
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Missandrea Constant worrying in relationship
  • replies: 3

Been with my partner for about 2 years and sometines if we're apart I convince myself he'll realise that he doesn't need me around. Then I lay in my room thinking about it, I start getting defensive and come across blunt because my head has convinced... View more

Been with my partner for about 2 years and sometines if we're apart I convince myself he'll realise that he doesn't need me around. Then I lay in my room thinking about it, I start getting defensive and come across blunt because my head has convinced that this is what he's thinking. I have no idea why I think that sorta thing and not sure how to snap out of it? He's on night shift at the moment so we aren't really speaking so my brain has obviously said to me this is what's going to happen and to be prepared hes going to leave.

Danberg Light Therapy
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Hi, I have suffer from agoraphobia and have had a flare up with the change of light coming into spring. Just wondering if anyone has had light therapy or know of anyone who specialises in Light therapy. I think I have linked my flare ups with the cha... View more

Hi, I have suffer from agoraphobia and have had a flare up with the change of light coming into spring. Just wondering if anyone has had light therapy or know of anyone who specialises in Light therapy. I think I have linked my flare ups with the change of seasons.

Manalishi Been a while, wish I had better news
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Hi, so, it's been around a year since I last posted here, I'm Catherine. When I was last here I was plagued with health anxiety, and well, the old demon's back again. Couple of weeks ago now I came down with a case of what appears to be haemmorhoids,... View more

Hi, so, it's been around a year since I last posted here, I'm Catherine. When I was last here I was plagued with health anxiety, and well, the old demon's back again. Couple of weeks ago now I came down with a case of what appears to be haemmorhoids, or a fissure; Pain when I wipe, bit of fresh blood from the back end etc. etc. Sadly, that is not how I see it, in my mind, it's bowel cancer, a veritable death sentence. Since then I've been experiencing little stabbing pains in my abdomen, aches in my lower back, a feeling like I always need to go to the toilet, and constipation when I do. All these signs are adding up and basically just screaming to me "the end approaches!", which, well, I have cause to fear death a little more than usual at this point in my life. You see, I'm transgender, and just started medically transitioning 3 months ago to this day; the thought of dying now, or having my lifespan reduced to a handful of years, now that I'm just, after 23 years finally able to see and explore who I truly am, is too horrible to bear. I've seen a gp who prescribed me some cream, which doesn't seem to be helping much, but at my follow up appointment for hormone therapy I found out I wasn't anemic, which is somewhat encouraging, and I'll be doing an FOBT soon. Where I'm going with all this is that today at work I essentially spent the afternoon in the throes of an anxiety attack, certain that death looms, and, I started to wonder if these symptoms are even real, which led to even more terror over not being able to distinguish reality from my frenzied imagination. I'm getting so scared that I just want to go to the ER and say "I know something's wrong with me and I'm dying, find it!" I hope someone can make sense of these ramblings and give a scared girl a little comfort.

goose1888 I’m struggling with relationship anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hey everyone, I’ve been seeing someone new for the last month and a half or so, and whenever we’re in person I feel awesome and really at ease, but between dates I’m finding myself getting really in my own head. For example, we had a date yesterday a... View more

Hey everyone, I’ve been seeing someone new for the last month and a half or so, and whenever we’re in person I feel awesome and really at ease, but between dates I’m finding myself getting really in my own head. For example, we had a date yesterday and I feel like it went really well, and I messaged her after to say I had an awesome time and so on, then I didn’t hear back from her (and still haven’t) so I’m really anxious that it wasn’t as good as I thought it was or something. I’ve told her my feelings for her (that I like her) and she has said she likes me too and really enjoys being around me. I just keep getting anxious that somehow that’s changed, or she’s changed her mind about it, or something. It’s getting in the way of me being able to just enjoy dating, and just my day to day life. Could anyone offer some help so I can stop being so anxious about all of this?

Unforgettable_fire Anxiety is crippling at the moment
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I am really struggling at the moment, about a month ago my mother had a massive heart attack. Throughout that time I've been to the hospital every day and also trying to arrange permanent in home care for when she gets discharged. I'm also trying to ... View more

I am really struggling at the moment, about a month ago my mother had a massive heart attack. Throughout that time I've been to the hospital every day and also trying to arrange permanent in home care for when she gets discharged. I'm also trying to managing care for my father who has agoraphobia and anxiety and depression. I thought I was coping ok but the last week I've had this overwhelming fear that comes over me in the mornings and only starts to subside by about 5pm. I am also juggling some concerns I face with a tax debt which has really knocked the wind out of my sails. I am trying to put on a brave face for my parents but it is taking a lot of me to keep going and appear normal

