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Suffering from bipolar

Community Member

Hey guys,

I haven't posted on this online community forum for many years but I'm back because I'm really asking for some guidance. I have bipolar and have been on and off medication and recently kicked the medication as it was ruining my motivation and making me feel ill. I have a daily struggle to regulate my moods and often find myself just hating everything I do, I have socially withdrawn from my friends, I have a constant struggle with drug use and whatever job I do I end up absolutely hating and just wanting to change and switch up 24/7 (Manic self just cannot stick to one thing).

I have been hospitalised twice since the start of 2019 and my mental health is ruining my relationship, my job and my life. I want to be stable but I have no idea how to be. I work a full time traineeship job and I'm really trying to stick to it (as I've gone through 4-5 jobs over the past year and have dropped out of uni twice). Can someone please give me some semblance of an idea on how to run my life somewhat smoothly and maintain a structure?

Begging for help, thank you xxxx

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Dark Skies and welcome back to our forums

My heart goes out to you, but I am pleased you've found your way back here.

Going off your medication will have an effect on how you are currently feeling. Is your doctor helping you to go off the medication? If it were me I'd be going to see them.

If you haven't already seen the thread - This Bipolar Life. It can be found under the Caring for myself and others category, Staying Well forum. Alternatively search for it using the search field at the top of the page. You're not alone Dark Skies - there are many who experience what you are going through.

Also, if you haven't already seen it there is a HelpGuide for Living with Bipolar Disorder. You can find it at https://www.helpguide.org/articles/bipolar-disorder/living-with-bipolar-disorder.htm/ .

Keep reaching out Dark Skies if and when you want to.

Kind regards


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dark Skies,

I also want to welcome you to the forum again and am sorry you are struggling.

I was diagnosed with bipolar over 40 years ago , or with manic depression as it was called back then.

I can relate to much of what you have been through. I just want to share my experience even though I know we are all different and experience things differently.

I have been through relationships, jobs and studies and for many years was in denial. I tried everything from diet, alternative medicine, hypnosis, exercise, yoga, homeopathy, naturopathy etc etc. I refused to take medication for over 16 years.

Eventually I was pressured into taking medication and was luck I had few side effects. Life did not suddenly become wonderful but gradually it did become more stable.

Drop into This bipolar life if you like. Pamelar has given you helpful suggestions.

I wish you strength and hope.
