Coming off Anti-Depressants and It's Side Effects
- replies: 4
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone is currently weaning off or has stopped taking anti-depressants and experiencing the awful side effects/withdrawals? A bit of background about me. I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder back in 2012 after a series of fai... View more
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone is currently weaning off or has stopped taking anti-depressants and experiencing the awful side effects/withdrawals? A bit of background about me. I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder back in 2012 after a series of fainting spells due to low blood pressure. Unfortunately, the fear of fainting and subsequent vomiting (in public!) caused constant panic attacks which then caused agoraphobia and depression. When I first saw a GP, they immediately put me on medication and referred me to a psych. Looking back I wished they never prescribed me anything since the psychologist was a godsend and I learnt how to successfully manage my anxiety and panic. I've been on anti-depressants now for 6 years and ready to come off. I have spoken with my GP (not the same as before) and we've discussed a plan to slowly come off, but no matter how slowly the withdrawal symptoms are horrific. Before I decided to stop, I knew the side effects would be crap, but now as I'm experiencing them, it's so easy to feel alone in this. I have an amazing support network, but they'll never know how it really feels. Is anyone else also coming off the meds? Side effects include nausea, lightheadedness, confusion, agitation, brain zaps, nightmares, dizziness and anxiety (yuck!) If you are, how are you coping? Any tips or suggestion to help get me through this? Thanks.