
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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timechangedhermind I feel so hopeless, so unproductive, anxious, I don't know what to do.
  • replies: 1

I feel like nothing happens to me. I'm always waiting for something to finally come into my life that makes a difference for the first time, a positive change, but I'm always returning to the same places. I know one is supposed to be the one to make ... View more

I feel like nothing happens to me. I'm always waiting for something to finally come into my life that makes a difference for the first time, a positive change, but I'm always returning to the same places. I know one is supposed to be the one to make things happen rather than the universe magically making them occur, but I know it's simply not the case for me. I feel stuck. I feel so useless, and annoying, just simply a burden. I often fantasize about my life taking a turn and becoming exciting and my dreams coming true, but then I go back to all those fears. I feel so lonely, so scared, so ill. My mind, yes, but my physical body as well.It doesn't help. I'm also a fully-online student in high school. I have, seriously, no friends. I haven't talked to anyone my age in possibly two years, I spend all my days at home, in my room doing nothing when I could be doing so much.My parents, the only people I talk to and see every day along with my younger brother, don't even bother with me anymore. It's actually sad. I've been given so many opportunities, I don't even try. I can't talk to anyone about what really matters to me, my relationship with my parents has become more distant, I remember things about them from my childhood and get so sensitive about them, they're..uncomforting to me - I'm mean to them, I am too much but I don't do enough. I wish I was special, I wish I was important, I wish I was needed, I wish I were loved more, I wish someone genuinely appreciated me, I wish I were more, I wish I did more, I wish I could make everyone proud.I want so many things and yet I don't even deserve half of them. I've been begging my parents for a cat for Christmas. Do I deserve one? Have I put on an effort at..anything? No. I haven't, and that's nothing new, no one even expects me to put on an effort anymore.I am so ungrateful, so selfish, and so bad for anyone. Such a bad presence and a burden, the feeling increases even more now that I got to write how it all feels for the first time and post this. Who would even want or would care to read this? It's not that I want to die, it's not that I want to be someone else. It's something different, I can't quite place it exactly just yet, but it's something, and it's there and it follows my every move every day.

Gmann Geoff
  • replies: 4

Does beyond blue catter for 74 year old men?

Does beyond blue catter for 74 year old men?

blues23 How anxiety and depression changes you
  • replies: 5

I’m struggling a lot to find myself these days really struggling, it’s like the person I was is gone ,left is this the anger the , anxiety which triggers and when it does it’s hard to deal , I felt a few months ago maybe less I was getting better id ... View more

I’m struggling a lot to find myself these days really struggling, it’s like the person I was is gone ,left is this the anger the , anxiety which triggers and when it does it’s hard to deal , I felt a few months ago maybe less I was getting better id turned a corner but no these past few months feels like an eternity of just darkness black and anger and just yeah feel like I’m not me . I don’t know if that person I was even exists anymore I’m a shell of myself.

Guest_1573 So worried about tooth extraction tomorrow
  • replies: 19

Hi I have to have an impacted wisdom tooth removed tomorrow. In a way I am hoping it is a good thing as I am in a lot of pain in the ear, throat and jaw region and the dentist thinks this tooth is the problem. It is half impacted and the OPG shows it... View more

Hi I have to have an impacted wisdom tooth removed tomorrow. In a way I am hoping it is a good thing as I am in a lot of pain in the ear, throat and jaw region and the dentist thinks this tooth is the problem. It is half impacted and the OPG shows it is growing into my jaw! I am very scared. The dentist has already warned me that she may not be able to get it out. In which case I will have to go to hospital and have it out under general. I am also scared as even if she can get it out what if my symptoms remain? As per my other posts I have been suffering a lot of pain in the last few months and no doctor/chiro/physio can figure it out. I am feeling very down and very disillusioned with everything! Thanks for reading .

JodyB Boyfriend broke up with me because of his mental health
  • replies: 13

My boyfriend of 6 months suddenly ended our relationship nearly 2 weeks ago. He told me he wasn't in a good head space and couldn't be in a relationship right now because he needs to focus on himself and his mentality. He had been telling me for a fe... View more

My boyfriend of 6 months suddenly ended our relationship nearly 2 weeks ago. He told me he wasn't in a good head space and couldn't be in a relationship right now because he needs to focus on himself and his mentality. He had been telling me for a few weeks that he wasn't feeling happy within himself and wasn't in the best frame of mind. We haven't really spoken too much since the break up. I'm hurting a lot and finding it really hard to accept. I have these thoughts that maybe he just didn't think I was good enough and didn't have feelings for me.

anon1608 I have been watching this show recently and started liking the actor/character in the show.
  • replies: 1

