Young people

A space for people aged 12-25 to discuss life. If you’re over 25, please be mindful that this is a space for younger people to connect.


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romantic_thi3f Eeep! When study is overwhelming! - Tips, ideas and coping strategies
  • replies: 51

Hi! Just thought I’d make a post with some tips for study. I know this is something we can all struggle with. These are all suggestions so feel free to take them or leave them! Hope they help! If you only remember one thing, let it be this: You are i... View more

Hi! Just thought I’d make a post with some tips for study. I know this is something we can all struggle with. These are all suggestions so feel free to take them or leave them! Hope they help! If you only remember one thing, let it be this: You are important. Your grades don’t define you. (support) Studying can feel isolating but know you’re not alone! Reach out – and find or make friends that can support you along the way. If you’re having trouble finding some friends, join some local communities or clubs! They have lots at Uni’s and even stuff like open days are great ways to meet new people and find out what’s happening. Study groups can also be a great way to meet people and stay motivated. Also remind yourself why you’re doing this; inspirational wallpapers or quotes can be super inspiring. Remember the saying about the oxygen mask? If you can’t take care of yourself first studying will be harder. You are important. You know the drill - water, food, exercise, sleep. Try to stay calm. Stuff that might be able to help include mindfulness, breathing exercises, colouring in, going for walks, journaling, listening to music… If you’re struggling – reach out. See a therapist. Talk to your student counsellor. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. Also lots of Universities and TAFE offer disability services – which includes conditions like Depression and Anxiety. (study) Find the right study space for you. Maybe that’s in your room, or a coffee shop, or the library. Some people find that noise helps; other people not so much. If you like particular kinds of noise, you can find ‘coffee shop’ noise or ‘rain sounds’ to help concentrate. Make a plan. It helps to do it often so it becomes a habit. Anytime you get a due date, write it down. Maybe you could use a diary, planner, bullet journal or an app. I find the 30/30 App helpful - study for a bit and then break for a bit. You can also get add-on’s for your computer to block sites like Facebook if you find them too distracting. Find out what study technique works for you. Do you like cue cards? Mind maps? Colour coding? Does highlighting stuff help you remember? Charts, maps, diagrams? Recorded lectures? Goals! These are so important – not just writing down deadlines but rewarding yourself for meeting them. Even making smaller goals like ‘read two pages from a textbook’ can help. Break it down into bite size pieces, and don’t forget to reward yourself after!

Sophie_M NEW TO THIS FORUM? Please read this first
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The Young People space is a sub-forum within the wider Beyond Blue forum community. 1. Its purpose is to provide members aged 25 and under a space to discuss anxiety, depression and other related life issues. If you are aged over 25, please be mindfu... View more

The Young People space is a sub-forum within the wider Beyond Blue forum community. 1. Its purpose is to provide members aged 25 and under a space to discuss anxiety, depression and other related life issues. If you are aged over 25, please be mindful that this forum is a space for younger people to connect and provide peer support for each other. 2. Content from this sub-forum is displayed on both the beyondblue and youthbeyondblue websites. 3. Please bear in mind that some members find content relating to suicide and/or self-harm distressing or triggering. If you would like to post on these topics, please do so in our Suicidal Thoughts and Self Harm section. Please see also our guidelines for making posts on this topic. Posts made here in the Young People sub-forum containing content relating to suicide and/or self-harm will be moved. 4. These forums are moderated, so your posts may not appear straightaway. Information on how our system works can be found here. Being familiar with our community rules can help ensure that your posts appear online as quickly as possible. 5. This is a peer support community, and to get the best out of being here we recommend that you 'give support to receive support'. More on how that works here.

All discussions

cait1205 Scared about the future
  • replies: 4

Hi my name is Caitlin, I am 15. I am getting to the stage where I have to start making big life choices such as subjects. It would be fair to say that I am gifted so the door is open to just about everything except sports. I want to be a stand up com... View more

Hi my name is Caitlin, I am 15. I am getting to the stage where I have to start making big life choices such as subjects. It would be fair to say that I am gifted so the door is open to just about everything except sports. I want to be a stand up comedian and I really don’t know what to do. Any advice from older kids would be greatly appreciated

Elsie878 Feeling stuck
  • replies: 1

Upon leaving college I had a career plan that was then taken away when the courses of interest were no longer offered in my state. This and a desire for independence pushed me into customer service/ hospitality to work. I moved out with my partner of... View more

