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Community Member
Hi just new to the site and not sure how forum works I have anxitey and clinical depression also had gastric sleeve surgery in 2015 I feel like i can not stand up for myself anymore and allow grown children to walk over me
12 Replies 12

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi and welcome to the forums 🙂

we are a peer based forums, meaning us users are like you, regular people (meaning not professionals mental health workers). People log in when they can and reply/post as they please. You'll see that some people have badges next to their names. I am a community champion. That means I volunteer through beyond blue on the forums and try come on here regularly. Some users are blue voice members (see link https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-involved/bluevoices). There are other badges, for more info you can over the mouse over it. Members are free to come to the forums as often or as little as they feel. Some things on the forums are not allowed. Such as naming specific medication names (we want to leave that to the professionals). For more info look at guides and rules. Please note if you need instant support on the bottom left of this page is a number to call and a live chat with a councellor/professional

On the forums you can post a new thread on a discussion or for some support for your particular situation, or you can go through other threads and contribute there also (e.g. offer support and get support). We try not encourage someone to start two many threads (or have too many threads that are still ongoing) The only reason for this is it can be confusing for users to keep track

We are a non judgemental community. I have gotten great support from beyond blue and forum users

I myself also have anxiety (GAD). I know how difficult it can be. Most days I am fine, but some days it just kicks me in the bum out of no where. I just want you to know you are not alone.

What are you hoping to get out of the forums?

Hope to hear back from you soon


Im hoping for a place to just be able to vent and have likeminded people who get it some days im strong and get through this crazy world feeling like I mean something and my existence makes a difference and other days it's like why do I bother getting up

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi again Mytoture. Glad you have come back and replied so soon 🙂

This sounds like the right place for you 🙂

Most of the forum users here are in the same battle/boat (I've forgotten the expression! oops). I know I am.

It sounds like you are going through a rough patch at the moment. I am all hears (or eyes should I say as I am reading). I am a like person as I also have GAD, depression and some ADD in there too. I understand what it's like to have a day where you have to 'just get through the day'. I just remind myself that it will get better and it does. I have some great days too. It's hard when depression just reminds you of all the bad and ignores the good.

Anyways please feel free to vent. I think it will be good for you to get it out 🙂

Thank you I just get overwhelmed some days and my job is a stressful one im manager of a disability house with a client who has anxity and depression and also epilepsy physcosis as well as physical disability and some days it's like how do I help her if im not coping with my own life then there are the kids who have kids (so my grandkids) then I have still have a teenager who is at home I wear so many different hats and too often forget the one that allows me to be just me not boss mum Nan or wife husband and I have been married 30 yrs this year and he is an acholic but high functioning one holds a full time job and is awesome until he has a couple of drinks then he argues about everything it hard trying to be strong when I just want to sit in a corner and rock back and forth some days

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I would also feel overwhelmed as well, I think anyone would. You are juggling a lot in your life. It also sounds like you are trying to be there for everyone else, yet you feel alone in this situation. Have you ever talked to anyone about this? How you feel like you are juggling so much. I talk to my family as well as my psychologist about this. Yes some days I can cope with it all, but some days my jug is already full and it just overflows. Have you ever seen a psychologist? Would you be open to seeing one? I myself work in nutrition, and when I was struggling with my eating I didn't want to see a dietitian because I thought I should be able to deal with it alone. But I struggled, as I couldn't be impartial and fully analytical to myself. I know you work in mental health (at least to some degree) and for mental health workers they feel they should be able to deal with it alone, but it is not the case. It is like a doctor saying, 'i have a killer headache, but I'm a doctor so I don't need pain relief'.

If possible maybe see if you can discuss how you feel to someone. Could be your husband, your friends, family or a professional. Sometimes just talking about it with someone can help. Also when I feel overwhelmed I make sure I keep up with self care. I will take 10-20 minutes to meditate or do yoga. (Note free apples to do this with is nike training app and spofity have some guided meditation, I used this today). It helps me not over think and helps calm me down and reduces my heart rate. Maybe this could be helpful

I have booked an appointment with my Dr to get a health plan to see someone I think I'm going down into the dark hole of depression and I don't and can't do it

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I am glad you have booked to see a GP for a mental health plan. This will get the ball rolling into feeling better in yourself. A lot of people it a point where they think it is rock bottom. I couldn't wish that feeling on anyone. When I went through it I just wanted it to be over, I wanted the torture in my head to go away. As much as it sucked to be there, I am glad I did get their because it forced me to get help. I would have kept struggling alone if I didn't get to that point.

How did the appointment go?

I go today at 12pm hoping it goes well

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Good on you Mytoture

I have been in a similar boat to yourself, and have worked in a variety of areas in the disability industry. I have not been a manager but in other areas I have. Like you I have lots on my plate as I am now involved in three medical research projects as a patient representative.

I also feel that what may be happening to you, is something that every worker in the health industry is in danger of if they are not careful. There's already alot in the news about how paramedics and police are in danger of PTSD. So you are doing the right thing in taking the first step to getting a mental health plan.

Keep us posted on how your appointment goes today.

Meanwhile the LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF link below is also worth checking out. More resources under PERSONAL BEST tab above as well.
