Good afternoon to all, another newbie making a another post. First of
all hats off to regular contributors, posters and the people who reply.
I'm the person that comes front on with the lights on so I'll just jump
straight into it, I am a survivor of...
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Good afternoon to all, another newbie making a another post. First of
all hats off to regular contributors, posters and the people who reply.
I'm the person that comes front on with the lights on so I'll just jump
straight into it, I am a survivor of sexual abuse from my teenage years,
over the 20 years I've tried to resolve my issues with this, no luck
yet. Each time I approached the "professionals" it's the same routine,
we care, we are here to help, here swallow these pills, I've tried so
many pills, my stomach can't take them anymore. Not one doctor has
offered more than a band aid solution, the two mental health services
refuse to even offer counselling, even after referrals from the Royal
Flying Doctor Service, I am further denied physical health care, I am
unlicensed and the closest bus service is 170 km away, I sit here with
mental and physical issues while others in the community are treated to
countless "angel flights" after they spend 7 months of the year driving
a 4x4 and caravan around Australia, centrelink has been just a nightmare
about things, even to the stage where their "social worker" can freely
call me a lair, I'm stuck in the queensland outback, no work due to ill
health, no treatment option because of financial and transport issues,
no mates that can help, I've gone broke trying to get my health sorted,
this year on average I've had to restrict my food to only two maybe
three meals per week, repaying cash loans for trips to the hospital, I
am participating in the national redress scheme, which has further
raised more issues, I've been promised counselling from different
organisations, but that was all it was, just a promise. After waiting
for now 27 months I might give up waiting for anyone to call me back.
Yet I have to watch the local mental heath care workers take on new
client after new client. I don't if anyone else experiencing this at
all, or maybe its just. 20 years I've tried to resolve my issues "the
right way" but all I get is pushed under the rug. "get over it" is
another good one. I'm crucified for saying harsh words to someone, but
the same people can Rob the community organisations and steal from the
people here. Maybe just me being over sensitive, not sure.