My Son is Showing Signs of Depression. Should I Tell Family My Anxiety Is Triggered?
- replies: 11
My 19yo son is showing signs of depression (lack of motivation, not showering as often). He is supposed to attend TAFE Mon and Tues, but he has to get a very early train because the campus is not in our town. Our town doesn't offer the course of stud... View more
My 19yo son is showing signs of depression (lack of motivation, not showering as often). He is supposed to attend TAFE Mon and Tues, but he has to get a very early train because the campus is not in our town. Our town doesn't offer the course of study he's doing. He enjoys the course. Our routine is I get him up and he gets ready, and I take him to the train station. This morning he said he didn't feel well and preferred to maybe catch later train (which would get thim there in time for afternoon classes). When it was time to get up for that train, he was still feeling not great. He does look a bit lethargic and off-colour today, admittedly. I suggested he set himself a goal to have a shower and brush his teeth, which might make him feel a bit better. He's not working at the moment, so it's important he continue with TAFE for 'occupation'. I'm being as supportive as i can be and pointed out if he wants to talk to anybody, the college has a counselling service if he's worried about anything. Now, here's my question: I'm thinking of having a family meetign tonight and telling everyone how this is making ME feel. I have anxiety and catastrophise. I am exhausted. I have to work and am studying. In about 8 weeks, I have to do a three-week prac in a nearby town (I'm doing a teaching degree) and it will be exhausting for me. I need support and reassurance that my son is going to attend his classes. His dad has health issues and is unable to work. I don't think my son has a memory of his dad in long term employment at all, and I wonder if this has affected him. SHOULD I TELL THEM HOW I FEEL OR WILL I LIKELY MAKE IT WORSE FOR THEM? Thank you, everyone.