Upon leaving college I had a career plan that was then taken away when the courses of interest were no longer offered in my state. This and a desire for independence pushed me into customer service/ hospitality to work. I moved out with my partner of the time but then we were not compatible and I moved back home. A lot happened, I worked, purchased a car, dabbled in finding a relationship, spent a lot of time with my friends and decided to return to study something else at university. I found a partner and overall we have a healthy and thriving relationship. The course I progressed into I either had to study online or drive for 3 hours to the campus it was offered on. I did a bit of both initially. Now with Covid I can only study online. I began to resent my job more and more, the fast paced customer service, the rude customers, working weekends, early mornings, changing rosters, not spending time with those in 9-5 jobs and simply I am bored and need to move on. I began applying for work else where, however ideally I would like part time work and this is a rarity, I am under qualified, I have had multiple rejections and now with Covid there just aren't the jobs out there. I moved into a share house with my partner and I have found it difficult to adjust, whilst it is generally a good household, it has increased social anxiety and I find it difficult not having a space to call my own. I can't afford rent alone though. I joined a mat pilates class but with Covid the times changed and I could no longer attend, I can't afford or can't attend other places and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to even just force myself to go for a walk. I increasingly feel like a strain on my partner, I feel like I ask for alot of his time, I am insecure and whilst he is successfully working full time, I am not. He is generally very supportive but obviously he can't fix my problems for me. A close family member also became unwell this year and this has been difficult to process, particularly with the world at the moment. At my age I long for holidays, friends, to buy a house and have a baby, sadly none of these are an option to me at the moment. I feel so stuck.

thesebiscuits I feel terrible that I lied to my family about my university results for 4 months
  • replies: 2

I enrolled in university at the start of this year, but when I got to around the fourth week of university, I stopped doing work and failed all my subjects. My parents offered to pay my university fees, but I just wasted that money by not only being ... View more

I enrolled in university at the start of this year, but when I got to around the fourth week of university, I stopped doing work and failed all my subjects. My parents offered to pay my university fees, but I just wasted that money by not only being lazy but lying to them for a prolonged amount of time. I just came clean that I had not done any work before righting this, and am feeling really terrible. I thought I would create this thread for people to safely talk about being distrustful and hurtful the those that you love, and get anything off your chest, because lying everyday really does take a toll on a persons wellbeing, and this can be a great space to take the first step in feeling better and leaving these issues behind

Br0wny Lost
  • replies: 2

Hey guys, Been a tough last 12 months in my life from being a happy loving adventurous fun person to, barley leaving the house and always putting stuff off, i’ve lost most friends because of a situation that didn’t happen (ex best mate brainwashed a ... View more

Hey guys, Been a tough last 12 months in my life from being a happy loving adventurous fun person to, barley leaving the house and always putting stuff off, i’ve lost most friends because of a situation that didn’t happen (ex best mate brainwashed a large amount of people that something happened between us which didn’t.) My girlfriend of over 3 years split up with me over her mental health which is understandable. That’s only a small part of what’s happened and i’m lost i don’t know what to do with myself anymore, I never get time to think to myself since i work full time and choose to work saturdays to get some extra coin. Any advice would be helpful Thankyou (hopefully it makes a bit of sense what i’ve said)

Parshvi I feel useless and alone
  • replies: 3

Hey there, I am an international student and I live with my aunt (and two cousins). I moved to Australia two years ago and since last year, I started seeing myself consumed with anxiety and felt like there was no one with/for me. I was very close to ... View more

Hey there, I am an international student and I live with my aunt (and two cousins). I moved to Australia two years ago and since last year, I started seeing myself consumed with anxiety and felt like there was no one with/for me. I was very close to my mother and moving away from her was a big deal for me, but I never showed it to anymore because I didn't wanna look weak. Then gradually, I felt like I had no one. One of my cousins (older one) drifted away and in a couple of weeks, we were complete strangers. My other cousin (younger than me) started judging me and making mean comments on literally everything I say or do. She'd be like "eww... why do you like that song?" or "that looks ugly; maybe because you don't know anything about fashion." Comments got worse and worse and she kept on making me feel bad about myself. She criticizes me 24*7, she keeps on referring me as "people" instead of a family member, she stops talking whenever I pass by, she doesn't tell me anything and whenever I try to help her, she just says "you don't know how this works!" and leaves. But, I just can't tell anyone. Now, after almost 2 years of her taunting, I feel so insecure of myself that I can't even talk to her. I cry almost every night because I feel like no one would care if I die. Everything is worse than it looks because all everyone else see is smiles; but they are so busy laughing that they can't even see my tears. I feel alone because I have no one to talk to. No one would believe me if I said that this is happening to me because, apparently, she (my cousin) is an angel. I am not sure if this makes sense, but I tried to put it out. And I know this doesn't feel like a big deal... I know there are worse situations than mine, but I felt like I wanted at least someone to know. Please suggest me something. I can't live like this... Thanks.

