
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Xando33 6 weeks with mother in law
  • replies: 2

Okay I don't know how to start this just going to dive right in. I am posting in hopes to hear of similar stories and advice to help. I am about to depart to the USA from AU to stay with my mother in law for 6 weeks. Last time we met she lived with u... View more

Okay I don't know how to start this just going to dive right in. I am posting in hopes to hear of similar stories and advice to help. I am about to depart to the USA from AU to stay with my mother in law for 6 weeks. Last time we met she lived with us for 6weeks and the whole time was pure tension because she wanted to control and change our brand new house. She did not like that I had a day and stood up to her saying we like our house the way it is and my wife and I are decorating at our own pace. There was a lot of guilting going on between her and my wife because my wife had chosen to live in the other side of the world and that "was like a limb being torn off" for her mum. She would say her days are all dark and gloomy when she is away from her daughter to our faces nearly every second day. We know for a fact she is happy when she is back in USA because we call her every second week.I would stand up to her knowing she was only making her daughter (my wife) depressed by not communicating in a healthy way. And I would ask her to communicate it in a kinder way. She did not like me doing this and no matter how calm I was she would over react.The worst part is to come. After all 6weeks we were back in the USA with her for one week before we got to go have some time for ourselves. My wife was driving on the right for the first time in a year (her mum refused to drive) so we asked her to keep quiet there would be a lot of concentration involved and I was helping with directions in a foreign country. It eventually came to her talking and I politely said "yes that's great but let's just be quiet like agreed there is a lot going on right now" well she did not like that and kept on chattering saying she has already said it so what do I want her to do. Well between my wife chiming in making things louder, the little sleep after traveling for 36hours and being on the opposite side of the road helping my wife drive I lost it. I yelled. I screamed "SHUT UP!". I lost it, I was triggered. I was immediately apologetic and trying to explain.She was offended and didn't want to hear it. Which I though was reasonable, we can talk later. 5days went past and I tried talking on multiple occasions. My mother in law spent the whole time complaining to her friends how awful I was. It came to our final departure and I got her asside to give a huge soeach about how awful it was of me to over react that way and I never wanted to do it again. Unfortunately I made the mistake of exaggerating my point in a hope that she would say no I was not that bad. I said I was a monster for the way I acted and she said "yes you were" and I don't think I can ever forgive you. To this day I have asked a few times if things between us could be forgiven and she refuses to let this happen.It is clear I need to move on and forgive myself and not expect her forgiveness. But now I am about to go live with her for 6weeks and I don't know if I can handle it. Hotels are not an option because she lives in Boston (super expensive we can't afford it) and unless we live so far away we can't afford a hotel. I don't want to do that either because I don't want my wife missing out on valuable time.I feel trapped.Advice?Thank you

j.a.d Mental Health & New Workplace
  • replies: 1

Hi all, I'd love some advice. I've recently (in the past week) started a new job that is way outside my comfort zone. I really struggle with change and this often results in panic attacks, severe anxiety and OCD. Because the job is so outside my comf... View more

Hi all, I'd love some advice. I've recently (in the past week) started a new job that is way outside my comfort zone. I really struggle with change and this often results in panic attacks, severe anxiety and OCD. Because the job is so outside my comfort zone, I'm finding it extremely difficult and want to run away, but I know that's not the answer. I feel like I should bring up with my new employer that my mental health is slipping a bit, but I really don't know how they will react. It's often harder keeping it private, but also I'm afraid to bring it up. My question is really, should I let them know I'm struggling, and if so, how? Ps. They don't have a HR department, so I'd have to chat directly with the boss.

Maxwell Feeling very angry
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I have just read that Jeff Kennett thinks that people like me who take medication to deal with chronic anxiety are taking 'the easy way out'. Really needed to hear your opinion Jeff. Who the hell do you think you are to make a judgement on me and the... View more

I have just read that Jeff Kennett thinks that people like me who take medication to deal with chronic anxiety are taking 'the easy way out'. Really needed to hear your opinion Jeff. Who the hell do you think you are to make a judgement on me and the thousands like me who rely on medication to live a relatively normal life? I thought Beyond Blue was interested in assisting people like me. Clearly not. You can take your feel good organisation and shove it.

madevil_beans constant state of panic with daily panic attacks
  • replies: 1

Hi there,Im Madison. I’ve been struggling with anxiety since i was 11 and am 20 now. I moved to australia 7 months ago and my anxiety is back.Most people give me the “oh you just moved here, you just need to settle” but i’m where i should be and am s... View more

Hi there,Im Madison. I’ve been struggling with anxiety since i was 11 and am 20 now. I moved to australia 7 months ago and my anxiety is back.Most people give me the “oh you just moved here, you just need to settle” but i’m where i should be and am stable now. I have panic attacks with really bad neurological symptoms that mimic heart attacks as well as physical symptoms that cause my heart to race. I got prescribed sertra and proprananlol but won’t take it because i’m scared that i will have more panic attacks in the adjustment period. I’m really struggling and I don’t know what to do. I’m not used to GPs giving out meds because only psychiatrists do that in south africa and i’m not sure i trust my GPs judgment as much as i would a psychiatrist.

