of asking for what I deserve in the relationship on a whole. I am left scared, with lump in my throat and just overwhelmingly sad. I hate this feeling and I am doing all I can to break free I am just stuck in this cycle.