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Hesitant to begin medication

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm looking for some advice after being prescribed anti-depressants as a mood stabilizer for my GAD and panic disorder. I'm a bit hesitant to begin taking them as I have heard a mixed bag of stories about different peoples experiences with these drugs. My GP has decided he would like to start me on antidepressants as the benzodiazepines I was taking we're only meant to be a short term solution.

I understand different people have different experiences and tolerances to these drugs, but I'm feeling really uneasy about making a decision- adding to my anxiety. Pretty counterproductive hey?

One of my biggest concerns is weight gain as previously I have had issues with eating disorders and don't want any of those issues resurfacing.

Any advice or words of wisdom would be so appreciated!


3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi b&w welcome

I have some threads relevant to your questions

Please google

Topic: medication is a whirlpool- beyondblue

Topic: success!!! 53 years of hell now 5 years of contentment- beyondblue

Topic: are you after a miracle cure?- beyondblue

Topic: anxiety, how I eliminated it- beyondblue

Topic: the balance of your life- beyondblue

Topic: seeking the origins of anxiety- beyondblue

There are thousands more hete on this site.

As for weight gain, yes it might happen which means a better diet and a little consistent exercise is wise. But its better than not taking your meds.

Regards Tony WK

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi blackandwhite, nice to meet you. I understand your concerns about starting on medication, it's a big step. I have been on antidepressants for about 16 years (now also on a mood stabiliser for bipolar). So there's a few things I'd like to mention.

Firstly, the weight gain. I think if you are conscious that the drugs can increase appetite, and you monitor your food and exercise carefully, you will not necessarily gain weight. The drugs themselves don't put the weight on, our increased food intake does.

Most people do find ADs effective. However, be prepared for the fact that it sometimes takes a while for them to work, and sometimes the first AD isn't the right one for you. You and your doctor might need to try more than one before you find the right one. But once you do, you really will feel the benefit.

Also, keep in mind that medication doesn't have to be forever. You might only need to take them for a period of time to settle your condition and then come off them. Also keep in mind that medication is only part of the treatment options. Talking therapy with a good psychologist also helps many people - if you haven't already, ask your doctor about a mental health plan that will allow you to see a psych at reduced fees.

Your doctor is of course right about benzos - they can become addictive and are only ever a short-term measure.

Some people do have side-effects or bad reactions to ADs, but many don't. And if you do, see your doc straight away. Don't just stop taking them without talking with your doctor.

I hope that's helpful, and very best wishes to you.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Blackandwhite, well I think Kaz has said most of the important issues here, but you have to also remember what happens with someone else may not necessarily happen with you, because everybody is completely different, in other words, an analogue, you like green while your friend hates that colour.
It would be wise to try them out yourself first, before you can rely on what someone else says or what the net tells you, hope this helps. Geoff.