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Hate this.

Community Member

Hey.. need advice. 28 (nearly 29) yo f.

Been self harming, not eating, depressed for.. damn.. 18years now.

Cant go to gp alone, boyfriend says "go ahead off self if that selfish"

Cant hospital.. ambo/cop (will get family evicted.. already happened twice lol)

Social anxiety, phone phobias, no webcams.. what.. do i.. its everyday now and no one cares?

86 Replies 86

@sophie_m the chats, lines w/e just tell me to go to gp. Which read thread.. can't.

@tranzcrybe the only thing different is no one cares.. I'm yet to get assistance from anyone. No one cares. So I.. I don't want to be here so I tend to fade out/space out and it's I don't know reality is.. life.. It's different I just, I don't know how to explain it..

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Rothman,

You care for your dad, you care for your boyfriend, but you don't care for yourself.

Don't go to the GP, take yourself there, and apply the same care for yourself as you do for others.

You deserve care as much as anyone but the sticking point is taking the first step (by yourself if you must).

The help you seek begins with you. Please do this for yourself.

Kind regards,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Rothman,

Hope you do not mind me popping in. Notice yo said that you have issues with phones, going to GP, etc. Now while I do see a psychologist periodically there are other things that I do between sessions. I have apps on my phone that I can use. I also have an online account with my local library so that I can borrow books over the Internet. I listen to podcast as well. Some of these are for fun, others for my mental health issues. Just wondering if any of these ideas would work for you?

Do you ever have a chance you put yourself first?


Community Member
Heh trying to contact online chat or txt chat at 130/2am is impossible unless I call triage or phone lines direct? I can't.. is there no online support for insomniacs?

Hey Rothman,

Thanks for posting here again. We're really sorry that you are having trouble sleeping tonight. It's great that you are seeking help and we hope you continue to do so. Phone services such as Beyond Blue Support Service and Lifeline can be contacted anytime. We understand if you are not up for a direct phone conversation sometimes. We would encourage you to stay open to it as an option because talking directly to a friendly counsellor can be quite an effective way of talking through difficult feelings.

Suicide Call Back Service offers an online service that is open 24/7 and you can access it here: https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/suicide-call-back-service-onl... With this service you can have a focused online chat with a consellor.

Our wonderful forums are another way of sharing your experience and getting the wise support and advice from others who are on their own healing journey, Please continue to post here and let us know how you are doing.

Community Member
Thanks Sophie_M. I would love to call lifeline or beyond blue numbers.. But i live with old man who eaves drops and then.. lectures me. (Harshly. Yells. Judgemental.) And boyfriend I gotta avoid.. and a tad scared of new people. It rains/im always so cold (45? 44?kg I don't eat I'm always cold why did I move to victoria lol?) So going outside to make phone calls is hard..

Community Member


II also tried online suicide call back heaps. Heaps. Heaps. Always "no counseling available"

I never sleep. I have.. boyfriend says I scream, swear, kick.. in sleep. I've woken myself up screaming swears a lot. Now.. dreams and reality are a bit hard to tell apart I dunno

Hi Rothman,

We're sorry to hear you have not had success when contacting the Suicide Call Back Service's online chat. We hope you can get through to them if and when you try them again. We can hear that it's challenging for you to talk on the phone. Is there any time during the day when you have some level of privacy to be able to do this? Not getting enough sleep is very hard and can take its toll. Perhaps you can try safe activities to keep yourself engaged when you are experiencing insomnia (e.g. having a hot cup of decaf tea, doodling, watching something on Netflix etc.) These are only suggestions and there might be other things you could try or have been trying.

We hope you can get some rest soon and please do let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it.

Community Member

I've been onm: Our counsellors are busy attending to other clients at this time. The next available counsellor will be with you shortly. With scall back services online chat for.. 5? Hours???.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Rothman,

Sorry you've had a rough night and hard time getting help.

At the same time, I admire your determination to speak out over the limitations of the system.

About your dad, this is very insensitive of him to lecture you when a little cooperation, compassion, and understanding from him would mitigate your need to seek external support services in the first place. You are caring for him and deserve some respect in return - privacy would be high on that list.

You realise you are in an emotionally abusive situation and are not confident to stand up to it. Not eating, not sleeping, and night terrors, are destructive coping strategies that require strategies to manage and overcome your self abuse and remove the abuse you are receiving.

While respect for your father is imperative, the roles have reversed and his authority over you no longer applies - he is there out of your kindness, not obligation, and is dependent on you to provide support. I would encourage you to not fear your father's attempts to control you, and make it clear where those boundaries exist. You are entitled to do as you please when and where you choose, and it is no business or consequence to your father either way.

This applies to other aspects of your life also, but perhaps for another day...

BTW, for sleeping, use lots of pillows; and try a winding down routine (read a chapter of a book, glass of warm milk, soothing fragrant oils, quiet music...) and I found writing down circling thoughts, or objectives for the next day, could help 'empty' my mind of them. Sleep is for sleeping.

Take care, Rothman, and give yourself more time.

Kind regards,