Malaalsieh Dizziness and neck pain driving me insane!!
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My dizziness is driving me crazy! I also get neck pain and stiffness. this dizziness can last all day or come when it wants. With it I get pins and needles, sensations all around my head and my face always feels like it’s going to go numb. So then I ... View more

My dizziness is driving me crazy! I also get neck pain and stiffness. this dizziness can last all day or come when it wants. With it I get pins and needles, sensations all around my head and my face always feels like it’s going to go numb. So then I think it’s a stroke or something bad is going to happen to me. I always end up in tears because it stops me from doing a lot of things. I haven’t even been able to work. I want to go to the gym but I can’t because I’m dizzy! To put it bluntly I’m so frustrated and don’t know what to do. Would love to hear if anyone else experiences this. Also when I go to the shops it all starts! I get dizzy, my legs stiffen up and I have to hold onto something. What is going on? Is this normal when you have anxiety? The thing is I’m not anxious about going to the shops I find I just can’t walk through their anymore. Would really like some support on this because I feel like I’m slipping back into depression again. The pain in my neck is really sore and goes all around my neck. I saw an Osteo but he made it worse the second time I went. I also get head sensations especially across my forehead. I know fighting it doesn’t help but I have no one around me to give me the support I need.

Justme00 Newbie with GAD
  • replies: 6

Hi I'm new to this website. I've been struggling with anxiety for my whole life. It got worse after I had my last child quite awhile ago now. It has got worse over the last year or so. Stress from my marriage break up & from negativity from my workpl... View more

Hi I'm new to this website. I've been struggling with anxiety for my whole life. It got worse after I had my last child quite awhile ago now. It has got worse over the last year or so. Stress from my marriage break up & from negativity from my workplace. I'm so confused as what to do next. I'm not sure if I want to give my marriage ago again or not. I've found a new independence in myself since my marriage breakdown so I'm not sure if I want that to change. My workplace has seemed to cause me a lot of stress at the moment. I'm so sick of my anxiety & how it makes me feel. It's hard for others to understand it. I feel so lonely.

anx187 Anxiety over twilight sedation
  • replies: 3

Hello, this is my first time posting in this forum so forum, so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong section. a bit about myself- I have suffered with health anxiety for most of my adulthood which stems from a traumatic birth of my first d... View more

Hello, this is my first time posting in this forum so forum, so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong section. a bit about myself- I have suffered with health anxiety for most of my adulthood which stems from a traumatic birth of my first daughter. I am having a small procedure done under a twilight sedation soon, I have alot of anxiety over the sedation, can anyone give me some positive insight? and any tips to reduce my anxiety leading up to it. and tips or reassurance would be very much appreciated! Feeling scared!

ThelmaLo OCD - feel like I'm going crazy :(
  • replies: 6

Hi all, I was diagnosed with OCD last year and first it centred around being worried I'd done something inappropriate when changing my daughter's nappy and kinda spiralled from there. Anyway so my doctor asked if I'd ever heard voices as this is appa... View more

Hi all, I was diagnosed with OCD last year and first it centred around being worried I'd done something inappropriate when changing my daughter's nappy and kinda spiralled from there. Anyway so my doctor asked if I'd ever heard voices as this is apparently not completely uncommon for someone with high anxiety and I said no but the next night when opening my daughter's room i thought I heard what sounded like 'hey' so I freaked out and started googling (bad idea) freaked out I was getting schizophrenia. My doctor also asked if I'd ever had thoughts of harming my daughter and I said oh no way never (which was true yesterday!) I read a forum about someone who kept having the word 'kill' come to mind over and over and it was just OCD and went away. So then that night of course the same thing happens to me and I get the thought 'kill' which turns into 'kill her' (my daughter) and it's completely freaked me out!! I love her more than anything in this world and I never want anything to happen to her but now I'm starting to get really scared and thinking what if I'm actually a danger to her or something. Also feeling so guilty that that thought has even entered my mind I've just started on medication a couple of weeks ago too so went up in dosage today. Any advice support etc would be so appreciated right now. I'm seeing my doctor again in 2 weeks to see how the medication is going.

Rosie34 Getting to sleep full of adrenaline/ heart racing/ anxiety without alcohol
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Hi Guys, I’ve been struggling with anxiety for the last three years but was self medicating and making my anxiety worse with alcohol. I’ve been in denial that it was anxiety and thought it might be something more sinister. I have stopped drinking dur... View more

Hi Guys, I’ve been struggling with anxiety for the last three years but was self medicating and making my anxiety worse with alcohol. I’ve been in denial that it was anxiety and thought it might be something more sinister. I have stopped drinking during the week on advice from my psychologist but I’m struggling to fall asleep as I’m still full of adrenaline and other anxiety symptoms. Does anyone have tips for getting to sleep? I’m so tired but so wired as well. Its absolutely exhausting as I’m sure you all know! TIA