
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Hannahmk Driving anxiety
  • replies: 2

OK so there's something that is genuinely bothering me and not too sure where else to post it . I really don't know if again it's girls who just feel threatened/intimidated by me I went in the other day and had a really open conversation with these p... View more

OK so there's something that is genuinely bothering me and not too sure where else to post it . I really don't know if again it's girls who just feel threatened/intimidated by me I went in the other day and had a really open conversation with these people anyway it my job agency I was getting assigned a new job agent with the boss and we had am appointment the 3 of us. I swear this always happens to me too especially when like I'm happy and in a good mood. But anyway fast forward I was talking about how I have driving anxiety and couldn't do specific drives and I'd also wanted to move into state . Girl was so rude she was like ' I did it it was easy ' but it was like she just kept repeating it bit like she was just trying to rub it in my face.. just the fact it's a disability job agency (des) let along organisation just annoys me that's job role is supposed to be supporting people ... really pissed me off. Like another incident few weeks ago went into the gtm too I'm just nice and friendly and honestly just try to get along with everyone yeah . But there's always that one person that has to act up on me and causing fkn drama seriously I've just about hit my threshold and I just feel like next time I'm going to lose it and go absolutely off I'm at my absolute bl**dy wits end . But went into three gym and these workers just were laughing at me and giving me a really smug /rude look... just annoys me

Reinaa Anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, I've migrated to Sydney for about three years. It's hard for me to make friends at my school. I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, OCD and other things that I don't remember. And sorry for my horrible grammar and tenses, I just want... View more

Hi everyone, I've migrated to Sydney for about three years. It's hard for me to make friends at my school. I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, OCD and other things that I don't remember. And sorry for my horrible grammar and tenses, I just want to share my experiences. I was really shy at school and I hardly make any friends. I feel scared talking to people, even at rolecall when the teacher say my name. I'm having issues at home. My parents are arguing because of me all the time. They fight infront of me and my sister and it feels very bad. My father was a very traditional men who was sometimes selfish. I feel that my father don't like me since I was young, I don't know what should I do.

Aeneides Need advice dealing with anxiet/severe trust issue
  • replies: 1

With getting lied to by consecutive previous relationships, I now find it incredibly difficult to trust people to the point where I didn't want romantic relationships anymore. Recently though, I started liking someone again and we talk everyday, but ... View more

With getting lied to by consecutive previous relationships, I now find it incredibly difficult to trust people to the point where I didn't want romantic relationships anymore. Recently though, I started liking someone again and we talk everyday, but since he's not ready for a relationship yet, I decided to sort of wait for him and just be a good friend right now. However, when someone starts acting sweet and flirty around him, I just start sort of breaking down internally because it feels like I'm going to get replaced again, for lack of a better word for it. I don't bother him about it because I know it's a pain to deal with this and since we're not a thing, having him also deal with this feels unfair to him..? Would anyone happen to have any advice how to deal with this trust issue/anxiety? I want to stop being this obsessive distrustful person who constantly checks if there are any signs I'm about to get replaced, ready to run away.

lila222222 How I’m feeling
  • replies: 2

Hello, i feel as though no one cares and I don’t know where it’s coming from. I’m not normally like this but recently I’ve been picking up on times where people don’t care about my feelings and I just loose it and tell them to f--- off. At first it w... View more

Hello, i feel as though no one cares and I don’t know where it’s coming from. I’m not normally like this but recently I’ve been picking up on times where people don’t care about my feelings and I just loose it and tell them to f--- off. At first it was with my friends but now I see it with my family. I keep pushing people away but the one thing I want is someone to genuinely care and be there for me. Does anyone have any advice?

Pinkthomo Keeps it together
  • replies: 1

I've been dealing with this anxiety for the first time in my life and really struggling to keep it to a minimum or get rid of it. The core of the problem is a neighbour who occasionally has music on aggressively loud. I don't know why this effects me... View more

I've been dealing with this anxiety for the first time in my life and really struggling to keep it to a minimum or get rid of it. The core of the problem is a neighbour who occasionally has music on aggressively loud. I don't know why this effects me so much. The rest of my family don't care too much, but for some reason, I feel it's the end of the world.I've seen my gp and she's given me a script if it gets all too much. How does everyone deal with their anxiety. I can only talk myself out of it so much.