So recently I’ve been watching this show called “Wednesday” on Netflix if this helps. There is a girl named “Wednesday” or her actors name is “Jenna Ortega”. This all started when I finished the show for the first time and I started feeling a feeling... View more

So recently I’ve been watching this show called “Wednesday” on Netflix if this helps. There is a girl named “Wednesday” or her actors name is “Jenna Ortega”. This all started when I finished the show for the first time and I started feeling a feeling of emptiness or sorrow. This wasn’t caused by me being bored prior to finishing the show and wanted to see more, but I feel as this was caused by my obsession with Jenna Ortega. Due to this I usually think about possibilities of us being a couple or what it would be like to date her. I also think about if I would be good enough for her and the chances of us being together. I don’t know if the issue comes with how much I am obsessed with her, or if its the slim probability of us being a couple. I have also started watching the show a second time to distract myself and it seems to work but I only feel at ease during and shortly after the episode I watch. I don’t know why I like her so much but I do, whether its her beautiful face or her funny personality. I also noticed when i listen to certain songs like “space song” because it was in the show, “just the way you are” or especially “locked out of heaven” I think of her. The song “locked out of heaven” seems to remind me about her as I feel “locked” away from happiness as a result of her being in love with me let alone even knowing I exist. I just have a massive obsession or crush on her that I need help to either deal wth it or something else. I just know its eventually going to affect my life, especially as I have school holidays in a few days and she will probably be stuck in my mind no matter what I do. Thanks P.S I was about to tear up while writing this — describing how serious this situation is

zeppey Me
  • replies: 2

Hi, I’m new, I’ve had anxiety since I was 10, am now 50 and currently having a bit of a relapse of anxiety. I tend to overthink my anxiety and right now I’m scared of driving to work in the morning because I ‘may’ have a panic attack. I take a lot of... View more

Hi, I’m new, I’ve had anxiety since I was 10, am now 50 and currently having a bit of a relapse of anxiety. I tend to overthink my anxiety and right now I’m scared of driving to work in the morning because I ‘may’ have a panic attack. I take a lot of medication for anxiety however I do realise that when it comes down to it , it is my thought processes that cause the anxiety and also that can beat the anxiety. I’m just tired of being anxious all the time-have honestly had enough of this anxiety crap, but don’t know how to fix itthanks, Mick

JaySee2135 Anxiety over false accusations
  • replies: 2

Hi all,I've been living with anxiety. One form it's taken over the last few years is a kind of brooding, ruminating thought process, in which I fear that someone (known to me or a stranger) will falsely accuse me of a criminal act (sexual harassment ... View more

Hi all,I've been living with anxiety. One form it's taken over the last few years is a kind of brooding, ruminating thought process, in which I fear that someone (known to me or a stranger) will falsely accuse me of a criminal act (sexual harassment or violence against them), in order to express anger and/or profit from compensation. The fear is general and doesn't concern a specific person, location, etc. It's just a generalised fear of being victim of a false allegation.I've done many bad things; I'm hardly a saint. I have made off-colour jokes that offended people, said hurtful things, broken promises and failed people when they needed me. I feel regret and tried to apologise and make amends when I could. I have maintained most of my friendships, but I also lost a few regrettably.As far as I'm aware, I have never committed any act of sexual harassment or violence, or any kind of physical abuse, either threatened or acted upon. I was only subject to occasional low level of abuse (spanking) from my father as a child, and have been physically threatened only twice in my life, by someone I shared a house with. (I never reacted in any untoward way, but simply fled the situation.)I'm not sure of the origins of these fears, but I worry I might have some kind of neurological condition. I had a phone conversation with a close family member. I was in a state of high anxiety and anger during the call, and unfortunately, I said some very unkind and hurtful things which I now deeply regret. During the conversation, she said that I was not in a healthy state of mind, and said that I need help and probably should see a psychiatrist and may need to be medicated.I don't know how serious she was, but her concerns may well be justified. I've saw a psychologist regularly for years and she helped me a lot with my anxiety. The last year I stopped seeing her, because I was feeling much healthier and didn't feel the need, and she expressed a similar thought. But now, after that conversation with my family member, I'm strongly considering resuming my appointments with the psychologist and/or seeing a psychiatrist (or maybe both).Thank you for reading and sorry for the long-winded message. It helps a lot just putting my thoughts into words.Love and peace to all

JEF15 Anxiety and reflux
  • replies: 7

Hello I've suffered anxiety for most of my adult life. It's been a mix of OCD, anxiety and panic attacks. In the past year I'v developed chronic reflux, which some have said could be linked to my ongoing stress and anxiety. Do others also also experi... View more

Hello I've suffered anxiety for most of my adult life. It's been a mix of OCD, anxiety and panic attacks. In the past year I'v developed chronic reflux, which some have said could be linked to my ongoing stress and anxiety. Do others also also experience this?