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Hi there... I'm new to this

Community Member

Hi everyone

I decided to join this forum because I have been struggling with mental health issues for quite some time.

I don't know why, but I find it really hard to ask for help. This is probably why I haven't sought professional help. Every time I make an appointment with my GP, I cancel it at the last minute. I think I feel like I should be able to fix my own problems or that other people's mental health issues are much worse than mine and that a doctor wouldn't believe me. I find it really hard to articulate and communicate what my issues are, so I wouldn't know what to say if I saw a doctor.

Things haven't been great lately and I have been very stressed. I'm not coping well emotionally and it is taking a toll on my personal relationships. I am worried that I might lose my job because I haven't been performing lately because I have a lot on my mind.

I'm hoping that I can use this as a first step. Maybe I can find some resources. Or maybe I can get better at opening up.

All I know is that I want to change and I want to feel better.

Thank you for listening.

4 Replies 4

Community Member


thanks for sharing and welcome.

Im recently new to this also Nd in the short time I have found it immensely helpful.

there are other very helpful people in this site that have been around for a while who will hopefully soon say hello and provide you with a lot of insight into how to maximise your time on here.

I can relate to your situation and think it’s terrific that you have reached out. I too have felt that I’m alienating myself from family and friends because of what I’m going through. Same in the job front,

your not alone, has something happened in your life that has brought this on?

Something I have found a lot of comfort in is hearing others stories.. it really is quite powerful.. if love to hear yours


Hi Billyc

Thank you for replying to my post. Even though it seems like a small action, your reply was really welcoming and appreciated.

While its not great to hear that you have struggles too, I do take some comfort in knowing that I am not alone in feeling like this.

Something has changed at home recently, but I feel so silly that it is affecting me this deeply.. which is why I find it quite difficult to talk about. I feel like most people would be able to cope with what I am going through and therefore would find it difficult to understand why I am having a hard time. Rationally, I'm sure this isn't the case at all, but this is what my brain keeps telling me...

Thank you for your comments. I will continue to read other people's stories and try my best to offer support as well.

If you have any other tools or resources you find helpful, feel free to share.



As far as a GP is concerned, it’s a good starting point. I can understand your reluctance but jumping on here shows you have recognised that you are going through a difficult time. I actually called the beyond blue line this morning as it’s been a rough weekend. I found that very helpful.

Have you stepped into any other threads?

There’s a couple with some great supporters in their and there’s some wholesome wisdom being shared.

Some of the longer standing members will show up and give you some great advice on resources available.

and as for your personal matters that have caused you some grief, happy to listen if you want to share, and there won’t be any judging if you choose to share,

Hope this helps,

Community Member


Welcome to BB. You say you have been dealing with mh issues for quite some time. This is very difficult to do without good support. It would be worth persevering with finding a good GP. Sometimes it is difficult opening up to a new person so it might be worth writing down what is bothering you and take it to your appointment. That way you can say everything you need to and get the help you need.

Hope this helps. All the best