Haydennn My anxiety might be risking my access to support services
  • replies: 1

I’m currently trying to coordinate access to inpatient care, but I haven’t had to do this on my own before. Ive been working with my GP, but realising I just don’t know all the questions I should be asking him or any other services I’m speaking with.... View more

I’m currently trying to coordinate access to inpatient care, but I haven’t had to do this on my own before. Ive been working with my GP, but realising I just don’t know all the questions I should be asking him or any other services I’m speaking with. I’ve also called intake coordinators at private facilities to try and understand why the process is delayed and what other options exist. Each time I call I was provided a tidbit of useful and new information, but also I noted that the humans on the end of the line were understandably struggling with my persistent calls. Today when I tried to call I recieved an automated message, which led me to believe I’m on a DNA list. I’ve been feeling really anxious about ensuring I coordinate this process to the best of my ability to access the care I need, but today I think I got a bit manic and risked my chances with my preferred provider. I have been respectful and courteous, and have not taken out my frustrations on those I’ve spoken to but still I feel like I was harassing them and felt a lot of shame for trying my best to get myself care. Has anyone else who’s had to do this type of thing alone felt/ experienced similar? Did it ultimately impact your service access? I’m scared I’ve ruined my chances, so have reached out to a pathways service to help me navigate from here moving forward.

Ranga-1 Anxiety about family
  • replies: 9

Hello, everyone. For the past few years, my life has been incredibly stressful. My husband has had less than optimum health for a long time, but the past 18 months have been particularly difficult. He almost died about 18 months ago and since then it... View more

Hello, everyone. For the past few years, my life has been incredibly stressful. My husband has had less than optimum health for a long time, but the past 18 months have been particularly difficult. He almost died about 18 months ago and since then it's been one thing after the other (mainly stemming from the major medical episode). He can't work and this upsets him. I have to work and am finalising my degree (which I'm very happy about achieving). The main thing I'm worrying about at the moment is our 19yo son. He's resumed studies but has to attend the institution in another town two days a week, and it's difficult to motivate him. He does not drive owing to a medical condition and he had a minor medical episode a few weeks ago (he is now taking better care of himself, which is great). I worry for his mental health, too. I told him we support him on this journey and to talk to us if he needs to. He and I have a good relationship, so I'm grateful for that. We're in a rural town with no opportunity for what my son is interested in, so I'm helping him with getting ready to move to the 'Big Smoke', which I think will be good for him. I've ordered a book targeted towards young adults in their transition from living at home. I'm so worried all the time. I am a catastrophiser, which doesn't help me. I hate this fear and it's making it hard for me to concentrate on my studies. The stress has been ongoing for months. Has anyone else been through similar?

Natalie22 Embarrassed and uncomfortable.
  • replies: 6

On Thursday after my lunch break I got called into the directors office and asked if I take any medications at work. I said no, but I have my ventolin if needed. He then said that it has been brought to his attention that I have been taking pills fro... View more

On Thursday after my lunch break I got called into the directors office and asked if I take any medications at work. I said no, but I have my ventolin if needed. He then said that it has been brought to his attention that I have been taking pills from a blue canister. I was confused. I told him that I am starting a new medication on the weekend and he told me that I needed to give him the nam and side effects. As I was about to leave I pulled out a blue tin from my bag and told him that I have a blue canister of mints. He said that he did not need to show him. But I felt I needed to as I had basically been accused of taking drugs. Spoke to him this morning (Friday) and he told me that I was being aggressive and that I had been aggressive to my co workers after the chat. My anxiety has increased as I am embarrassed that they would have such a low opinion of me, did not speak to me directly and ultimately I had to supply private medical information. I am to an aggressive person and I have clearly came across the wrong way as I was frustrated and upset.

Morganc Who try to use CBD.
  • replies: 5

My doc advise me to buy CBD. Its really help?

My doc advise me to buy CBD. Its really help?