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Is it even possible to get a job with anxiety.

Community Member

I'm 17 and I live with severe anxiety disorder.

And I had never had a job and I don't think I'm capable to get myself a job because I feel like I don't function like a normal human being but just someone that is always nervous all the time. I can never make eye contact with people, my hands get shaky when I try to do a physical task, I sweat easily from tasks that I should have no problem with.

And personally, the biggest problem for me is my memory. I used to be someone would be the best at memorizing things. Now..it's just humiliating to talk about it. Can't spell basic words, can't remember simple tasks to do or what someone had said to me, I have trouble trying to say a sentence and stutter alot.

One of my family members tried to take me on as an apprentice for their business and they were quick to give me up after I kept making so many mistakes.

I just don't see how anyone would hire someone like me and honestly I wouldn't either if I was someone else.

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Artistlover ☺

You poor thing that'd be awful to experience.

I do though have some good news and that is I actually was just reading around here today as well that in many cases anxiety can be controlled.

I'm wondering how you feel about or you may already see or have anyone professionally that can help in counselling you with coping mechanisms.

Also in the section of health professionals and treatments theres an easy to understand short video in ASK DR KIM (or could do a search for her) its on pg 15. 6th post down its The 6 pillars of self esteem and is a logical fresh way of seeing things that you might find helpful.

If you're interested there's quite a lot of threads around here regarding anxiety that could help too, sometimes depending on volume etc posts can take a while to land.

Couple of questions entirely your call if you want to answer ☺

Are you shy?

Have you felt this way for long?

This is only my opinion but personally I think it'd be better for your MH to get help with this before attempting work again. I feel it could add to your feelings of insecurity only at this stage. When you're on top of it then a different story.

These are difficult yrs the teens and I'm hoping you'll understand with good help and internal effort most emotional grief we experience can be controlled in time.

Do you have a good relationship with your parents and do you have some nice friends.

Anytime you feel youd like to talk please dont hesitate

If for any reason Im not here I do get back ☺

You're not alone

Community Member

Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear about your issues, it really does sound hard for you at the moment.

I just wanted to say that even though you may not see others suffer from anxiety in the public, a lot of us do and you aren't alone. Just because some may suffer it differently than you do, doesn't mean they won't understand.

Do you feel like when you do physical tasks that you need to rush it and do it quickly? If so, maybe try slowly doing it and start to think in the moment about how you are performing the tasks. I don't know about you, but what makes my anxiety worse is when I start to think about things unrelated to what I am doing and maybe that's what's happening in your head at the moment?

What do you like to do? What would you like your job to be if you could choose anything?

I too also felt like I could never get a job or progress through life when I was really bad. But there were days where I started to get really fed up with how I was feeling and slowly, I worked my way to applying for jobs. My very first job was no good for me. I worked in a fast food restaurant and after about 2 shifts, I started to feel sick and started having anxiety panic attacks. I felt like I could never learn how to make the food and being in a fast paced, hot kitchen, it just didn't agree with me.

You are allowed to make mistakes. That is the best and most effective way of learning. It is much easier for me to say this than it is for you to believe it, trust me, but it is the truth.

If you found something you really enjoy, I think that could help you out a lot.

I really wish you all the best and don't hesitate to reach out more here and other places for support.

Take care 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Artistlover,

I'm sorry to hear your experience has been so rough. I can relate to the not being able to function part. I found anxiety slowly tried to isolate me from society - to a point where I couldn't leave the house. Good news is in my experience it can get A LOT better. You are not doomed even though it may feel that way.

I found learning to relax my self when I was anxious, bringing my mind to the present moment, focusing on my bodily sensations took my mind away from all of the worrying about the past and the future. Once I had done this I tried to practice it in ever increasingly stressful situations.

Another thing is I started meditating everyday (some times 3 times a day). This has been incredible for my anxiety and overall well-being as I can get to a place of complete serenity. This has carried over to other areas of my life and I no longer feel fearful that i'm going to make mistakes (and i make less) and I don't fear the judgement of others anywhere near as much.

The mind is an extremely powerful thing, however I believe we can change our thinking patterns, I just need to keep trying new things to see if they work.

I wish you all the best!