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No purpose in life

Community Member

i’m 18 years old. i have no friends. my family acts like they can’t stand me. i’ve graduated high school and struggling to find a job due do my anxiety (not that i want one anyway). i rarely get out of bed unless i have to. i do nothing all day and i genuinely have no direction in life. i feel like collapsing when i see any type of friendships online. i miss having a friend group and i feel like i’m missing out on everything, like life is passing me by. i’m mourning a life that doesn’t exist. i wish i was never born. how is that fair? why do i have to deal with such suffocating thoughts and feelings when i don’t even want to be alive. i’m full of hatred and anger about my past. i’ll never get over it. what’s the point of continuing?

1 Reply 1


Hi Guest_64694817


Welcome to the forums and thank you for your bravery and openness in sharing here. We can hear how difficult things have been recently, we’re so sorry that’s been going on. 


We’re reaching out to you privately to make sure you’re ok.   If you want to reach out to our counsellors to talk this through, we’re on 1300 22 4636, and you can reach us online here. There are also our friends over at the Suicide Call Back service on 1300 659 467, or Lifeline on 13 11 14.  


It can be so hard not to compare ourselves to what we see online and feel like we are not measuring up. It is something a lot of us can relate to. Is there something that helps you get through the days at the moment? Even something small, like going for a short walk or listening to some music. 


Is there someone in your life that you feel comfortable opening up to about what you are feeling? It is a lot for someone to be carrying all by themselves. If you have a GP, it sounds like it would be a really good time to update them on how you’re going.  If you’re feeling suicidal or are having thoughts about harming yourself, it's important that you take immediate steps to keep safe, and you need to call 000 (triple zero).   


We hope that you find our forums to be a safe and supportive space to talk through your thoughts and feelings. Our community is here for you, and we’re sure they’ll spot your post soon enough and have some kind words and understanding for you.   


Kind regards,   

Sophie M