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Been a while, wish I had better news

Community Member

Hi, so, it's been around a year since I last posted here, I'm Catherine.

When I was last here I was plagued with health anxiety, and well, the old demon's back again. Couple of weeks ago now I came down with a case of what appears to be haemmorhoids, or a fissure; Pain when I wipe, bit of fresh blood from the back end etc. etc. Sadly, that is not how I see it, in my mind, it's bowel cancer, a veritable death sentence. Since then I've been experiencing little stabbing pains in my abdomen, aches in my lower back, a feeling like I always need to go to the toilet, and constipation when I do. All these signs are adding up and basically just screaming to me "the end approaches!", which, well, I have cause to fear death a little more than usual at this point in my life. You see, I'm transgender, and just started medically transitioning 3 months ago to this day; the thought of dying now, or having my lifespan reduced to a handful of years, now that I'm just, after 23 years finally able to see and explore who I truly am, is too horrible to bear.

I've seen a gp who prescribed me some cream, which doesn't seem to be helping much, but at my follow up appointment for hormone therapy I found out I wasn't anemic, which is somewhat encouraging, and I'll be doing an FOBT soon. Where I'm going with all this is that today at work I essentially spent the afternoon in the throes of an anxiety attack, certain that death looms, and, I started to wonder if these symptoms are even real, which led to even more terror over not being able to distinguish reality from my frenzied imagination. I'm getting so scared that I just want to go to the ER and say "I know something's wrong with me and I'm dying, find it!"

I hope someone can make sense of these ramblings and give a scared girl a little comfort.

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Catherine

Wow, you have so very much on your plate and I am so glad you have found us here to have a chat and to share how you are feeling. You are so very brave and so very strong to surrender to you knowing and listen to your hear and make the transition to becoming Catherine, so welcome Catherine!

The thing with anxiety and stress is that not only does it play havoc with your mind it also has physical symptoms too, and while yes the haemmorhoids are obvious and there are so many wonderful creams and things to use there, the pains and aches may be inflated due to stress and worry. I am no doctor however I think a chat with your GP to discuss how all these things are working together, like your hormone therapy and the changes in your body, I am sure you are going to get all sorts of aches and symptoms. Your GP will be able to talk you through this and to perhaps talk to you about the anxiety also.

As far as the constipation goes I believe juicy fruits like pears and also incorporating more greens in your diet will help, along with lots of water, there are also some things on the market that you can also take too, that you can just get at the pharmacy.

I am really showing my age here but I find when I am all achy and just over it with pains etc..the good old hot water bottle is awesome, or even a wheat bag. Just some comfort and something soft to help with the pain too, and it makes my mental state better too.

You have so much going on in your body at the moment Catherine and I am so please that you have reached out here for some support, I don't know if I have helped at all but I am so very happy for you that you have found who you are in life and that you are being true to you, that is so wonderful.

Huge hugs to you and I would like to know more about you if you would like to share.



Thanks for the support Aaron, yeah I came back here after yesterday at work. I haven't experienced anxiety like that since I got proper medication, so to regress to that level of panic, where I just wanted to start running and never stop, made me very concerned.

On the health front, I seem to be doing better today, seeing the doc tomorrow, then probably doing some more tests next week. I think I'll be ok going ahead.

Hi Catherine

Thank you for coming back to chat and I am so very happy to hear that you are feeling somewhat better today. I am so glad you came here to get some support when you were feeling so overwhelmed.

All the very best with your appointment tomorrow and with your journey that you have ahead of you, to becoming the real you, how very exciting and refreshing.

Hugs to you and hope to chat again some time, if not that is fine too...every best wish to you Catherine.