Gemima2007 Have no idea what is going on....
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone, this is my first time on this platform. I am quite new to all this. I have been dealing with anxiety since I was in yr 5 i never really knew what was going on. I used to get panic attacs. but for quite some time now i have been having su... View more

Hi everyone, this is my first time on this platform. I am quite new to all this. I have been dealing with anxiety since I was in yr 5 i never really knew what was going on. I used to get panic attacs. but for quite some time now i have been having suicidle thoughts. It has been going on for a wile now and i haven't told anyone about it. It started to get worse and worse so i finally got the nerve to tell my parents about it. I don't know what to do i'm really scared and feel unsafe in my own head.

__Red__ Family Conflict
  • replies: 4

I didn't know where to post this so I think I should put it here. My mum is scaring me. She yells at me all the time and I can't deal with it. She says she's trying to help but only makes it worse. I can't tolerate being in this house anymore yet I'm... View more

I didn't know where to post this so I think I should put it here. My mum is scaring me. She yells at me all the time and I can't deal with it. She says she's trying to help but only makes it worse. I can't tolerate being in this house anymore yet I'm too scared to go anywhere else. I really need help. She just makes me so sad all the time and freaks me out. And then my dad and sister are both fed up with me and my problems. I don't want to be here and they don't want me to either. Though I can't go anywhere else. If anyone has any advice, that would help a lot.

wiwolf How can I move on?
  • replies: 3

I'll try and keep this as to the point, from what is a really long story. Some context: I've dealt severely with mental health, including suicide attempts and have had diagnosis like BPD and Bipolar tossed around... After 2 years of incredibly close ... View more

I'll try and keep this as to the point, from what is a really long story. Some context: I've dealt severely with mental health, including suicide attempts and have had diagnosis like BPD and Bipolar tossed around... After 2 years of incredibly close friendship, my friend got into a relationship. I unfortunately realised I was in love with them. I shared this, she said she didn't feel the same. And that began a heavy downward spiral for me. Fast forward to now, it's been a year since. We haven't spoken for 4 months and I moved from New Zealand to try a fresh start here. I've been having so much trouble moving on; I keep fantasising every day, many times about running into her in some way. So many little things just make me sad because they remind me of her. And I just cannot stop my mind from going over things. I don't know what to do.

SapereAude Home Schooling During Covid-19
  • replies: 1

Hi, For those of you who have had to homeschool, are you able to share with us your experience please? What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it? What do you feel works well for you? What do you feel doesn't work so well? Please share y... View more

Hi, For those of you who have had to homeschool, are you able to share with us your experience please? What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it? What do you feel works well for you? What do you feel doesn't work so well? Please share your thoughts if possible to help other students improve their homeschooling and their parents/teachers too. Thanks and take care

hellootheree kinda hating myself to be honest
  • replies: 2

hi, I've been struggling a bit with confidence and self esteem and was wondering if anyone had any advice? I have always been kind of shy, but it's never really been about how I feel about myself. It's always because I'm worried about what people wou... View more

hi, I've been struggling a bit with confidence and self esteem and was wondering if anyone had any advice? I have always been kind of shy, but it's never really been about how I feel about myself. It's always because I'm worried about what people would think of me. but the way I've looked hasnt really mattered to me until now. I kind of hate myself at the moment. I'm chubby, quite tall, my personality kinda sucks and I'm quite ugly. it makes me feel like I'm not worth anything at times and it really makes me upset often. I'm also really bad at socialising which makes the situation even worse woo hoo. I've been diagnosed with social anxiety, adding on to the fact that I'm a shy introvert. So making friends isn't really my strong point. Everytime i walk around school I feel like everyone is staring and judging and that I'm doing the wrong thing? i kind of don't know how to end this, sorry for my really bad grammar but what I'm trying to say is, does anyone have any advice on how to become more sociable and confident in myself?