nurse-in-need Don’t know where to start but here it goes
  • replies: 9

Hi, I feel the last 6-12 months have really taken a toll on my mental health. I’ve recently noticed I am easily irritable, resentful, struggling to maintain or form new relationships, socially withdrawn and very self-critical. It doesn’t help I am go... View more

Hi, I feel the last 6-12 months have really taken a toll on my mental health. I’ve recently noticed I am easily irritable, resentful, struggling to maintain or form new relationships, socially withdrawn and very self-critical. It doesn’t help I am going through a career change and currently a mature nursing student. Due to a mixture of visa purposes and personal circumstances, a lot of close friends I have made have left to go home or moved interstate. My partner’s social circle on the other hand keeps expanding and I can’t help but feel jealously around this. I have to tried to connect with likeminded people but it’s a struggle. I’m not the outgoing, sociable person I once was when I got here. I feel so alone all of a sudden and with my studies on top, I’m fatigued and the last thing I want to do is try again and make new friends. A lot of my uni cohort are very young too. As a result, I experience sadness and loneliness. I also have a habit of negative thinking that I struggle to shift. I am just finding life tough lately and never had this before.

Elephant86 Walking towards a place of healing and peace of mind
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I have struggled with my condition for long time and it is sometimes a challenge to find out how do I heal? Everybodies pathway to healing is different people don't all like to do the same activities. You have to find out what makes you happy and mos... View more

I have struggled with my condition for long time and it is sometimes a challenge to find out how do I heal? Everybodies pathway to healing is different people don't all like to do the same activities. You have to find out what makes you happy and most importantly what brings me peace and calm. There are many activities you can do to help you relax and keep on a positive pathway. You must find what your passionate about is it cooking a meal for the whole family. It could also be working with tools to build a table. It could be playing sport like soccer or rugby. There are so many wonderful things you can do you just do what your passionate about don't worry about what others think of you. Remember there is only 1 you and we all have our wonderful special gifts that we must harness to the best of our ability so we can shine like a diamond for all to see how special you are. There will be time you will lose confidence in your ability beleive me there where times were I would second guess myself and lack confidence to step out of my shell and face the world and be a powerful positive influence on the world. If you beleive in your heart that you are powerful and you want to change the world no one has the right to be negative and make you feel bad you need to have powerful positive influences in your life that make you feel positive in yout own ability.

Hail Need help
  • replies: 8

I'm someone who self helps. Been through alot. Yet I'm still here. I don't now where to turn for answers yet I'm not one to seek them for myself or my own well being. Always there for others more then myself. I'm just lost always have been. I'm just ... View more

I'm someone who self helps. Been through alot. Yet I'm still here. I don't now where to turn for answers yet I'm not one to seek them for myself or my own well being. Always there for others more then myself. I'm just lost always have been. I'm just lost bored & hurting. Always have been. Good or bad it's always the same . I don't talk to anyone as to how I'm feeling as it's my own problems. I don't like to weigh people especially family with my problems. Keep a good face. Also I'd like to believe I'm ok. Thought I'm not I know I'm not. But why I ask. But I'm not one who asks for help.

Guest_5925 I feel ugly all the time and I compare myself to every single person I see
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Hi i'm a 21 year old female and I don't think I am loveable by anyone? i've never had a proper boyfriend and have always had on and off things with men but I feel like I am not attractive to anyone, especially men I find attractive. I always say in m... View more

Hi i'm a 21 year old female and I don't think I am loveable by anyone? i've never had a proper boyfriend and have always had on and off things with men but I feel like I am not attractive to anyone, especially men I find attractive. I always say in my head as soon as I see a man that I find attractive they probably think I am a disgusting slob and could never imagine themselves with a girl like me. Every single person I either pass on the street or see, I start pin pointing every thing I see on them that I don't have. "perfect hair, the ideal figure, a nice fashion sense" the qualities I believe I lack are the ones I see in everyone that passes me. I wish I had that I wish I looked like that I wish I wish, I walk pass a stranger and notice these things so why can I never see them in myself. I know this sounds ridiculous and I understand there are worse things in the world that are going on but thought id see if anyone can help or might even relate to these thoughts and feelings.

Nadine_Davis Anxiety linked to sleepless nights or insomnia
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I was wondering if anxiety is triggered by sleepless nights or the way around. Since I haven’t been sleeping i have had anxiety! Now I have anxiety as I’m scared I won’t sleep at night. I have to take medication to sleep

I was wondering if anxiety is triggered by sleepless nights or the way around. Since I haven’t been sleeping i have had anxiety! Now I have anxiety as I’m scared I won’t sleep at night. I have to take medication to sleep

AC57 Big problem
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Some times i bite off more than I can chew I have a disability and it's a challenge, I can't handle it Please advise me I bully my self and have no faith in my self.

Some times i bite off more than I can chew I have a disability and it's a challenge, I can't handle it Please advise me I bully my self and have no faith in my self.