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Independent medical exam

Community Member

I had an independent medical exam. I am beating myself up because I couldn’t remember things to say. I could not say what treatment I was getting from my psychologist i was just overwhelmed. I felt there was no empathy on the other end and felt prejudged. About 10 years ago I was assaulted after work in restaurant I was king hit in front of my partner and then he went at me to attack me after I pushed him away. The person who assaulted me was from the place I worked at but not employee but was 17. I had done nothing to provoke this attack. I charged him and went to court and took an avo against him. my work place didn’t give me support. Sent me home so this person could come to work and receive an award at assembly. I was humiliated. After this I was bullied by a co-worker about the assaults and I put in a complaint in writing to the manager. I had evidence of the bullying but it was minimised. I have severe anxiety from this lots of anger and have nightmares, ptsd and suicidal thoughts. My career has been destroyed over last 10 years and only 3 years ago the person who assaulted me was employed at my workplace and temporary engagement in education. I was humiliated and spoke up about a few things, bullying etc but management bullied me further where I had to take leave. I am struggling all the time and the independent medical examiner has no idea of the stuff I have been through. I have so many bad thoughts running through my head and i constantly overthink about the assaults and bullying that I have endured. I am so sacred about what will happen.

2 Replies 2

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


I thank you for explaining your situation so well. I have endured many similarities and can honestly reply to you that what you have gone through is the bad side of life itself, furthermore, you seem to be the type that can unfortunately, attract such injustices, let me explain.


Some personalities are sensitive, vulnerable, possess less than ideal expression, appear weak physically to other men, have the wrong coloured hair!! and many other features that for what ever reason make them a target. Then to add insult to injury, the authorities tend to see your complaints as "trouble making" when they should (in an ideal world) see them as just and unacceptable. For people like you and I that means we have to find ways to survive in the workplace and society. This is self protection and its sad that we are at the receiving end rather than praised and supported. 


I had therapy for 12 months on this topic alone. I issued council fines on a local politician and upset my bosses. They ordered me not to issue any further fines. I refused the order on principle that unemployed and pensioners had to pay them. Eventually I got a panic attack and my doctor refused to allow me back at work. 12 months later I found another profession. That all was unjust. Yet I learned many things about why I didnt survive in that job. Eg


  • That other people dont have the same values and I should expect them to
  • That I cant save the world
  • That people have shades of grey in their makeup not black and white so I had to become more tolerant and flexible
  • That the world is full of fence sitters and employers prefer them

Thats just a taste of my being reprogrammed so I could survive. Your examiner at your medical might have been a poor communicator? Had a bad day? You might not have said "I honestly cant remember I'm sorry". Try not to hide the truth, its ok to be forgetful.



Community Member

Hi there, 

Don't be scared my friend. Get over one bad experience by finding an alternative substitute that keeps you functional and positive. Sometimes it is easier to flight rather than fight..and don't look back as what happened..